As planned, the packs merged together to create a bigger pack. There were a total of 20 packs, but now that all of them have grouped up, there is a total of 9 packs, this doesn't include the Argos, Blackstone and the royal pack.

I couldn't sleep, I decided to change into some shorts and a sports bra. I went outside and went near the lake. This was the one place where I could be free. There was a little waterfall just near the lake. I ran up the steep hill and looked down. Not a bad height. I turned around and could feel myself falling.

I felt myself falling, only to caught by a pair of huge arms. I opened my eyes and met a pair of grey eyes. He landed on the ground and placed me down, but I saw still in his arms. I could see he was bare chest. And my, what a sight to see.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded not trusting my voice. He still had me in his arms, neither one of us wanting to move away. I felt comfortable in his arms. I've never felt like this before. He caressed my face and I let it happen. I should have moved away but I didn't. I let him. I leaned into his touch more. I felt a bit brave and touched his bare chest.

Damn. He's real hard. I made my way up to his neck, tracing the tattoo he had on his neck. He watched me trace it, and unconsciously, I bit my lip without knowing it. I heard a twig snapped and I jumped back a little by the sudden sound, as Alexander wrapped his arms tightly around me, as if to say he would protect me.

Out from the shadows, Jackson, Michael, Daniel, Garret and Kade came into view. Kade had a smug look on his face and so did the others. Although, Michael and Jackson glared at the close contact that Alexander and I have.

"What do you people want!?" Alexander growled.

I stared at him. Admiring his protectiveness.

"Umm, We came because there was rouge activity round this part of the forest," Daniel answered.

Just then, we heard growling. I turned the opposite way to see 10 pairs of eyes at the forest line. I growled at them and Alexander got up and picked me up.

"Daniel, take Kade back," Alexander commanded.

Without a thought, he ran towards them. He was fighting off two at once. Another came from behind him and I ran and snapped it's neck. Some had knives in their hands laced with wolfs bane. I smirked.

I managed to dodge three of them, I grabbed one's arm and stabbed the other in the neck with the knife they were holding. I bent the guys arm awkwardly and he dropped the knife. I heard his screams of pain. I smirked, it gave me joy. I quickly went behind him, still holding his arm and stomped on leg leg that kept him up. He screamed even more.

I relished the sounds of his screams. I saw one coming behind me with a knife and I quickly moved my head. The guy that ran at me had stabbed the guy I was holding. I grabbed the knife from the guy's neck and threw it at a rouges forehead. I smiled as I had aimed right in the middle.

Another two came at me, both swinging their knives at me. I ran at them and slide. I quickly grabbed the knife on the floor and had sliced one of their legs. I turned around quickly and threw the knife at it's chest, that way, the wolfs bane with spread faster to it's heart. I felt a blade pierce my left hip. I grabbed the rouge by it's throat and ripped out his vocal cords.

Blood flowed out of it's neck and splattered on me. I pulled the blade out and stabbed it right in the eye. I felt my wound healing. I turned around and saw Alexander who was staring at me with something I've never seen before.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I cleaned myself up and had changed into some comfortable clothes. I let the memories of what had happened in the woods play out. The lake, Alexander, holding each other, rouges, killing them. If anything, I'd say that's pretty dramatic, but this is the situation that I'm currently living with. I went to bed, with all these thoughts running around my head. Soon enough, I fell asleep.


I was at an unfamiliar place. I was at a big two-story house, right beside a lake. I heard laughter outside. I walked around the house and saw a man, women and a little boy.

The man and women were sitting on a blanket surrounded by food and a little baby was surrounded by pillows and a blanket. A boy was around the lake, he picked a pretty flower and gave it to the woman, which I'm guessing is his mum.

I looked closer and saw the woman wearing a white sun dress, with orange flowers. She has brown hair and green eyes. She smiled at the little boy and thanked him for the flower. The man laughed.

"Trying to steal my mate huh?" He joked.

The little boy smiled and ran to the women, hugging her at her legs. The women left.

"He's the new man in my heart." The woman said jokingly.

The man playfully growled and stalked the both of them. The little boy stood protectively in front of his mother.

"I'll protect mummy with my life." He said seriously.

The man laughed and knelt down to the boy.

"Someday, you'll find that special one, and you'll gladly lay down your life for her." He said.

"Really dad? I'll fine someone like mummy?" He asked.

"No. No one is like your mother. You'll get someone who is meant for you." The man said.

The little boy smiled. He ran towards the lake and splashed around in it as his parents watched him. 1


I woke up in a heap of sweet. I looked outside and saw it was morning. What was that dream? I got up and took a shower. I wore my ripped blue high waisted jeans with a white long sleeve crop top. I put my white Adidas on and put on my necklace and bracelet. I let my hair out as usual. I walked out and went towards the breakfast hall.

I got inside and Jackson and Michael were already at a table, eating a whole heap of food. Michael saw me and me a yellow container. I smiled, it was my usual mango smoothie that I always had for breakfast with either watermelon or strawberries to eat with it. I walked towards him and grabbed the smoothie.

"I knew you wouldn't eat anything here so I went to the kitchen and used the blender," Michael explained as I drank.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

Such a good morning. I went to grab a strawberry when I heard someone call my name.

"AMELIA!" I froze.

The entire hall went quiet. I turned around and saw Markus with his beta, Henrik.

"Are you okay? I heard you took down a few rouges that managed to get passed the boarder." He said. Clear concern was written on his face.

"I'm fine, Alpha Davidson," I said in a mono tone.

He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. I could care less.

"Are you sure? I mean, I got worried that you were attacked and alone." He said honestly.

"As you can see, I'm fine. And I wasn't alone. My beta and delta were with me, as well as Alpha Argos and his beta and delta." I said honestly.

Sadness was replaced with rage.

"Oh. Glad you not hurt, Amelia." He hesitated saying my name.

"Since when have we used informal names with each other? We are merely aquatints, not friends. " I said to him.

I really don't like him saying my name. It doesn't feel right.

"My apologies, Alpha Blackstone." He said.

I waved it off and left. I take it back, it's not a good morning. I walked away from the building and found myself in the woods. I got closer to the lake I was at. I got closer and stood under a willow tree as the wind blew and the sun was shining. I closed my eyes and smiled as the sun hits my face.


I looked up and saw him. I saw him again. It was as if he had heard me, my silent wish for him to come to me.
