Chapter 8

Lucian and Devon came back into the office. I sat in the same spot Lucian was in when I had first come in. I was so bored I had started to organize the desktop. "About fucking time! I was going to die from boredom." I jumped out of the chair and walked around the desk. "By the way very messy desk top. I started cleaning it for you." Devon smiled and winked at me. "Thank you princess." I rolled my eyes at him.

I was suddenly surrounded by the very masculine and comforting scent of cinnamon and spice. "What about me?" I jumped back. Who was . . . It was Lucian, and I just jumped back into his arms. I felt his hands rest possessively on my hips. "What did you do for me?" He asked huskily.

I hated this. How powerless I felt. Not being able to break free of his arms. His voice. His scent. I knew I could break free if I wanted to, but my body didn't want to. "I did nothing for you." I found myself saying. "Then kiss me for me, so I can thank you with a date." I blushed, my face aflame. Was this sexgod asking me out? "Sure." I breathed hesitantly.

He spun me around and molded his lips on mine. I've kissed a thousand time before, but with Lucian it felt like a first kiss. An experienced first kiss. He pulled me closer into his body, his hands finding the small of my back. I shivered at the touch. Every part of my body felt alive. I wanted him to do things to me no one had ever done to me before.

He yanked my head back and kissed me harder. I opened my mouth for him and we became a fury of hands, teeth, tongue, and lips. We broke away when our tratorious lungs demanded we breathed again. I panted hard staring into his amber eyes. Why was kissing him so goddamned sensual?

"Will you go out with me?" Lucian asked breathlessly. "Yes." I answered, equally breathless. Lucian led me out of Devon's office, and I mindlessly followed him. "Tell me a little about yourself Inayah." Lucian said. "I love art. I'm actually going to college for art. I'm very good at combat. And I just moved here from New York." I said briefing my life for him.

"Have you dated before?" Lucian asked. I shrugged. "I got asked out a lot. Only 6 people made it to the first date. Only 5 to a second date. I've only had 2 boyfriends though." I found myself spilling. He was so fucking compelling, but it brought up memories of Derek. "Have you had any girlfriends?" I asked, trying to get the spotlight off of me. "A few." He said it so slowly and unconvincingly that I knew he was lying. It hurt that he was lying to me. Points off the second chance date.

"Well, when are we going out?" I asked. "Right now." He had pulled me into the elevator without me noticing. I had kissed Devon here just this morning. That felt like a hell of a time ago. "I can't go now, Lucian. I just got here. It my first day I can get fired." I whined. I crossed my fingers behind my back and bit my lip to keep me from saying more than I needed to. Yet I still found myself speaking. "Devon will be mad at me. I should probably get back." I sighed.

First day on the job and I'd probably lose it. Lucian stared at me as if trying to decide what to do. Please leave me here, and take me out later. I silently begged. The doors dinged. I looked over my shoulder. The first floor! When had he done that?! I looked back at him. He grinned. "I'll smooth it out with him later. He is my cousin." He pulled me out of the elevator by my wrists.

"Then let me go home and change." I said pulling my hand out of his grasp. "Then we'll go to your place first." He led me out of a different door that I had come through. It was a parking lot. He led me to one of the first cars there were. A goddamned Ferrari. God. Those things drove way over 100 mph. And Lucian seemed like the guy that would speed for the fun of it because he could pay the ticket. "Nope. I'm not dying in that." I tried to turn around, but Lucian moved quickly. I ended up walking into his chest.

"How the fuck did you do that?! Actually don't tell me! Your probably working for the Illuminati or some shit. You're gonna abduct me, weren't you. Welp not today!" I ranted hysterically. He was on the whole other side of the car opening the driver's seat. No normal human could move that fast. I ran towards the door trying to put distance between us. Surprisingly, he let me go.

(Lucian's POV)

Why the fuck did I just do that? I went and fucking scared the shit out of my mate. I bet she doesn't want anything to do with me. I don't blame her. I don't want anything to do with myself either. I had come hella close to revealing who I, what I was in that moment.

I slammed my fist against the concrete wall, cracking it and my fingers. I barely even registered the pain over my rising anger. I went to throw another puch, but two hands pinned my arms to my sides. "Luce she'll come back. It's not over." Devon said trying to calm me down. "That's just it. I moved to stop her from leaving and moved too fast. I fucking scared her." I grumbled. Devon let me go.

"I have her number. Text her." Devon literally just solved all of my problems. "Please don't be lying."