Chapter 16: Noblesse Oblige

With the winter volleyball-basketball tournament coming up, volleyball and basketball clubs in schools all over the country have started rigorous practice. This event will be held 3 weeks from now. But before that, an even bigger event for Glenn is yet to unfold.

"Why the f*ck is it so cold?" says Helen(the "leader" of the fujoshi trio).

As she rubs her hands for warmth and blows on them while her glasses fog up.

Arby on the other hand(who was again visiting class A) teases Helen for her not so feminine demeanor. He went on and on about Helen's track record of never being asked out once by anyone since birth and her flat-chestedness. Helen chased Arby with murderous intent and her veins about to pop whilst Arby kept giggling as he ran away from Helen.

The whole class was also having fun watching this scene play out. It wasn't too long before Arby got caught by Helen though. And what she did to him... words cannot describe the horrible things she did to him.

"That's what you get for taunting the beast." Astrio says as he poses with his finger pointing toward Arby's broken face. Even thine eyes can see that thou power is too weak. Astrio went on as if he was talking to someone but Arby was actually in critical condition and in great need of medical help.

Meanwhile in the hallways,

Winter approached Glenn meanwhile Glenn was freezing up as he turned to her and noticed every detail of Winter's pale face. Her lips trembling from the cold, her ears and cheeks burning bright red, upto her hair being a bit frizzled. But the one thing he couldn't describe was the glow that surrounded her which made everything else white.

"Oh Sr. Perv, how are you this fine afternoon?" Winter asked Glenn as she smiled in the freezing hallways.

Glenn said he was sorry for what happened before and asked her to forget it. Winter paid no mind though and kept teasing him. Glenn didn't want to recall what had happened that night in the bath.

[What actually happened after the bath scene: Glenn fainted from the heat of the bath and also from slight loss of blood which was induced by Winter hugging him buck naked, hence why he is now given the title "Sr. Perv"]

"Glenn, I've told you that my parents are off on a business trip, right?"

Glenn nods and Winter tells him that they'd be coming home for her birthday party which her family will hold in their home less than a week from now(which is her birth date) and invites Glenn to come. She added that the party was huge and a formal event so he should wear formal clothes.

Glenn tries to remember if he had any formal clothes. He recalled the suit his brother wore when he was his age and accepted the invitation.

Since Glenn and Winter talked in the freezing hallways for a long period of time with the windows open and with Glenn forgetting his jacket in class, he caught a cold and decided to stay home the next day.

Glenn attended the very next day and was scolded by the volleyball club adviser/coach Mr.Hughes and he had to do so much punishment exercises that he didn't have any more strength left for the inter-school practice game but he still performed decently and their team won nonetheless. He goes outside where Winter was and she gave her an energy drink. Glenn asks Winter on how much he should pay for the drink to respect Winter's view on equality.

"You don't have to pay me." Winter subtly said which came as a surprise to Glenn.

"Didn't you often debate on the subject of equality especially when it came to giving and receiving?" He questions her.

She explains that it was because it was Glenn who made attempts to give her some things for free and it seemed morally wrong to her that someone less fortunate would be the one to make sacrifices for her who was too fortunate.

Glenn argued that that was too one-sided and he didn't really mind if it was her.

Arby enters the scene and hears everything, "You're quite the odd couple, shouldn't it be normal for the both of you to give without expecting to receive anything in return? Your relationship should be that which is unconditional and therefore always fair in both of your eyes, not that I'm qualified to give advice since I've done more one-night stands than actual dating." Arby stated which the both of them considered as a somewhat solid argument and broke off their quarreling with Glenn not paying anything.

Arby felt as if he had unlocked an achievement because he broke off a lovers' quarrel.

"By the way, nice to see you again Winter" Arby waves at her as he leaned closer.

"Oh, uhh... same here." Winter said awkwardly.

"Oh sorry for getting overly close, I forgot that you were the shy type."

Arby waved goodbye to the couple since he had a date going on. The two went on to walk to the school entrance to leave school grounds but they were approached by Ramil who wanted to meet them. "Oh, there you are Glenn. The volleyball and basketball clubs will go together on the upcoming 5-day tourney, right? Let's play nice, I'm also hoping to see more of your girlfriend over there." Ramil smugly said while getting touchy with Glenn.

Ramil also attempted to touch Winter's face to caress her cheeks but Glenn angrily stopped his hand. Ramil saw how irked Glenn was and said that as he suspected, Glenn only gets serious if Winter is involved. He continued that Glenn was usually laid-back and easily loses interest, the only thing he took actual interest in was his volleyball.

Ramil also states that he thinks Winter has something that Glenn is really drawn to so he'd like to take it for himself. Ramil wonders what draws Glenn so much but closes his speech by saying Glenn can't beat him because he still considers him as a friend and even if he didn't, the best he could do is give him a bone fracture which he claimed to be an achievement in itself.

Glenn consoled Winter as he thought that Winter was in terror upon seeing Ramil. Glenn offered to walk Winter to her car but Winter said she asked the driver not to come today for her and Glenn to walk together as it has been a long time since they went home as a pair.

Beneath the streetlights in the middle of twilight, the two walked together, not uttering a word and their eyes not even meeting. They wanted to stay in silence to truly cherish the silence and cold together. In the middle of this, Glenn thought, I really need a bike.

All of a sudden, a soft speck of something came falling onto Glenn's hair as it turned to water. It was snowing which signified that Winter is truly here.

"An early winter, huh? Glenn did I ever tell you what the reason for my name was because it snowed early when I was born. I'm not really fond of snow so don't really like it."

"Oh really? I was the same before but since meeting you, I kind of like it now because of how it resembles you. The pure white color like your pale skin, how cold it is like how you sometimes are, it's also a lot beautiful when looked at closer, and I don't mean it sexually but like snow even you melt when touched by someone, I want to be the one that melts your seemingly snowy presence."

Glenn holds Winter's shoulders which caught her off guard as Glenn reaches for her face. Winter felt Glenn's breath as he drew near, making her heart skip a few beats, She froze up and was only able to close her eyes while burning with anticipation.


Winter opened her eyes only to find out that it was her cheeks that got kissed as Glenn teases her for finally getting revenge for all her teasing. Winter was silent and left wondering why it felt so different from before.

Glenn arrived home and he instantly messaged his friends to consult on what he should do for her birthday, after a couple exchange of suggestions a decision was made: A surprise birthday party a day before the actual date.