The test of Masaru and Yutaka

In one of the rooms of the mansion the four boys are unconscious from the blow they had been given after a few minutes the boys began to wake up.

What happened- Masaru mentioned confused, he saw his friends around him began to wake up

_where we are- masahiro placed his hand in the area of ​​the blow

_We shouldn't have trusted them- isamu was angry, he knew they should reject that invitation

_You're right- chicken to his friend- we must get out of this flirt- Yutaka mentioned that immediately got up

-someone knows where our partners are- isamu was checking the aviation

When mentioning their partners, they all compensated to look around them to look for them or get a clue of where their loves were but they did not find anything suddenly the light of the place turned on mowing them for a few seconds, a voice began to be heard immediately they recognized the voices.

_It's good that they woke up, how will they realize how much their partners are not with you, they are in another part of the house, they will have to leave the room and look for them

_when I go out and find akio I will hit you so hard that you will be in a coma- masahiro was very angry he wanted his partner by his side that nothing would happen to him but he would never forgive him

_It will be fun- laugh a little- I wish you luck to find your partners- no longer did the voice speak

The four boys began to make a plan to escape from the room and go find their respective partners.

_I know how to get out of here

_As isamu- the aforementioned takes a pin from his pants pocket, the others were surprised but did not want to say anything since then we would like the answer

Isamu went to the door and began to try to open it, after a while trying, Isamu was finally able to open the door, his companions were happy they could go find their partners to rescue them from the place where Tadashi and Ren would have them.

_Come on guys- the others attended and rushed out of the room to go get their partners

When they left the room, they walked down a long corridor, there were many rooms that they did not know in which of them their partners could be, they stopped at one of the many doors that were in the place, Masaru opened the door, they reached the garden, they saw in one of the trees of the place pasted a note went to the masahiro tree grabbed the note.

_is from shou- masaru upon hearing the name of his partner took the letter from masahiro immediately he began to read it

Masaru I want you to know that I love you but due to the circumstances I cannot be by your side, sorry for not telling you in person but I do not know if I will endure without collapsing, I hope you understand, I am sorry.

I love you forever

Sincerely shou

Masaru was sad after reading the note, he could not believe what it said, but he was not going to give up, he wanted to be next to the person who brought him out of his darkness, for his feelings to be reborn to laugh like when he was having fun with yutaka's brother.

_I leave you here I have to do something- Masaru mentioned his friends understood that it had to do with shou

_It's okay to take care of yourself- Yutaka was worried about Masaru although he never showed it, he had great affection for each of his classmates

Masaru ran back inside the mancion to look for more clues of his partner and talk to him about the note he had left in that tree, he saw a corridor in front, he continued advancing a short time and a few meters he saw a door he hurried his steps When he was steps away, he opened the door with a kick, when he entered the room, he began to look for him when he saw his lover, he ran with him and hugged him.

_masaru- I say very surprised to see his partner

_I say that what I read in this note is not true- he hands him the letter, he wanted to know in his own words that what he said was not true

_and .... I- shou could not speak I felt that at any moment I would start crying because of what the note said.

_If it is true, we will pass the test together even if I have to see you secretly for a while, I would face all those who are against us, you know why- shou denied- because I love you, I would do everything for you- shou kissed her on the lips they parted because of lack of air

_masaru what is written in the letter is not true, I just said it to see how you reacted- the aforementioned was happy to know that everything was a lie since it could not be alleged from him

_What a relief because I couldn't live without you my luz- masaru began another kiss which shou responded very happily to the comment of his partner.

While in the garden the other boys continued looking for their partners, they wanted to find them as quickly as possible to leave the place and never return. They walked a little more and saw three doors at the moment they stopped.

_We will have to separate- the other two attended each one took a different setting

yutaka walked down a long corridor he did not know where he was, he kept walking in the corridor he saw many doors when he tried to open them he realized that they are all locked, he kept walking, he stopped when he saw two corridors he did not know which of the two to take he thought for a few minutes and take the hall to the left.

He kept walking for a long time, he saw some men coming in his direction, he looked for the place with his eyes where to hide next to him was a door when he tried to open it, he realized that it was not closed, he immediately entered, the men remained standing in front of the door.

_What ren-sama and that young man are talking about- mentioned one of the men

_I don't know, but we must hurry to capture the others as they ordered us- mentioned his partner

The two men left, when they were lay yutaka came out of his hiding place and continued walking down the long corridor a few minutes later he reached a door, he opened it and what he saw surprised him a lot.

Akio was in front of Ren, some men were in the place taking care of them. Yutaka approached them and grabbed Akio by the arm to be able to remove him from the place but one of the bodyguards alleged Akio of Yutaka.

_I'm sorry yutaka but he does not leave the mansion- I mention ren with superiority

_he comes with me- trying to get the bodyguard to release his partner

_Guys please accompany young yutaka to the exit- the bodyguards obeyed the order of their boss began to take yutaka out of the room, Akio only saw everything, the boy tried to free himself from the bodyguards but could not achieve it since they were very strong.

_I am not going to leave without you akio- yutaka struggled I did not want to lose a person that I loved so much for the second time

_Tell him before he found out- ren akio mentioned who immediately went with yutaka

_yutaka I do not love you, I am only interested in your money- Akio confidently open to the boy

Yutaka was surprised by Akio's words, he couldn't believe it but he analyzed his words the boy was lying, Yutaka let go of the two bodyguards and went with Akio.

_I don't care, I'll keep loving you- yutaka kissed him, which Akio immediately responded

Ren who was seeing everything started to laugh the two boys separated from the kiss they saw Ren who had tears in his eyes from laughing.

_He is laughing- he was teasing him with his laugh he was making fun of him

_ you passed the test- yutaka was surprised by what I say ren

_I told you that he was different from the others- Akio hug Yutaka

_I will trust Yutaka well, we are going to the mansion to wait for the rest- he left the room followed by the bodyguards

The two boys followed Ren, yutaka had akio possessively burned since he did not want to be separated again the three entered the house while the bodyguards went to another place, they went to the room where Masaru was already waiting for them, shou and tadashi.