Vol. 2, Chapter 23: The Sheltered Son 3, Tangled

Ramil's POV

-5 years ago


"You're worthless, you can't even bus the tables right and you're supposed to be the next owner of this restaurant!"

A dark circle marked my cheek as I squirmed in pain.

Wriggling like a worm while shouting hysterically.

To a 13-year-old boy, getting punched by an adult at full force felt like hell.

This hell on earth would happen quite frequently to me.

During those times, I think I pretty much wanted to kill him.

Of course, as a small child, I could only pray for that to happen and couldn't act.

While walking to school one day, I saw a spider eating a bunch of small bugs and that's when I thought, "Even I could hurt people if they were that little."

Simply thinking that gave me goosebumps as each day I started considering it more and more. And that's when this happened,

-6 months later

I found a dog on a rainy night while going home from school it's fur was black and messy, it was in an alley and I tried picking him up to bring him somewhere safer.

He bit me as I reached my hand but it didn't take long for him to loosen up and trust me.

I couldn't bring him home because of my dad so I hid him in the bushes of a park.

Every day after school I would feed him then carry him as I played in the park for a few minutes.

I wanted to do more but I still had karate practice and my dad would kill me if I got home late.

A few weeks passed, I was near my home when I saw a bunch of younger grade-schoolers picking on the helpless dog.

And there it came, the push I needed to start my later-to-be chain of atrocities.

They were younger, they were weaker and I had the power, just like that spider.

I covered my face first so that I wouldn't be known and threw one of them a punch which gave me a rush.

The other two tried to hit back and got me a couple of times but it wasn't to take me down and instead I took them down using the skills I learned from my karate dojo.

They didn't stand much of a chance. But hey, at least they tried.

I kept punching and punching one guy after the other so long that I couldn't recognize them.

They ran from me with mushy eyes and purple faces, their voices turned frail as they were in fear.

With bruised hands, I brought the dog to the vet but even while carrying it, I could tell it was dead.

I didn't bring him there because I felt sadness or pity for him.

It just seemed like the right thing to do and so at the time, I did.

The vet took a look at the dog and my guess was right.

I took him with me to bury him,

"It's my fault if only I hid you somewhere safer. I apologize, I didn't even give you a name." I said as I hand-dug the soil he was to be buried in.

When I arrived home, dad beat me up but I wholeheartedly accepted it.

I deserved it for getting him killed.

Since that day, I've been getting to a lot more fights.

When I reached middle school, there were already floating rumors that I was a delinquent.

And so, a senior tried to recruit me in his gang.

I refused him immediately but he started using force to get his way.

I was forced to fight an unfair battle,12 to 1.

I lost but I learned to fight with people bigger and older than me.

Them beating me up was enough to learn about these things and that's how I got to even more fights.

I somehow graduated middle school and I continued my delinquency in high school.

I would continue getting into fights as it became the only enjoyable thing in my life.

My life circled fighting aimlessly and it was all starting to feel blank.

And that's when I met him, Glenn Dane.

He was lost and wandering around on our property and I invited him over.

He looked suspicious and dad would've whooped his ass if he saw this scrawny-looking kid.

He looked around my room for a little bit until we both decided to just play a game on my console.

"Ahhhh no, I'll win next time!" he said to me in a frustrated manner

"Nahhhh, I will."

We got competitive and I ended up inviting him on another day.

As our meetings became frequent, I told him more about me and I found out more about him as well, I decided not to tell him about my fighting problem since I thought he'd avoid me.

To my surprise, about a week later, I was in a fight like always when he decided to join me.

We won with a few bruises and scratches and this made us closer.

He introduced me to his friend, Arby and he became one of our "fight mates."

He even introduced me to more of his friends but I wasn't as close with them.

I, Arby, and Glenn would play games and I'd sneak out to play basketball with them sometimes they sucked though.

Since we were all getting along really well, I invited them over to my school to watch out basketball team practice since I was accepted in the tryouts.

The day came and once Glenn entered the gymnasium, I saw him looking at our manager, Sylvie. Staring at her.

She was really pretty so I guess it was love at first sight for him.

I went up to him and it still took him a while to take notice of me.

"Oh, h-ey Ramil!" He said

He and Arby watched our game and Glenn asked me to introduce him to our manager.

I did and they got along well, it almost felt natural that both of them would be together, they were really sweet.

But to my surprise, I was just changing and about to go home after club when Sylvie went up to me and kissed me.

She caught me off guard since I thought Glenn and her mutually liked each other.

"Why?" I asked her

"Hmm, why in fact. Maybe because I like you?" She replied to me without much thought.

I grew to like her after that but never told Glenn and we'd make out more often.

Then came the day, Glenn confronted me telling me that he saw us making out.

"It's because you weren't the same after meeting her." That reasoning was a lie, I really did take a liking to Sylvie but I was too prideful to say it.

After that, we stopped talking and I left home as well with my last words to my father being, "I'm never coming back to this shitty household, bye."