Chapter 19: To You Who Shall Not Be Named

-3 days before the trip

Glenn and his group of friends shopped together for things they needed on the trip. They bought things they needed for a hygiene kit at a nearby mall before heading to Astrio's home to play video games to pass the time.

They arrived and Astrio leads them to his room and serves them food and then they started playing. A few shouting was to be expected and light trashtalks. Glenn being Glenn, he placed last in all the matches they played.

-Next Day(Sunday)

Today's a weekend and Glenn had no plans whatsoever for today and had the sudden tingly sensation to check on Winter. Because of this, Glenn decides to spend time with Winter at her house.

-Winter's house-

Glenn knocks on Winter's room but was left unanswered. He waited a while before deciding to finally enter on his own. To no surprise, the room was filthy and horrible.

He looks around and finds Winter playing a video game with bags under her eyes as if she hadn't sleeped. That wasn't even a surprise compared to what he's about to see next. The game she was playing was undoubtedly the same game Glenn and his friends love to play. What's more, her in game name belonged to one of the top local players in the country.

Glenn's POV

As soon as she finished playing, I clinged to her hands while emitting the most noble of auras, "Master, please teach me your ways. It's God's will that you teach me."

She obviously looked disgusted as she pushed my face with her foot. After a seemingly endless struggle, she agreed to help me learn the game for the day. She wanted to se how I played first so she watched as I got headshot again and again, round after round. Pain and despair was clearly shown on her face as she watched my performance in game.

"No, that's not it. Here!" She started scolding me as she held my hands and helped me with the controls. She sat on my right pointing my mistakes and stressing out on things like my aim and positioning.

She didn't lose hope in me until I made progress at one point when I got 6 kills in a game. Her face shone brightly as she was even happier than I, she started hugging me which was an unusual feeling but at the same time, it wasn't bad.

P.S. Might be obvious but the game's an FPS


-A day before the trip

The hard tapping sounds of balls as they rushed to the ground, sweat-drenched shirts, and the numerous squeaking shoes were what the Fuyumizu High volleyball and basket club had to endure during joint practice in the gym.

Endless whistle blows, warm-ups, and a few other things made this rigorous training almost unbearable but for those who dare to dream, this was nothing. Although some of the members complained, all were aiming for the top spot int the upcoming tournament.

It was apparent early on that this level of training was needed to reach the national level. It was hard enough for the teams to win in the regionals but the team now seeks an even higher throne. Every single one of them was tirelessly waiting for the trip to Tokyo for the event.

But the one most eager for this event is the captain of the volleyball team, Dean Arkwright. Although he might be a lolicon, he is also one of the top recruits in his generation. He commands a powerful set of skills, namely a killer serve, high jumping ability, and a fast spike.

Although Fuyumizu High isn't the best school for athletes, this year's recruits are one of the most promising they've had. Specifically the captains, captains of both clubs are highly sought out by stronger teams but have declined mainly because they want to keep going to school with their friends, money isn't really a problem for either because Dean is a rich boy and Ramil is pretty well off.

Dean's POV

I run to the gym along with the guys as soon as classes finished to go on with practice as usual. With my head stayed focus, I removed all distractions around me. Spike after spike, I dare not get tired and look head on.

At nights, even if I'm the only one left here, I practice and practice until my body gives out. Usually, I'm joined by Astrio since Arby has a part time job, Glenn has to go home early, and the rest go home as soon as practice finishes. But tonight, I'm all alone as the cold breeze fill the gym through the open gates.

I soar through the sky as I reach for the ball, hitting it every time for a serve. I do this all for you, someone who can never look at me the same way, I do this for our future. My dream is to live off playing volleyball when I'm older as well as for you to see me as a man.

You, who shall never be named but remain in my heart always and forever. Day after day, longing for you is all this heart knows off. Maybe that's why I force myself to develop freakish tastes in women to avert myself from your gazes.

I hope that as you continue to teach, you would also teach yourself to love me, but that seems like a very distant and unrealistic dream. My performance in this event, I offer it all to you.


"Aren't you going home soon, Mr. Arkwright? It's a cold winter night after all." I heard a voice that I've only heard for a little while but has already imprinted itself on me. A voice I always find myself searching for.

I continued playing by myself as I replied showing the faintest sign of care, "I'll only be here for a while longer, Ms. Malice."

A clear disbelief dawned her face as she blinked without the slightest bit of hurry

Ms. Malice sighs as she watches me practice, "Always the hard worker."

I could say the same about her for working til lights out, but I guess that's one good thing about her. She left me a bottle of energy drink as she left. Always the good and caring teacher... to each and every student.

Maybe it is a very distant dream.