I gasp for air and jolt up. I looked around me and saw a white room, with wires attached to me. Visions of the attack came flooding back to me, Cora, Sam. Kara. I searched the entire room. Where is Kara? I ripped the wires off me and a loud siren went off.

I slammed the door open and saw doctors and nurses. I'm in a hospital? I walked through the hall and odd stares were directed towards me by others in white and the nurses as well. I looked in the mirror and could see my reflection. I saw all my wounds and bruises were already healed. I looked closer and saw a baby with a breathing tube out of her mouth.


I opened the door and went towards her. She was breathing. I sighed in relief. I looked at the monitors and saw her heartbeat and breathing patterns.

"Your awake."

I turned to see an old man. He looked no older than his mid-thirties. He had black hair and deep blue eyes. In a way, he had similar features as me. Although, my eyes are a mix of hazel and blue.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

He walked into the room. He wore a suit. A formal suit and I could see a few men gather in the hall who wore a suit as well. My guess is that he's a very important guy. An alpha. Back at the pack, alpha Blossom would have men in suits follow him around as well.

"I'm Alpha Blackstone." He said.

Blackstone. I'm in Blackstone territory. As in the third strongest pack under the Argos pack and the royal pack.

"I'm the one who found you at my boarders injured and with this little child in your arms." He said.

I looked to Kara. If it wasn't for him, I would have died in those woods if a rouge had found me.

"Thank you for saving me, Alpha Blackstone. But I will be taking me to leave." I told him.

"Where will you go?" He asked.

I didn't answer. He nodded understanding.

"Stay in my pack." He said.

I looked at him to see if he was kidding. But in his eyes, I saw no ounce of him joking. It was only seriousness I saw. I nodded in agreement.

"Good. Now follow me. I have a few questions to ask you." He said.

He walked out. I looked at Kara once more before leaving and walking behind him. We went back into the room I woke up in. He sat down on a chair and I sat on the bed. The guards stood outside the door and two came in guarding the door.

"Now. What's your name." He asked.

"Amelia Willis."

"What pack were you from?" He asked.

"I was born in Saint Davidson pack. But I joined Wild Blossom pack 6 months ago." I told him.

There was no point in lying to the alpha since alphas can sense when someone is lying.

"Why did you join the Wild blossom pack?" He asked

I sighed and took a deep breath.

"I was rejected by my mate," I said sadly.

He held sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry dear. I lost my mate around your age." He told me.

I didn't know what to say.

"From your scent, I can tell your mate is an alpha. So you were meant to become his alpha female." He said.

I nodded.

"I have no heir to my alpha position. And no mate to conceive a child with." He continued.

Where is he going with this?

"If you don't mind, but I have a request to make from you." He asked.

I nodded.

"I want to adopt you, and train you to become my heir."

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I stared at him. Was he serious? Is he actually serious? I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but hope. Hope that I would accept his proposal.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because when I found you in those woods, you were alive. You should have died but you didn't. I felt your will to live and I sensed your alpha potential. I have no heir to take over me. You have the alpha potential, if not, stronger than any alpha I've ever encountered." He explained.

If I can take his position, I can avenge those who had fallen at the Wild Blossom pack. I could perhaps find Kara's parents Sam and Cora. But I need to get stronger if I want to get them back. All of them. For my best friend who sacrificed herself for Kara and me.

"Okay," I said.

I looked at him.

"I'll do it." I agreed.

He smiled.

"Thank you." He thanked me.

He stood up and so did I.

"I'll arrange a council meeting for the legal adoption. After that, I'll train you to take this position." He said.

I nodded. He left. I watched him leave. I won't stop until I can find Sam and Cora and reunite Kara with them.

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A month had passed by and I was already legally Alpha Wilson Blackstone's daughter. He insisted I call him dad. It got a little weird but I got used to it. I told him he doesn't have to care for Kara and I told him my plan and why I took the position, but he didn't care either way. He said he would spoil Kara and even when or if Kara is back with her parents, he would still spoil her like his own granddaughter.

Ever since I got discharged from the hospital, I've been pushing myself to get stronger. Kara would be in the house, with the other female mothers and with the guards protecting her. I told dad it wasn't necessary but he did it anyway. I've slowly been getting stronger by the day and getting a little closer to my goal.

I met John, dad's current beta, and his son. His son Micheal and I instantly hit it off. I found out he was gay and had already found his mate, Jackson who is my delta. Those two make a great pair. They're like my older brothers. Like Chris. I've met with him a few times, and once was with my mum. She met Alpha Blackstone and they became great friends.

I'm glad my mum understood my decision in leaving and why I everything that happened to me was for a reason.

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For two years, I watched Amelia train and grow into the woman I knew she would become today. She still has that same fight in her just like that day I saw her in those woods with little Kara in her arms. I watched outside the window as she had taken down Micheal, Jackson, John, and our top trainer Vivian all at once. I heard a little giggle coming from behind me.


I turned to see little Kara running towards me with her guard, Nick behind her. She ran into my arms and I smiled at her.

"Hello, little munchkin. How was school?" I asked her.

"It was fun!" She yelled out in excitement and bounced in my arms. I laughed as she started playing with my beard.

"What do you think? Grandpa look good?" I asked her.

"Grandpa look cool!" She laughed and continued to bounce in my arms.

I set her down and let her run out. I laughed at Nick who looked very glittery. Nick went after she and John came in, with a bruise on his face.

"You think she's ready?" He asked.

I looked out to Amelia who was laughing at Jackson and Micheal as we're sitting on the ground. She helped them up and patted them on the back. I smiled at her. Strong as she is kind. It is odd that she looks similar to me but isn't my daughter.

"Yes. She's ready."