Chapter 1: Vivid Encounter

The long dark silky hair, scarlet red lips, luminous pale skin, cold alluring gaze, and a slender figure, like a fragile, wandering snowflake in winter. The feeling of comfort and revelation of what I have been missing, it almost brought me to tears. 

It was as if I could hear the sound of Chopin's - Etude Op. 25 No. 11 (Winter Wind) playing...

Her radiant beauty,

the spark that makes me feel ecstatic to no end... but for some reason, seemed so forlorn, lifeless, and without relish.

It was the day of our first year entrance ceremony when I met her, inside the assembly hall, I still remember the warmth I felt back then, which I thought only existed in fairy tales. There were about 8000 other students in that assembly hall, but my eyes only had room for her. 

We were standing right next to each other on that fateful day. She stood awkwardly and looked as if she wanted to leave, which is understandable considering how boring the ceremony was.  She saw me looking her way and at that instant I looked away, but for a little over a second we exchanged gazes. 

That's when I thought... 

How sad it must've been to see the world through her eyes, that have turned cold and dull. 

My name's Glenn Dane, my hobbies are sports and reading manga. A friend of mine named Arby Benz wakes me up from my daydreaming of the mysterious girl, he's a childhood friend of mine, we've been friends for about 7 years now. As well as a member of my club(volleyball club).

"What're you lookin' at? " Arby asks while looking at me suspiciously.

"...N-nothing" I stuttered.

He then proceeds to follow my gaze and finds the mystery girl. After, he asks me if I like the mystery girl.

With not even a hint of hesitation, I said "No, not really. I like girls who are good at cooking, smart, good at sports, a real beauty, and lively. Judging by how she looks she's a bad cook, probably sucks at sports, but I have to admit she is beautiful and seems cunning, but she still looks sad and boring which is definitely a huge minus." 

Arby gives me a disappointed look, "Glenn... I can't believe you just said that with a straight face." 

"Like you're one to talk, you adult woman fetishist." I rebutted  

"Personally Glenn, I'm into thicker and riper girls." Arby said with a grin

"You creepy sh*t." 

"Glenn, in this era, the first thing we need in life is thick, and I mean thiccc thighs."

"That's beyond disgusting, you perverted dumbass!" 

"How the hell do you get a new girlfriend almost monthly Arby? Your last ex was a teacher at a nearby middle school you assh*le, then you had another one who was a married woman?! You prolly threatened/blackmailed them into it." I continued.

"That's a bold accusation, especially coming from a guy who has a good amount of confessions received. But the reason I'm so popular with the ladies is because I'm smooth as lotion and as sweet as honey, unlike you who's totally retarded when it comes to girls. Remember that girl you liked, Sylv-"

"Shh! No need to remind me of those horrific times."

The assembly then proceeds and near the end, 

"Psst Glenn, why don't you date the girl you were staring at earlier?" Arby whispered.

I start to gaze upon her again as I've made up my mind, I talk with Arby, I took back everything I said and asked him to get details on her

"Leave it to me. It'll take about a week or so." Arby says arrogantly

The ceremony ends and we go to our respective classrooms. 

The next week, as I was about to collect the information from Arby, I bump into someone in the hallways, I look down a bit and turns out it's the girl from before. I apologized to her as I stood there in a trance.

"Oh, no worries" She replied with her soft voice. It was my first time hearing her speak and it lingered for a while in my ears.

As she was about to leave, I suddenly grabbed her by the hand out of reflex... It was pretty cold for a person's hand, yet it had a certain feel of care. 

"Something wrong?" She asked with a different tone. 

"N-nothing, I'm sorry." I said as I ran away from her because of the embarrassment I felt and as I was regretting my life choices, Arby sees and approaches me.

Arby asks me what happened however I didn't reply as I was still looking down in the dumps. A confused look dawned Arby's face, he brushes it off and presents the information on the mystery girl.  

"Anyway, her name is Winter Sin, she's in class 1-D, despite being in our grade she's actually 1 year older and the cause of her 1 year delay is unknown, she is the youngest in a family of six, she has 2 older sisters which are extremely hot and totally my type, and a brother."

Because of how shady he sounded, I grow suspicious as I ask, "Are you sure you're not a stalker?" 

"That's rich coming from the guy who couldn't keep his eyes off of a certain someone during the entrance ceremony last week, and also you're the one who asked for the info." Arby irkly replies.

"Oh yeah Glenn, I almost forgot, her dad is packed. Her dad's net worth according to Google is about $20,000,000"

Glenn couldn't believe what he heard as his eyes swirled. While we were talking to each other, unbeknownst to them Winter was secretly listening, 

"So, he likes me eh?" She whispers to herself as she hides from the two.

