Chapter 1

"Inayah!" The dork next to me yelled. This dudes been calling my name for ages. I really wish he would give up. "Inayah, It's important." He whined. "What retard?" I snapped. "You and Derek are dating, right?" Did this sick fuck really just yell my name over and over just to state the obvious . "Are we dating? I just can't remember." I lied. "Oh so you guys are over?" Could the human race be any stupider. "Of course we're dating dumbass!" I growled rolling my eyes.

"Then why is he kissing Tristan? He posted it on his snap." What? I jumped out of my seat. "Are you sure it was Derek? A lot of guys have black hair." I was so gonna murder someone. "Yeah it literally says Derek_A1. That is Derek's snap. At least I think it is." The dork's voice was laced with uncertainty. "That is his snap. Thanks for telling me."

I stormed out of the cafeteria. The little fucker would get what's coming to him. I yanked my phone out of my pocket and checked his snap. Sure enough his latest post was of him kissing Tristan at his locker. I quickly removed the bitch from my bank account, social media, and my phone.

I knew it was Derek's fault. He had been leading her on for months. Texting her, meeting up with her, buying her gifts. I sprinted to his locker and to my surprise he was kissing Trisan.

"Babes." I whispered. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Nope, not for this fuck. I blinked the tears away. Derek jumped off of Tristan, her lipstick all over his mouth like cheap clown makeup. "Why are you kissing the fucking slut?" I hissed. Tristan glared at me. "I'm not the slut if you were the one stealing my man. He's been with me since the beginning. You think he really think he likes you, you blue haired freak." I was gonna tear her fucking face off. "Get over here bitch! Maybe if you don't run I'll go easy on you." I slowly started walking to her.

"Your just a cheap slut to him." She hissed. "I paid the bills honey." With that I launched myself at her. "At least he came to me, you couldn't even keep him." I whispered in her ear. I grabbed her by her fake ass extensions and slammed her pretty little mouth into my knee. Her scream brought a smile to my lips. "You didn't run so I don't have to be psychotic." I let her go and watched her scramble to her feet. She wiped the blood from her mouth on the back of her hand. "Just you wait. I'm gonna tell my daddy on you." I rolled my eyes at her. "While your at it ask your daddy for more extensions." I said gloriously holding up the hair I collected from her head.

She growled at me and stomped off. I whirled around and caught Derek by the jacket. "We're over kid. I'll let you off easy though. Give me back the plane ticket. Find your own way to Chicago." He dug it out of his jeans pocket. I snatched it from his hand and sashayed away.

-----------------------------------Time Skip-------------------------------------

At home I gingerly fingered my neon blue hair. My red hair was poking through the blue pigment. "Mom I'm gonna grow my hair out naturally again." I called. I heard a pan drop and a string of curses coming from the kitchen. "Are you sure?" She called back. I sighed. Should I go back to my natural red? You see my hair was naturally an intense scarlet red. It looked like red paint or fresh blood. It was unnatural.

I took my contact out of my left eye and stared into the mirror. A lone blue eye stared back at me. My eyes were strange too. The left one was blue while the other was green. Not only that, but they were bright clear colors. Instead of grayish blue or greenish blue it was just blue. Same with the green.

I sighed and went down to the kitchen. "I'm going natural in Chicago. The red is already starting to show." I told my mom as she buzzed around the kitchen. For some odd reason no hair dye could stay in my hair for longer than a month. No matter how strong it was.

"Okay. I heard about the dickhead. You okay?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Just took his ticket. If you want you can take it and go to Chicago with me. And I upgraded both to first class." Mom moved away from the stove long enough to give me a high five. "Now that's my girl! I would love to go with you, but I can't. Ask one of your friends." I frowned. Mom was just crying about not being able to go with me.

I sighed, but she was just like me. She was only going to go on her own terms. We were the perfect pair. Hype, profan, smart, and strong. But no matter how strong I was, it would be weird staying away from her for months on end. "Mom, what if Chicago isn't for me?" I asked. She pulled me into a hug. "The just let me know." That's another thing. We're both short. I'm 5 feet and 5 inches, but she's only 5 feet and 2 inches.

"So what's for dinner. Wouldn't want it to burn." I joked. "Shit!" She broke the hug and ran to the stove. I grinned. That was my mom for ya. "As your go away gift we're eating lasagna. Look on your bed for your other gift." I bolted up the stairs, and tried to stop at my bedroom door. I slipped on the carpet and fell hard on my ass. "What did I tell you about running?!" My mom yelled. I couldn't help it. I broke out laughing. I stood up, wincing at the pain in my back side. I opened my bedroom door and saw a large yellow box on my bed.

I lunged onto my bed in excitement. Hey, don't judge I don't get gifts often. I lifted the lid on the box. There were multiple smaller gifts inside. I grinned. I picked up the green one. It was thin and and square. I greedily tore off the wrapping paper. Inside was a heart shaped pendant. It had a blue and green gen in the middle. The way the blue and green was placed would make it mirror my eyes. I ran down the stairs to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I held up the gem to the mirror. It did mirror my eyes!

The gem was encased in silver. I slowly took the gem out of the box. It was a necklace. I moved my hair out of the way and put it on. It looked beautiful around my neck. The way it mirrored my eyes mad it seem like it was a part of me. It suited me well. Where had Mom found this? "Inayah dinner." I stormed down the hall to the kitchen. The scent of lasagna lured me to the island. A plate of fresh lasagna was next to Mom and her plate.

I sat down and started shoveling the meal down my throat. It would be a while until I could get one of Mom's meals again. "Nice find In. Where'd you get it?" My mom asked from next to me. "It was in one of the gifts. That you got me." I answered. She was lucky I paused my eating for her. I wolfed down another bite. The necklace really suited me,but the gem was fucking weird. "The necklace suites you, but that gem is fucking weird." I laughed almost choking on my lasagna. "I was thinking the same thing." I mumbled. The same exact thing.