I got up and got ready for this damn meeting. I looked at the time and saw I was already late. Ehh, I don't care. It's not the first time either. I changed into my ripped jeans, with a black long sleeve crop top and my black boots. I got my belt and put that on, as well as the necklace dad gave me. It was half a heart. I have no idea where the other half is. I left my hair down and curled it a little and put on my sleepers earrings.

I walked out and saw Jackson and Michael coming out as well. I smirked. They both have sex hair.

"I see you both have had a lot of fun last night." I winked at them.

Jackson blushed a little and Michael was just smirking at him. Jackson is more feminine than Michael, but when it comes to being serious, they both act very scarily. Like dad angry kinda serious. We walked to the meeting. All eyes were towards me. Some knew who I was and most didn't. I hated leaving my pack. I could feel an intense gaze on me.

I ignored it and kept walking to my seat. I sat down and folded my arms. Michael and Jackson sat behind me. I looked at Kade and smiled.

"Glad you made it Alpha Blackstone." He greeted.

I nodded.


"This is Alpha Blackstone. She is the daughter to Wilson Blackstone." Kade said for me.

"A women can not handle and maintain the position as alpha." The same alpha growled out.

I saw Michael attempt to get up, but I held my hand up. He sat back down and I stood up. I walked over to him.

"Just remember who saved your ass when your pack was at the brink of death." I whispered.

His eyes widen and nodded. I smiled and so did Kade. I walked back to my seat and sat down.

"Now, let's get down to business." Kade said.

The doors open and the man I saw yesterday had come in. There were two others behind him. My guess is his beta, Daniel and his delta, Garret. He took his seat and looked through the room and saw me. He smirked.

"The rogues have been targeting small packs. Already, they have taken out 5 packs." Kade said.

"I've seen it. Our ally was attack and we responded to their call for help. But when we got there, everything was already up in flames and bodies were everywhere." One alpha said.

Kade nodded.

"The council has discussed this. We think it's best if we could combine two or three packs together, aside from the Blackstone pack, Argo's pack, and the royal pack." Kade said.

"We also discussed that the combined packs will move closer to Blackstone and Argos pack. To make sure we are all together, Blackstone and Argos with merge their pack lands." Kade said.

When did I agree to this? Kade looked at me, giving me a, we'll talk about this later. I sighed and nodded. The meeting dragged on for 3 hours. It was getting hot in here. All these breaths in one room for three hours is not very good.

The meeting broke off and I went to the garden. I breathed in the fresh air. I could feel someone was behind me, it gave me a dreaded feeling. I turned around to see Markus.

"You look good." He spoke.

I only stared at him. I didn't want to see him. Not now, not ever.

"I know you don't want to see me." He said.

Damn right I don't.

"But you have to know, what I did to you was unforgivable. I was young and wasn't ready for a mate." He started.

"You could have said that to me, rather than rejecting me in front of the entire school." I seethed.

"I know. I regret it okay. I wasn't the same when you left the pack. I heard you left to Wild Blossom pack, I was coming to get you, to tell you that I was sorry, but that pack was up in flames and I thought you died. That's why I marked and mated Sophia." He explained.

"I don't want your excuses Alpha Davidson. What happened in the past is the past." I said.

I could see Kade walking up towards us.

"I miss you, I miss us. I know you still feel something for me, or else you wouldn't have accepted the request of the pack coming into your territory." He said.

This man is very delusional.

"Let's get one thing straight. I could care less of what happened to you or your pack, I could care less if you died. But the only reason why I agreed was because of my mother and Chris. Their safety means more to me than you. Why do you think the rouge attacks on their side of the pack was always wiped out? Because of me. I sent my wolves to protect them because I knew you wouldn't"

He stared at me. All hope of me ever getting back together with him is gone. It was gone the moment he rejected me. My wolf no longer cares for his.

"Do you mind if I borrow Alpha Blackstone for a moment." Kade came.

I nodded.

"We were just finished talking." I smiled at Kade.

I walked passed him and went to Kade. We walked away from Markus and went in the direction of the cliff that was nearby.

"Argos has agreed to merging the territories together. I just need your approval." He said.

I nodded.

"Very well." I told him.

"He's taken quite a shine to you. He told me he saw this woman in the middle of the hall that took his breath away. She was wearing shorts and s sports bra."

I groan in embarrassment as he chuckled.

"He thought it was another one of my 'presents'" He laughed.

"Speaking of presents, I found one in my bed." I glared at him.

He laughed and just shrugged his shoulders.

"He didn't know who you were until he saw you at the meeting." He said.

I nodded.

"I didn't know him as well." I said.

He hummed at my response. He turned around and looked passed me.

"Speaking of the devil."

I turned around to see him. He wore black jeans, a white polo shirt and a leather jacket. He wore combat boots, his hair in all directions and yet, he still looked so hot. He was staring at me. As if he wanted to tell me something.

"Kade." He greeted.

Damn his voice. So hot. Wait. Stop. What the hell am I thinking. He looked at me and smirked. Damn this sure knows how to make me swoon over him with his damn smirk.

"Miss Blackstone." He greeted me.

I nodded.

"Mr. Argos." I said.

I could feel Kade's gaze and the rising excitement that Kade is radiating. I looked away from him and faced Kade.

"So, what were we talking about?" I asked him.

Kade gave me a brow and a mischievous smirk formed on his lips.

"Oh, how Alexander was talking about this mysterious women he met in the hall only wearing shorts and a sports bra."

Oh damn him. I could see Alexander who was getting a little angry at Kade. I heard my name being called out by Michael with Jackson behind him.

"Your father." He said holing up the phone.

I took it and excused myself. The last thing I saw was Kade's evil smirk. I looked at him weirdly before taking the call.

"Yeah dad?" I asked.

"So I heard Alexander Argos fancies you."

I face palmed. I glared at Kade and he just shrugged his shoulder. Alexander was confused.

"No dad. That's not true." I told him.

"Are you sure? Kade tells me that Alexander saw a women in shorts and a sports bra. I know that was you because you do that back at home. And what did I tell you about clothes. Cover yourself up." He scowled at me.

"Yeah, I know dad. Sorry." I said.

"Can we talk about this later. I need to quickly kill Kade." I said.

I saw the fear seep into Kade's eyes and he attempted to go behind Alexander and Michael who was near. I heard dad laugh over the phone.

"Okay. Call me later. Bye." He said.

"Bye," I said hanging up.

"Kade." I glared.

"Amelia." He said.

"Your going to die by my hands." I ran at him and he began running away from me. He ran around Alexander and Michael. I heard Michael laughing at us.

So much for being a composed alpha. Michael caught me as I tried to get out of his arms. Kade thought he was safe and came in front of me. I easily got out of Michael's arms and pounced on him.

"FINE! I'M SORRY!" He yelled out.

I smirked and got off him. Other alpha's came and I decided to leave. I didn't like being in crowds. Michael and Jackson followed me back to the rooms.