It was a normal day like always. I did my normal routine of taking a shower, getting changed into simple clothing, and go to school. But there was this voice, a voice warning me not to go, and like the fool that I am, I didn't listen to it. I went to school anyways only to go head-on into battle.

There he stood. The school's golden boy and the future alpha of my pack, Markus Davidson, of the Saint Davidson pack. In all his glory, he stood tall as I shrunk before him.

"I Markus Davidson, reject you, Amelia Willis, as my mate and I relieve you of your duties as future Luna."

Heartache. That's all I felt. I stood there in the middle of the hall and watched him walk away with another she-wolf in his arms. I refused to let him see me cry. Let him see that he had caused so much damage to me. I walked away after that. Those haunting words have compelled me to do something that I have wanted to do for years.

I went straight home, pack my things. I quickly scribbled down a letter for mum. I heard my door open and saw it was Chris.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Leaving," I said rushing around to get some things.

"What do you mean leaving? Where are you going?" He asked me.

I zipped up my bag and passed him, going do to the car.

"Anywhere. I can't handle being here. Seeing him with another she-wolf. I won't be humiliated here." I said and threw my bag in the car.

"Where will you go? You won't survive going rouge, Amelia. Please, re-think this." He pleaded.

"I'm sorry Chris. But I can't. And my wolf agrees with my decision." I told him.

"Just, please. Be careful and don't get hurt. And please contact me frequently. When you settled, I'll come to visit you." He said.

I nodded.

"I'll contact you when I can, alright," I told him.

He nodded. He pulled me into a tight hug.

"This isn't goodbye forever, Chris. This is just a temporary goodbye." I told him.

I felt tears fall on my shirt. He nodded. I got into the car and drove out of this pack lands as fast as possible before anyone noticed. I zoomed out of the forest and onto the main road. I was officially rouge. I severed all ties with my pack.

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I drove for about an hour and came up to a pack that my bestie is in. I knocked on her door and she opened it.


She was still the same.

"Cora." I cried out and ran into her arms.

"Hun, who's at the d- Amelia?" I heard miss Andrews say.

"Hi Mrs. Andrews," I said.

"What are you doing here?" Cora asked.

That's when I told her everything. I told her about my rejection of Markus and my running away. Mrs. Andrews was here as well listening to me.

"That cock head, punk! I'll kill him when I see him." Cora yelled.

"Oh, sweetie. It'll be okay. I contact the alpha tomorrow and we'll see about your stay here." Mrs. Andrews said.

"Thanks, Mrs. Andrews." I thanked.

She got up and went to go make a phone call.

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6 months later...

I've stayed at the Wild Blossom pack for 6 months now. I can still feel Markus doing things with other she-wolves but I've gotten used to it now. Cora had a beautiful baby girl, Kara and she's 5 months old. For wolves, we age a lot faster so Kara is already beginning to walk.

I'm in the garden with Mrs. Andrews and Cora and her mate Sam are playing with Kara by the tree line of the forest. Every day was peaceful. I had contacted Chris and told him I was fine, he's actually coming to see me today.

Suddenly the sirens went off.


Cora grabbed Kara and ran in the direction of the house. Wolves came pouring out of the forest and screams were heard. I morphed into my wolf and began to attack the wolves that were getting close to Cora and Mrs. Andrews. Sam morphed and was helping me.

"SAM! AMELIA! HURRY!" Cora yelled out.

I ran in the direction of the house with Sam behind me. That's when I heard him growl out in pain. I turned around and aimed for the wolf that bites his hind leg. I managed to tackle the wolf and Sam got up and ran.

Some of the warrior wolves came in to help us.

"SAM!" Cora screamed.

I turned to see he was taking on two wolves. I bite one of them in the leg and threw it off of Sam and it slammed into a tree. Sam managed to get to the house, I growled out in pain as I felt a rouge biting into my stomach. A wolf came and bit it off me.

"AMELIA!" I could hear Cora yelling my name.

I managed to get up, my stomach was healing slowly. I made my way to the house as the wolves kept them away from me. I got into the house and went straight to the safe room. When I got there, I morphed back to human form. My stomach was bleeding. Damn it. Cora came to my side and started to heal me.

"Stay with me, Amelia." I heard her say.

I could feel my stomach healing a lot faster. The sirens went off again in the safe room.


Damn it. How did they get in? Cora stopped healing me and grabbed Kara. It wasn't bleeding as much anymore but there was still a big gash wound. Cora shoved Kara to me.

"Take her. Far away!" Cora said.

Outside the door, I could hear the fighting of rouges and some of the pack wolves.

"Hurry!" Cora yelled.

"No! Come with me!" I told her.

She shook her head.

"Take care of my baby." She said before pushing out into the exit that led to the forest.

I banged on the door, but it wouldn't budge. I cried out for them but it was no use. Kara began to cry. I cradled her close to me before running off. I ran fast, deep into the forest. I could hear the fighting grow quiet as I ran far away. I kept running until I couldn't anymore.

I rested against a tree. There has to be a nearby pack around here. I wound in my stomach wasn't helping. I could feel myself slipping. And before I knew it, I saw darkness.