Chapter 5

(Everett's POV)

"EvaLyn I hate this." I hissed. We were in our apartment. We were right above Inayah. EvaLyn smirked at me. "You like her don't you?" She asked. "Yes, I do. But I don't want to kidnap her. She'll hate me. Alpha Asher doesn't deserve her." I said, mumbling the last part.

EvaLyn poked me in the chest. "That's your problem. You are his Gamma. You do what you are told. Do not throw away your position for a stupid human." She hissed. EvaLyn was the better one of the both of us. Better at acting, better at carrying out orders, better at manipulating people too. I groaned. "I know, but Inayah doesn't deserve this. I wish she was my mate." I said, sighing. Why couldn't my other half be her? She was beautiful, strong, funny, and perfect. Perfect for me.

"Any updates on Inayah?" Alpha Asher asked through the mindlink. "Yes. She is moving in and lives alone." I answered. I couldn't be banished because of her. No matter how pretty she was. "Where will she be working?" He asked. "Don't know. I'll find out Alpha." I answered. "We must use her to Alpha Lucian. He already has scouts watching her." I groaned. Everyone wanted a piece of her.

(Alpha Lucian's POV)

My beta, Tyrone, walked into my office holding a thick malina file. "Your cousin, Devon ordered I give this to you. It's on a new girl in the area. Her name's Inayah Claire Bellingham. She'll be working for Devon." He said. He placed the file on my desk and left. I opened it.

I was bored as fuck and could use something to do. I looked down at the first page and my jaw dropped. She was beautiful. I studied her face. Her eyes. The colors shouldn't have been that vibrant naturally, even if she was a wolf. But they were. And her hair was a pure red not an orangey red, or ambun red, or brownish red. Just red.

"She's ours." My wolf howled. Asher, I reminded both myself and my wolf. If she was working with Asher I would have to kill her. "No killing her." My wolf yelled in my head, leaving a pain behind my head. "Why?" I growled back. "Mate." He whispered. "What?!" I sat straight up. After all these years looking for my mate, she just showed up.

"Tyrone! Christian!" I yelled. Both of my betas ran into the room. "Keep an eye on this girl. She is my mate." I ordered. "What?!" Christian sputtered. "Just do it!" I snapped. They ran out of the room. I had actually found my mate. My other half. She was MINE.