Chapter 19 - Accumulation

Chapter 19 - Accumulation

The trio went to the track field for a jog. When they arrived there, they were surprised to see many students jogging. Not only students but there were also professors too which was a rare sight.

"The professors play Progress too?" Keith exclaimed in surprise.

"Will that professor be fine? Isn't he too old to be running like young people?" Ceylon pointed at an old professor at the track field.

"I am sure Future will remind him when it is too much. Since he is a professor, his Authority Level will be high and Future will take good care of him," Adrian spoke.

"Guys! Guys!" Keith suddenly became excited and he elbowed Ceylon excitedly.

"That hurt, idiot!" Ceylon was angry.

"Look! Look!" Keith pointed at someone on the track field excitedly. Adrian and Ceylon looked in that direction and saw three girls jogging together. It looked like they were friends.

Out of the three, one of them seemed to be used to jogging as she was fine but the other two were panting heavily indicating that they did not exercise much. It was also possible that they had been running around for a while thus, they were already tired.

What made Keith excited was not because of what happened to the three girls but because they were beautiful.

"…" Ceylon and Adrian were speechless. They thought that it was something important, amazing, or weird but Keith was just attracted to the girls.

"They are beautiful… There are three of us and they are a group of three too. We can do a group date together," Keith spoke excitedly and his face showed that he was infatuated by the girls.

"Let's go hit on them. With my manly charm, we will be able to get to their attention," Keith added excitedly. He raised his two fists in front of him and at the same time, he checked on his biceps to show that it was hard as proof of his 'manly' charm.

Even so, there was no response from Adrian and Ceylon. He looked at his side and the duo had started running. Both of them ignored Keith.

"!!!" Keith started running too and shouted, "Guys! This will be our chance to get ahead of our classmates!" Adrian and Ceylon were embarrassed when Keith shouted like that and they pretended not to know him.

An hour later, Adrian got a notification from Future that his Dexterity increased by 1 point. It was not much but it was better than nothing. Adrian decided to stop running because It was almost time for dinner.

There were not many students running around anymore. Most of them sat at the side of the track field to rest while many had started going back to their dorm. As for Keith and Ceylon, they were walking instead of running on the field.

When they saw Adrian stopped, the duo stopped too. They could not continue running as they had reached the limit.

"Future! Why hasn't any of my stats increased?" Keith spoke while he was panting. A few seconds later, his face turned ugly.

"What is it?" Adrian asked. He got his stats, so he was surprised to hear that Keith and Ceylon did not get theirs. They worked as hard as Adrian too while running.

"It is because of Authority Level again. My level for that is so low that I will need a lot of time to increase my stats… Future lecturing me too… although through text messages," Keith was too tired to think of his stats anymore.

Adrian got a message from Future. [For people like them, we used an accumulation system to determine their stat increase. Let say a player is running to increase his dexterity, in the first half an hour, he is indeed running but the next half an hour, he is walking]

[So, we only count the first half an hour for his dexterity training. As for the last half an hour, it is considered endurance training, so it will be counted as endurance training. Once the player accumulated enough training, they will get the stat points]

"So, is the stat training based on how long we do it?" Adrian asked.

[Yes. You get the dexterity stat because you did not stop much from your jogs earlier. Compare to your friends who stopped many times, and with their low Authority Level, they will need more time to increase their stats]

[You are lucky to live a healthy life since young so you can run for a long time. Adds with your high Authority Level, it will not take you long to increase your stats] Future complimented Adrian.

Adrian told them about the accumulation system and they were relieved. Although they would take longer to get the stat point, their hard work was not a waste.

The trio rested at the side of the track field for a few minutes before they went back to their room. They were stinking from the sweat and decided to clean themselves first before they went for dinner.

Half an hour later, the trio met each other at the cafeteria. They were surprised to see many students were at the cafeteria. Since they attended the college, there were not many people there but there were quite a lot of them this time.

"I guess everyone is tired from running too much and cannot have dinner outside of college," Ceylon found a spot while he talked. The trio sat at the spot and Adrian and Keith were the first to go buy their dinner while Ceylon sat there to save their spot.

After Adrian and Keith came back, Ceylon went to get his food. A few minutes later, Ceylon came back too and they had their dinner. While they were chatting, eating, and surfing the internet, Keith suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

"Whoa!!!" Keith raised his voice. Since the cafeteria was noisy, no one paid attention to his voice except for Adrian and Ceylon.

"Did you see the forums?" Keith asked and the duo shook their heads. Adrian was reading education material on a website about genes to increase his stats meanwhile, Ceylon was watching videos online.

"What is it? Any juicy news?" Ceylon was interested. Adrian glanced at Keith and continued reading his material but his ears were focused on Keith.

"Adrian…" Keith suddenly called Adrian with a nice voice making Adrian shuddered. "Thank you for forcing me to follow you to Green Orchid Settlement!" Keith suddenly smiled excitedly.

"What happens?" Ceylon was getting more interested but he did not want to miss the video, so he did not go online to read the forums.

"You guys will be shocked when you see this!" Keith gave the forum link to Adrian and Ceylon.