As the two women sat at a table in the food court Hiro approached them from behind. "What's up, ladies!" He greeted them.

"What the-... What's up with your hair?" Riku asked with a disgusted look." It looks atrocious" she stated. Hiro frowned with his blue curls bouncing on his forehead. "Yeah you really don't match a perm" Haru said with a scrunched face. "They were using me as a model. Perks of being a temp." Hiro explained as his face turned red. He thought they would like it but actually got the opposite reaction.

"I really hope THAT is not permanent." Riku said emphasizing 'THAT' signaling that she really hated the hairstyle. " I like the color but looking at that hair makes me miss the silky straight hair you had." Haru stated.

Hiro felt embarrassed. "Okay, fine ladies don't worry it's not permanent." He huffed. "I'll see you guys after work" He got up and marched back to his station.

"HEY WAIT YOU DIDNT HAVE LUNCH!" Riku called out to Hiro. "Yeah, I'll just eat later so you guys don't have to look at my atrocious hair." Hiro sneered.

Riku looked at Haru and they chuckled. "He's so easy to tease. I'm not gonna lie though I hate his hairstyle too bad I'm not his stylist." Riku Blurted. "What?" Haru was confused. 'Not his stylist?' "Don't read too much into it Haru. I'm just stating that the makeup artist and stylist his group was set up with sucks." "Oooooh ..." Haru replied with her mouth in the shape of an O. After that the subject was immediately dropped.

The girls made their way back to their station and while they were passing the Lobby a chunky man wobbled over "Hey HEY!" The man shouted. "I've never seen you around here before. I'm a manager of an entertainment company" the man huffed and puffed. "How would you like to be recruited and work for us? Of course, we'll have to change your image and .." the man spoke very loudly attracting a lot of attention from people in the lobby. " We can get some work done on your face and your body." Riku shook with rage while Haru was rendered speechless not being able to get a word in.


A loud slap echoed in the lobby and everyone stopped to look at the chunky man. Riku had had enough of him and slapped him right across the face not holding back. "H- HOW DARE YOU! DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO I A-" before he could finish his sentence "FIRST I DONT GIVE A CRAP ABOUT WHO YOU ARE! SECOND HOW DARE YOU BODY SHAME MY ASSISTANT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!! SHE IS PERFECTLY FINE JUST THE WAY SHE IS! THIRD I KNOW EVERY MANAGER AND ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY ALLOWED IN HERE AND I'VE NEVER SEEN OR HEARD OF YOU! NOW GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I GET SECURITY TO SEND YOU OUT!" Riku roared.

The man lowered his head in shame while holding his cheek as people began to cheer for Riku and throw insults at the chubby man.

"Let's get out of here" Riku grabbed Haru's hand and quickly made their way through the crowd back to their work station.

A few Hours Later...

"Hey ladies." Hiro struts in with his silky straight blue hair. "I see you got rid of that hideous perm" Riku smirked.

"I told you it wasn't permanent anyway." He rolled his eyes at her. "Anyway, you guys ready?" "Yeah, we're almost done cleaning." Haru chimed in with a smile. Hiro couldn't help but blush at how cute she was. When he looked away Riku was staring at him with a mischievous smirk on her face wiggling her eyebrows. Hiro choked and cleared his throat "i- I'm gonna wait outside for you guys." He immediately rushed out of the room.

After Riku and Haru finished cleaning they closed up and met Hiro in the lobby of the building. They walked down to the parking lot and got into Hiro's car.

"Okay, let's head over to Haru's house. Everyone buckle up." And off they went.

Hiro stopped in front of Haru's apartment complex. The light in her apartment was off so she knew Kiba wasn't home. As she got out of the car Hiro quickly unbuckled himself and followed her into the building. He grabbed her hand softly. "Are you ready?" Hiro asked softly. Haru closed her eyes and sighed "yes I just want to get this done as quickly as possible." Haru grabbed her house key and opened the door before she walked in Hiro quickly grabbed her arm softly "Remember I'll be waiting out here yell if you need me." "Okay," Haru smiled and disappeared behind the door.

The house was dark so she searched the wall for a light switch and turned on the hallway light and quickly made her way into her room. As soon as she turned in a dark silhouette was waiting at the end of the hall and began making its way towards Haru.