Chapter 7: Foundation Festival 2, The Bully

Her semi-frowned lips, slightly whimpering face, and lightly pained eyes. All of which indicated sadness and jealousy as she tried to hide this expression by looking sideways. I guess, even she gets jealous. It wasn't really easy to tell because she hides her emotions very well and her voice isn't much help, but somehow I knew. 

"A-Are yo-" I was about to ask. She noticed the light changes in her expression in that moment and changed it very quickly to her natural poker face.

I felt as though I should have looked at her more intensely to save a more detailed picture of her, but I know that her look was etched into my memory. 

I started to figure out what caused this change in her. I said to her, "I wasn't flirting with her or anything." She obviously didn't buy it and looked at the ground,

"T-Then tell me, what was it?" She said with a very low voice almost like a whisper. I wasn't able to hear what she said very clearly so I tried to ask her. I tried to look her in the eye and was about to speak, but she just avoided me...... After a while of just standing there, she eventually tried to get past me. I was about to make an attempt to stop her when, 

"There you are Glenn, our dance practice has already resumed, all of us are asked to go to class for practice." Yarah suddenly cuts us off. She also pulled my arm and took me with her to class. Winter stopped walking and was left in the hallway as I saw her right hand holding her left elbow. She felt... extremely lonely. 

I came up with the idea to fix things with her on break. I figured she'd probably cooled down by then. I didn't give it much thought. 

We were finally given a water break and I saw her struggling to breathe because of all the practice we all did. I went outside to buy water from the vending machine. When I returned and tried to give it to her, "Here you g-"

She brushed me off and walked away with her three friends who she was always with. She remained like this for the day, I couldn't focus on our practice sessions because of what happened. I tried to call her attention many times, but I failed each time. She'd often give signs of irritation each time we saw each other. 

While this was happening, I was still with Yarah. We'd still talk and she cheered me up when Winter wouldn't give me the time of day. 

Although, I made all the possible mistakes during practice which made me seem really ungrateful to Yarah for all the teaching she has done. I was... distracted by Winter's gloomy aura each time I saw her.

In the dance formation, she was placed at the back despite not being that tall. She wasn't really a good dancer but seeing her dance was a first for me. She totally sucked and looked like she hated it though.

Practice finally ended and the teachers called me to the faculty and started nagging me for all the delays I caused during practice because of my mistakes. As soon as I got out of the faculty, I rushed to get my bag from class to find her. 

I went outside, but just missed her. I saw her car moving away from school and lost hope of catching up. Instead, I saw an old acquaintance, 

"Oh Glenn, how nice to see you."

This is Ramil Yatsu, a third year and a major playboy like Arby, he's often seen with his basketball club members causing havoc in school. My relationship with this man is rather complicated. 

Flashbacks filled my head while he was near me. I wanted to rage when I remember all the things he has done. 

"I-I have somewhere I need to go." I held on tightly to the strap of my bag while trying to walk away from him. 

"Congratulations to you and your new girl, I hope nothing goes wrong like last time." Ramil said with a smirk on his ugly face. 

I held his collar and pushed him up against the wall while I shouted, "don't touch her!" I looked at him with the intent to kill like a wolf ready to tear up its prey.

His eyes widened and his smirk reached ear to ear, "Yes..... that's it! The same look you had 2 years ago, but still... that's quite the words coming from you, a coward. You couldn't even protect the girl you loved before." His face moved forward and his mouth was close to my ear when he said, "I have to admit, she felt good." Flashback kept coming to my head as he laughed at me.

He punched me, "Don't touch me, you little sh*t and don't think too much of yourself peasants." He kept laughing as I held my head in fear and agony. My prey wasn't just a simple hare, it was a lion whose prey was me.

No! No! Oh f**k this sh*t! Excruciating screams filled my head as he beat me up again and again and again and again. I couldn't feel my ribs, face, and legs from all of it. He kept laughing as he tormented me again and again and again. Tears fell from my eyes as I reminisce about the horrid things he has committed in the past. 

I was left on the cold, hard ground, unable to stand. This is a really bad day. After a while, someone saw me lying on the ground and I'm so glad that it was Yarah, "are you okay?" She asked with a desperate voice. 

She helped me to get to her house since the school clinic was already closed. I couldn't see much because of how weak I felt. I couldn't even gaze up to the night sky to see the moon as she held my arm and we were walking on the streets late at night. Then, I suddenly collapsed......

I woke up lying on a very soft bed in an unknown venue and saw her. 

"Do you remember what happened?" 

As soon as she asked this, I started to remember and was shaking in fear from all of it. "It's alright, I'm here" she added as she was holding my left arm. I started to calm down little by little. I tried to move and my whole body started to rive in pain. I saw band aids all over me and thanked her for treating me. 

"I'm sorry, I probably look so pathetic you could laugh." Yarah hugged me tightly and it felt warm and cozy and I started to rear up. Meanwhile, she didn't even utter a word. I started to think about how kind she was. 

"Do you want to eat?" She suddenly asked with a smile. Her family treated me kindly and we had quite a feast together. 

"So, you're the guy our daughter has been talking about. Have you done it already?" 

Yarah tried to silence her mother as I blushed while sitting. 

"Yarah. My. Little. Devil." Her mother said while laughing. 

"Mom!" She shouted while blushing intensely. 

Her two sisters, Tara and Tala called me big brother which made it even more awkward for both of use while we were eating. I'd say her father had the best reaction though, he sat silently and looked at me scarily. I was having trouble eating because of all that. 

When we finished eating, her father asked me to ride with him in their car so he could drop me off. I sat in front of his car, then we talked a little bit,

"Are you two a couple?" 

"No sir, I actually already have someone."

"Oh, is that so, you seemed like a good kid. She definitely does like you, so will you at least give her a chance?" Her father really cares about her. 

"I can't make any promises, I'm sorry." I said in reply.

We both remained silent for the rest of the trip. 

"Here you go, we've arrived. You can visit again sometime." 

"Thank you so much!"