Chapter 18 - Choosing Mission

Chapter 18 – Choosing Mission

"Then, let's choose our mission," Keith spoke excitedly as he went back to the first notification and went to the Food Source missions. He decided to take the Food Source 2 mission where he needed to hunt animals.

Adrian reminded Keith, "Animals and monsters are different. This mission said animals so, you will be hunting Grade E creatures."

"I know what you mean. I actually want to choose the Security 2 mission but at my current stats, it will be hard. So, I want to start slow by hunting animals first before I move on to beasts and monsters," Keith spoke which surprised Adrian and Ceylon.

"You are not an idiot after all," Ceylon spoke.

Keith glared at Ceylon and spoke, "Then, how do you think I got into college?" Ceylon smirked.

"I am taking Food Source 3 mission. The easiest out of all the mission and less dangerous for a newbie," Ceylon spoke.

"Gathering does not mean you will not meet any dangers," Keith spoke and smirked at Ceylon as he thought Ceylon was an idiot here.

"The most dangerous things in this area are slimes which we can easily avoid. Beasts rarely come out during the day so, as long as I do this during the day, I can escape most of the dangers," Ceylon replied.

"I meet a lot of beasts during the day…" Keith mumbled and he looked at Adrian. "How about you?"

"I choose Living Necessity 1 mission," Keith and Ceylon were surprised.

"I thought you will choose Food Source 1 mission," Keith spoke.

"Your special stats, as well as your family background, is suitable for Food Source 1 mission. Why are you choosing a different mission?" Ceylon added.

"I think water is more important. You said earlier Ceylon that it will be hard without water if I start farming. So, I think this settlement needs a stable and close water supply. Not only farming but drinking and many other works can be done without much problem with the presence of water," Adrian spoke.

"I will start farming in this game once this settlement has a stable water supply."

"What are you going to do Adrian? Digging a well for underground water?" Keith asked.

"Do you think it is easy to find underground water? Dig there and a water spout will appear?" Ceylon mocked Keith. Keith glared at Ceylon.

"Well, I need to see everything first before I decide on what to do," said Adrian. After that, all of them accepted the mission they wanted.

At the same time, Adrian collected his rewards for arriving safely in the Green Orchid Settlement.

[Mission: Green Orchid Settlement (Complete)

Description: Go to the Green Orchid Settlement. The location of the settlement is marked on the map. You can view the map from your game menu.

Grade: F

Requirement: Level 1 to 10

Rewards: 20 Bronze Coins and 5 Experience Points]

Since Adrian's Authority Level was Grade C, his rewards were doubled. So, he got 40 Bronze Coins and 10 experience points. With this reward, Adrian now had 1 silver and 20 bronze coins in his storage. As for his experience, 10 more points and he would level up to level 2.

"What?" Keith was shocked.

"What is wrong?" Adrian asked.

"…" Ceylon was silent.

"I am doom again!" Keith looked frustrated.

"???" Adrian was confused.

"The mission is updated and including me, fifteen other players are taking this mission. So, there are sixteen of us doing this mission. Doesn't that mean, my share of contribution points will be less?" Keith spoke.

He had wanted to collect more contribution points for Authority Point because he wanted better treatment from Future but if many people were doing the same mission, the contribution points he got would be less.

"I guess I am a bit better, including me, there are 10 players who choose this mission," Ceylon spoke too.

"I am sure those two missions are popular because this is an RPG game where there are a lot of monsters around," Adrian added.

Then, Adrian remembered something and asked Future, "Can we accept more than 1 mission, and will other missions have contribution points too?" Keith and Ceylon's ears perked up.

[You can accept more than 1 mission but not this one. The 9 missions all of you get are the monthly mission where all of you must choose one. Some of these missions will be the same after 30 days but some will change to a more immediate need of the settlement] Future explained.

[No need to worry but if you fail to complete the missions you accepted, you will be penalized. As for contribution points, only missions that affect the settlement will have contribution points] Future replied.

Adrian told Keith and Ceylon about it and they were relieved.

"We need to find more missions for this settlement for more contribution points," Keith nodded and he was fired up to collect many points. He was done with the worse treatment from Future. Most of the time when he asked a question, Future would ignore, mock or get angry at him. He wanted better treatment.

