The test of isamu and masahiro

Isamu came to a large door, when crossing the door he saw a long corridor that was dark, he began to walk with caution since there was no sap that he could find, after walking for a while, a few meters away he could see a light from He immediately went to her and when he reached the place where the light came, he saw a large room that was empty.

Looking around the place for a clue of where his partner could be on one of the walls of the room he saw a letter when he grabbed it and seeing it immediately recognized the handwriting of his beloved kiyoshi he began to read it being prepared for everything the letter says.

Hi isamu

I am writing you this letter to tell you what can break your heart. I know it's a cowardly way but I don't want to see how you will feel when I tell you the terrible news.

My brothers knew of our relationship they do not approve of it so I will leave the country that is why I am writing you this letter since it would be unfair of me to leave without warning but you may be wondering it is also unfair that I do not say it in person but I would not like to see you now That would break my heart, I hope that one day you can forgive me for this, I love you, Isamu.

att kiyoshi

ps: I will always carry you in my heart.

When he finished reading the letter, he fell on his knees to the ground crying for the news, he could not believe that his great love was leaving the city because his family did not accept their relationship. He had to find him as soon as possible to talk to him to convince him not to leave and if possible talk to his family about his relationship with kiyoshi and convince them not to take him from their side.

He left the place running, he did not know where he was going, he only thought of arriving with his beloved kiyoshi to talk about what he had written in the note he had even made the decision to go with him, he stopped for a moment to take a breath he saw around him He did not recognize anything he continued walking to find the exit a while later he saw a door he opened it he saw a very beautiful room he explored it with his eyes in the room he did not find anyone but he realized that there was someone on the balcony.

He approached to be close enough he was surprised to see his beloved kiyoshi looking at the sky who had not realized that Isamu was in the room came out to the balcony hugging him from the back surprising kiyoshi.

_it is true what you wrote in this letter- show him the letter

_if it is true- Kiyoshi answered with a sad voice

_then I will go with you, no matter what you tell me, I will follow you everywhere- Isamu mentioned that he was determined not to part with the person who won his heart in such a short time

Kiyoshi turned to see Isamu's eyes on an impulse the two kissed with much love after a few minutes the two separated due to the lack of air in their lungs.

_I have something to tell you and I hope you understand it- isamu paid attention to what I wanted to say to him

_What do you mean

_What the note says is a lie- Kiyoshi spoke

_ it's serious- kiyoshi attended- it was a joke in bad taste but I'm glad you're not leaving my side- isamu hugged kiyoshi

With masahiro

Since Masahiro entered the only thing he did was walk down a long corridor, all the time he was walking he had not seen any door but if several papers scattered down the corridor, he seemed to see a door accelerated the step, being in front of the Opened.

Masahiro entered the room, he was surprised to see how beautiful the room was, he searched all over the place but he did not find a trace of kazuya, he saw three doors in the room, he opened the door that was closest to him.

When he opened he saw that it was the bathroom on his way to the next door, the door was from a closet, what he saw was a paper stuck on the wall of the closet which had his name.

Masahiro is in one of the two doors that remain. I want to tell you something important. I hope you choose the right door.

att: your beloved kazuya

Masahiro knew what door he was in, he went to the left, he opened it when he entered the room, he saw Kazuya sitting on the bed with a sad face.

_kazuya it's good that you're fine- kazuya looked up

_masahiro I don't know how you are going to take what I tell you

_Whatever you have to tell me, I'll take it well- burn it- because I love you

Kazuya corresponded the embrace of masahiro who was mentalizing himself by what he was going to say he was not going to abandon him, they separated from the spoken masahiro he saw his partner who was still sad.

_ What did you want to tell me- kazuya shows a photo of a baby to masahiro- why do you show me this- I mention I did not understand why I was showing him that photo

_ he is my son-masahiro could not believe what his partner was telling him, he had a son, who was the mother, he will have abandoned him and most importantly because he was telling him at that time, many questions were forming in his head.

_ Because you tell me right now

_ I did not know how you were going to react- I comment- I wanted to spend some time with you before you rejected me

_ If you had told me before I would have understood you- masahiro hugged kazuya who was very happy for the boy's answer- who is the baby's mother- looking at the photo again

_ I have something else to tell you- he looked back at Kazuya who changed his expression which Masahiro did not understand- how would you feel if I told you that what I told you is a lie- Masahiro did not understand why he was saying those words

_ I don't know, why do you ask- I mention Masahiro

_Because everything I said is a lie- I did not know whether to be angry with him or disappointed because he already imagined living with that child

_What if in the future we adopt a baby- mentioned Masahiro who made what he said happy since he could count on that boy.