Chapter 6

Devon had texted me this morning about work. Apparently, I started working today. Out of consideration, he sent someone over to pick me up. I wore a white button down shirt that I tucked into my black pencil skirt. The black and white only highlighted my hair and eyes. I had flats on for comfort and left with the chauffeur. He brought me to a humongous building on the west side of Chicago.

I calmly went inside and texted Devon, Hey I'm here. I walked over to the front desk. A brunette sat behind the desk glaring at me. You could tell she was young. Maybe 20. "I'm here to see Devon Lewis. Is he available?" I asked. She scoffed at me. "He's not available right now. Or ever in fact." I rolled my eyes at her and pulled out my phone.

I'm having issues with the secretary. Need help >:(

"I'll be seeing him in a couple minutes with or without your help." I said clearly, without a hint of emotion in my voice. "He really can't like you. Your a 2 eyed freak." She hissed. I shrugged off her comment. I had been bullied for years. Heard that one over and over again. I heard approaching footsteps and faked hurt. "What seems to be the problem Mystery Maiden?" Mr. CEO asked. "She won't let me see you and called me a two eyed freak." I said pointing at her. I let my voice waver and crack.

"Mr.Lewis that's not true! I merely asked for her information and identification. I was doing my job!" She ranted frantically. "You're fired. You have 4 minutes to pack your things before I send security." Mr. CEO stated calmly. "What?! Over that bitch!" She screamed. I smirked with satisfaction. "4 minutes." He restated. He grabbed my by the hips and led me to the elevators behind her.

I frowned at the unfamiliar feeling of his hands on my hips. He took me to the elevator on the far right and clicked the button. It automatically opened and he directed me inside. Once the door closed I moved out of his hands. "Mystery Maiden I need your name. It'll be weird working with you without knowing your name." He said. "Inayah." I snapped. I could still feel his fantom hands on my hips. I shuddered.

"Inayah, did I do something wrong?" Devon asked. "Yes, you fucked up. Why the hell did you think you could touch me? You shit eating, son of a fucking asshole." I snapped glaring at him. He threw his hands up in surrender. "Sorry!" I continued to glare at him. "Sorry isn't going to fix it, you prick." I glared at him.

He grinned, his amber eyes gleamed with mischievousness. "Let me fix it." He whispered. His face was suddenly, awkwardly very close to mine. He was going to kiss me! Turn my head to the side or kick him in the balls? Turn my head.

But I was too slow. His lips captured mine and he pinned me against the wall. Using his tongue as a key he unlocked my mouth. His hands found my hips and pulled me into him. He seemed a lot taller then. Definitely 5''8' or 5''9'. I started to lose myself and kiss him back.

I felt his growing manhood press into my abdomen, reminding me where I was. I pulled myself away from him gasping for breath. Why did I let him kiss me? I tried to escape his arms, but he dug his fingers into my hips and pulled me closer. He pulled me into him until I felt his erection. "You're really going to leave me after doing this to me?" He growled. I blushed. "That's your problem. You kissed me." I mumbled. "You kissed me back." I tried to glare at him.

"Once again, you're fairly attractive. I can't help but think of you as a sex toy." I confessed, blushing harder. "Don't talk to me like that unless you want me to fuck you." He growled huskily. He pressed a button and the elevator started going up. He did that intentionally! I stared at the door willing it to open. If I was in here any longer with him, we would have an attempted murder on our hands.

Thankfully it opened after 1 minute and 52 seconds. And yes I counted. Devon stepped out and I followed him down a very lavish hall, to a door that he quickly opened. "So this is the girl Tammy got fired for." A mesmerizingly deep male voice drawled. Oh my god. News traveled faster than std's here. My blood felt electrified. Who was this? I stepped fully into the room. There were full wall windows on the back wall. The chair was facing the windows. The reflection in the window told me someone was in the chair.

The chair spun around to reveal a very drool worthy man. His hair was a chocolaty brown, and looked silky. His face was extremely angular and fine cut, like I could prick my finger on his jaw. His eyes were amber, but the yellow was clearer in his eyes than it was in Devon's. He was huge. Definitely 6 something. His shoulders were wide and broadly set.

A hand covered my eyes. "Stop oggling my cousin." Devon growled. The use of the word cousin did not escape my notice. They were related?! I scoffed at him, batting away his hand. "I'm merely eying my new opponent." I can't believe I was just caught staring. What was wrong with me?

"I'm Lucian." He stood up and jumped over the desk. Show off. He held a hand out to me. "Inayah." I said shaking it lightly. "You do know it took me two days to learn her name." Devon said walking around me. "Your lucky cous." He patted Lucian on the back. I grinned at them. "Lucian, you should really get your cousin looked at. Quick question." I said. I was going to make the best joke possible out of this and leave them balling with laughter. "Yeah. Why?" Perfect. "Was Devon born with a stick up his ass or did someone shove one up there? 'Cause damn, he should really get it looked at." Lucian and Devon broke out in bursting laughter.

Something about Lucian's laughter made me beam with pride. I made him laugh. "Spicy." Lucian leaned forward so he was closer to me. "I like them like that." He whispered so only I could hear him. I smiled shyly at him. "And I like it when my men are quiet. So only I can hear them moan with pleasure." I whispered back. His jaw dropped. His eyes gleamed with inescapable hunger. "What would you do with me if I was yours?" Lucian asked. Everything, I found myself wanting to say. "I would make you do everything to me. Especially head. There's something sensual about a man on his knees. Maybe if I'm nice I'll let you lead for a round or 2. But we're going all night long." I purred.

Lucian grinned and started to walk to me. "Lucian stop trying to steal my girl." Devon whined holding Lucian back by his arm. I turned to look at the idiot. "I was never yours honey. And please we're just flirting." Since when did I flirt with people? Devon grabbed me by the hips and pulled me into his body. "Don't flirt with my cousin. Flirt with me instead." Devon breathed. "No offense, but your not really my type. Your more date my bestie's brother type of cute to me. While Lucian. . . He's the type of man you pin after your whole life and have regrets about. I'm not going to miss my chance because of you." Devon cringed away from me.

I felt another pair of hands on my hips. They tugged me out of Devon's grasp and into a hard chest. "So I'm pin worthy." Lucian asked, his voice earth-shatteringly husky. He bent down and placed his mouth by my ear. "Trust me your every guy's fantasy." He breathed, his hot breath tickling my ear. I shivered, loving the feeling. "Sexy. Curvy. Flirtatious." He placed a kiss from my ear to my neck with every word. I instinctively closed my eyes and leaned into his touch. Something about him, his scent, his voice, was drawing me deeper than I ever dared to go. "Your hair and eyes. Those are enough to bring any good man to his knees." He growled.

He replaced his lips with his tongue. I bit my lip to keep from moaning in pleasure. This really couldn't be happening. I barely knew him! He pulled my body further into his, until his erection tapped the top of my ass. "I want you so fucking bad." He whispered. He lightly bit my neck, earning a small mewl from me.

"No sex in my office!" Devon snapped. I jumped out of Lucian's arms. My heart was going a mile a minute struggling to slow down. "What happened to no office affairs Inayah?" Devon asked. I cringed away from the question. "Lucian I think you're really nice. Maybe we can talk later." I said quickly and breathlessly. "Sure." He purred. I looked down my cheeks aflame. Why was his voice so goddamned sensual?! God just had it out against me, didn't he. "Let's go." Devon growled. He led Lucian out of the room, leaving me uncertain and alone.