"By the way, I wonder how many players are there in other settlements? There are thousands of middle schoolers and high schoolers around the vicinity of Orchid City. More so, not only them but many adults are playing this game too," Ceylon spoke.

"I think many of them will choose Orchid Settlement which is the higher grade than this settlement… !!!" Keith realized something and he was extremely glad that he followed Adrian to the lowest grade settlement.

"Wow~ they will get a tiny contribution point if like hundreds of them choose the same mission," Ceylon smirked. He was glad too that he followed Adrian and he knew it happened because of Future's tip and now, he was eager to raise his Authority Level.

"Still, because there are many people there, their development will be faster," Adrian spoke and the duo agreed. Also, as long as they received a mission with contribution points and they kept it a secret, they could hog all the points for themselves.

"Let's not talk about this. Let's find a plot of land to build our house!" Ceylon spoke and the trio continued walking. Adrian checked the time and it was evening.

"Guys, I think we should stop playing. It is evening and we need to tend our farm," Adrian spoke. They needed to water their farm or else, their vegetables would not get enough water.

"Huh? Is it time already?" Keith was reluctant to stop playing. He was a gamer and an addict to it too in the past. Now that he could play a game, he wanted to play it without stopping.

[Brat, go do your job. Are you going to drop from college and playing games? If you dare do that, I will make your life miserable!] Keith's Future threatened him.

Keith was silent for a few seconds before he spoke, "Let's stop playing. We can continue this after dinner."

[Who said you can continue after dinner? Raise your stats first before you log in again. If you did not raise your stat, I will lock you out of this game!]

"…" Keith was speechless. Ceylon received the same warning from Future too but Adrian did not receive any of that from Future.

"Future did not threaten you?" Ceylon asked.

"??? What do you mean?" Adrian was confused. He could not hear what their Future was saying and he could only hear his Future.

"…Nothing. I guess that is the perk of having high Authority Level," Ceylon spoke while he smiled bitterly.

"Then, will we continue after dinner?" Adrian asked.

"I think, let's play this whenever we have free time. No need to follow anyone because we all choose different missions. If we choose the same mission, we will do it at the same time," Ceylon suggested and he was right.

All of them took different missions and would not be together. So, there was no need to play Progress at the same. If they had free time, they could just play to complete their mission.

"Sure!" Keith agreed because it made sense. Why would he need to wait for Ceylon when his mission was hunting animals? He could travel together with Ceylon but he preferred to do it by himself or with other players who chose the same mission.

"Okay then," Adrian agreed too. His mission was far more different than Keith and Ceylon. So, he would not be with them at all.

After that, the trio logged out from Progress. Adrian got up from his bed and got a message from the chat group where Keith, Ceylon, and Adrian were the only members there.

[Let's go to the farm together] Ceylon messaged.

[Adrian's room] Keith replied.

[Sure. I will wait for you guys] Adrian replied.

A few minutes later, Keith and Ceylon arrived and the trio went to the farm. There was not much to do in the evening at the farm because Adrian did most of the work in the morning. All he needed to do was watered his lettuces.

After that, he had nothing else to do. Then, he remembered seeing many students running around the jogging track. Adrian checked his stats.

Name: Adrian Addison

Age: 21 [the Year 2455]

Level: 1

Experience: 90/100

Resident: Green Orchid Settlement

Authority Level: Grade C

Basic Stats

Health: 110 [Max: 180]

Energy: 110 [Max:180]

Strength: 9 [Max: 16] + 1[E]

Endurance: 13 [Max: 18] + 2[E]

Dexterity: 7 [Max: 14] + 1[E]

Intellect: 14 [Max: 14]

Special Stats – 5 slots

1.Farming Tool: 0 [Max 10]

2.Plants: 10 [Max 10]

3.Animals: 10 [Max 10]

4.Genes: 0 [Max 10]

5.Minerals: 0 [Max 10]

"My Dexterity is the lowest," Adrian checked the time and he still had an hour before they went for dinner. He decided to jog before dinner. Adrian messaged Keith and Ceylon and they wanted to join him.

Since the duo needed to raise their stats before they could log in again, they decided to join Adrian. Besides, jogging was a healthy exercise and useful for increasing their stamina which they needed to tend the farm.