*School bell rings*

We go back to class. I'm in class 1-A, Arby's in 1-B

My class is supposed to be a class of geniuses, cause it is the advanced course section, so I have no clue as to why I'm here, I'm only slightly above average. I tried to score lower on my entrance exam to be at a lower section with Arby, but I barely passed it. My luck is frightening.

As I was taking my seat and looking at the swaying cherry blossoms trees and dancing leaves as the wind blew through the window, a friend of mine approached me, his name's Dean Arkwright, a classmate as well as the captain of my club.

He's very popular and attracts quite a lot of girls, but what they don't know is this guy's a lolicon, he likes pretty and younger girls, but he can't really act on it because of his cowardly nature and cause hell get arrested. Although, he is a pretty good guy. 

"Glenn, you look as if you're in deep thought, are you okay?" Dean says in concern as he stood near me. 

I took a while yo answer since I was distracted, "Totally, I'm just thinking about stuff."

"Stuff? Don't tell me... a girl you like? Oh how nice it is to be in our youth, the time of love, life, and freedom." Deans says as while assuming poetic gestures.

"Stop, you sound and act like an old man." 

"So who is it? What class is she in? Is she smart? Is she pretty?" Dean went on and on.

I didn't answer him so he started bugging and bugging me until it was too much. I ended up giving up and telling him.

He didn't think much of her since she was in 1-D though(lowest section) so I got a little irritated. Dean then asks about my eye bags which were pretty evident.

"I binge watched 2 seasons of an anime last night, the ending made me cry a lot, hence the pretty messy eyes." I said while sitting lazily on my chair. Our conversation ended abruptly as the teacher suddenly enters the room.

"Good morning class I will be your homeroom teacher for this year. My name is Sia Malice, it's nice to meet all of you, hope we all get along. The teacher says as she stands behind her desk. My first impression of her was she was quite beautiful and I think all the boys in class would agree.

"Ma'am, how old are you?" A girl from class asks. 

"I'm 26." Ms. Malice replied.

I raised my hand to ask permission in order to go to the bathroom, as I was walking, I heard a sudden sound. I search for the source of said sound, but I was in utter disappointment to find out that it was just the sound of the cell phones of a bunch of people cutting class. 

I once again walked toward the bathroom then headed back to class. 

I proceeded to gaze upon the blue skies, until I decided to finally awaken to buy some lunch, I ate in class, chat with my friends, catch up on what we did last spring break, then I started to think about... how long this day is.

School finally ends, I leave my class, go downstairs, and as I was about to leave school, I saw a girl from afar. I looked closer and saw Winter standing near the school entrance.

"Are you waiting for someone?" I ask as I stood in front of her. She starts to look at me slowly,

"I was waiting for you." She replied, while pointing her fingers at me. 

"I overheard your conversation with your friend... Arby right?" 

I nod unwillingly,

"You're pretty bold to ask a friend to gather info about me without my consent." She said with a condescending tone. I immediately apologized as I gripped hard on my school bag. 

She changes her tone to a more passive one, "Don't worry about it, it actually happens quite often." 

Often? Oh yeah, I forgot about the rich dad and stuff. Guess she is popular in the outside world. 

"Anyway, I was waiting here to ask you..."

Her lifeless eyes stare at me intensively as I was unable to talk. 

"Would you like to go out with me?" She asks while maintaining her passive tone.

*Glenn drops his bag*

This is awfully suspicious, considering mutual love at first sight is a pretty rare case. 

"Are you serious?" I asked her as I continually doubt her sincerity. It didn't take her long to answer though.

"How mean of you to ask a girl whether she's serious or not when she waits for you at the school entrance to admit her love." She said with a low monotone voice while still looking straight at me.

"Well, your voice isn't necessarily convincing." I replied as I look back at her with discontent. 

"Just kidding, I'm dead serious." She adds with a casual giggle.

I harbored a feeling of doubt that I had to remove off my chest, "What's the catch?" 

"I don't know what you mean, Glenn." 

"Don't play dumb with me, there must be a catch, cause this doesn't add up. I can give you many reasons, but considering your families' wealth you probably have lots of suitors who are much better than I." 

"You've watched too many rich girl romance dramas, but yes that's true. Guess I actually underestimated Glenn, you're actually pretty sharp." She says with a defeated voice.

"For now, let's just say, it's partly because I'm genuinely interested in you, and partly because of a really private reason, would you accept that for now?" She adds which gives me a bit of reassurance.

I think deeply to myself, I ended up accepting her offer. There was still a hint of doubt because it seemed she was hiding something.

"Good, tomorrow let's eat lunch together on the roof. Bye!" Winter said very compulsively as she went to her car.

"What? H-hey wai-!"