Chapter 12

(Lucian's POV)

Why would she invite me to the park. It doesn't make sense. I showed up to the park first. Wanting to impress I had worn a maroon shirt, black jeans, and matching maroon sneakers. I saw her jog towards me. Plum leggings that made her ass more appetizing than I ever thought it could be. The strap and middle of her bra was on display despite the white jacket she was wearing. I would be lying if I said I wasn't turned on by the sight of her. I went and hugged her. She lashed out immediately. She slammed the back of her head into mine. It left me dazed. She slipped out of my grasp and kicked me in the balls.

I fell to the ground in pain. She stood over me. I glared at her. "Oh my god. I am so sorry! I didn't know it was you and I panicked! Do you need help?!" She dropped down to her knees and started rubbing my back. I already felt fine but I didn't say anything. Her touch sent shocks right through me. I can't believe she lashed out so quickly. She didn't even have a wolf or nd supernatural abilities. She was amazing. I sat up and laughed.

"You are amazing. You put a grown man like me on his ass." I continued to laugh until I couldn't anymore. "Devon told me you keep the stats. What are they now?" I asked. I remembered Devon telling me about it after he got to Chicago. I didn't care until I realized it was my mate he was talking about. "11 boys kicked in the balls, 6 girls knocked out, and 23 kids I fought with." She said. I looked at her in awe. She would be a perfect Luna, despite her being human.

"Be my bodyguard all holy one." I asked. It was the perfect excuse to keep her by my side. All day. And all night. She laughed. I tried to keep from frowning. I guess my plan didn't work. "No. I might be good with a gun, but that doesn't mean I'll guard you." She squealed. A gun! She knew how to use a gun!? Of course she did. I grinned. "Let's do a test to see who is fitter." She said, putting her hands on her hips. I smiled innocently at her. I would definitely win. It was I who had the werewolf strength and speed. Plus I could woo her to my side with my skills. "Sure." I agreed. "First who can run the longest, go!" I yelled taking off.

I heard her footsteps behind me, but they were quite far behind. I grinned. I would show her I was the fastest man she'd ever meet. Especially in bed. I turned back to look at her. She didn't even seem out of breath. She was just jogging. Then she sped up, eating up ground like it was cake. We were now neck in neck. I pushed myself to run faster. She let me take the lead again. What was up with her? Eventually my lungs started burning and my legs were started to numb. I still kept pushing to run. In the end there was nothing I could do, I needed a break. I stopped, trying to catch my breath. She ran right past me. "Stop!" I panted. She was really going to outdo me. How was she still running?

"I win!" She screeched. She danced, swishing her hips, waving her arms and jumping. I let myself watch her. "What are you a car?" I asked after she had been dancing for some time. She never seemed to be out of breath. She stopped dancing and looked at me. "It was a test of endurance not a race. So I didn't push myself to be the fastest idiot." She explained. I groaned. Why hadn't I thought of that? I was clearly faster, so all I had to do was slow down. She stood on her tippy toes and ruffled my hair.

I stared at her. Did she really just take the initiative to touch me? "I let you win you know." I growled. She rolled her eyes at me. "Says the man who was breathing as hard as a hippo." She retorted. I glared at her. I was definitely not breathing that hard. "Push ups." I spat. I was winning this one.

She got into position and started doing push ups. I mentally counted them. After 30 she started slowing down. She completely gave out at 36. "How many?" She asked. "36. Not bad. My turn." I got down into a plank. I waited until her eyes were on me and put an arm behind my back. Then I started. I could feel her eyes on me making me need to do more.

I lost myself to the work out until my arms slightly stung. I didn't want to make Inayah feel bad so I just stopped and flipped over, my back on the grass. I looked at her. Her green and blue eyes were full of awe. "How many?" I asked. "I gave up at 40." I grinned. I definitely blew everyone out of the water. "Could any of your boyfriends do that?" I asked. She blushed and shook her head. Hope sparked within me. "Can I be your boyfriend?" I asked. "Not yet. You have to go out with me first." She squealed.

I groaned falling back into the grass, coving my face with my hands. Why couldn't she just be mine. I wanted her so goddamned bad.