Chapter 26 - Slime 2

Chapter 26 – Slime 2

"There are quite a few slimes here," Adrian spoke and he started counting the number of slimes nearby. "Seven of them."

"You should stay here and let me clean them up," Valiant spoke. All of the slimes were level 1 and since Valiant was level 7, it was easy for him to fight them. Moreover, he could use the coating skill which was useful in dealing with slime.

However, Adrian saw this as an opportunity to gain some experience. He spoke, "Sir Valiant, can I help you fight the slimes?"

"Hmm? You don't have any weapon to help me. I should fight alone," Valiant was confused because he had thought that Adrian was a sensible man but he was a bit rash at the moment.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind and he smiled at Adrian, "Are you worried about me? Hahaha, thank you for that but I can handle all these slimes as easily as eating," Valiant liked Adrian more and more.

"…" Adrian was speechless that Valiant misunderstood him but he took this as a chance and spoke, "I want to gain more experience in fighting. With you here, it will not be that dangerous."

"Hmm~ You are not wrong there," Valiant nodded as he agreed with Adrian's thought. Also, since the settlement had fewer people that could fight, letting Adrian gain experience in fighting would help the settlement.

"I cannot kill them but we can work together to kill them. I will use Energy Control and Manipulation to locate the core's location and Sir Valiant can strike them," Adrian told Valiant his idea.

Since Adrian did not have any weapon, he had no way to kill the slimes. However, he could help Valiant with this method to kill the slimes. Not only would he gain experience points, but his mastery over the Energy Control and Energy Manipulation would increase too.

"That is not a bad idea. I will need to dig and move a lot of stones later and with you helping me, I can save some energy," Valiant approved of Adrian's idea.

Since Adrian was still a newbie and without any useful equipment, he would not be able to dig a lot of stones back. However, if he could help reduce Valiant's burden in fighting, Valiant could spend more energy digging more stones back.

The settlement required weapons and the stones were important. Adrian also knew this because he needed one too to complete his mission. Although Adrian intended to gain experience, he could make sense of Valiant's opinion too.

"Let's finish this fast. Let's not waste any more time," Valiant spoke and the kind middle-aged man attitude he showed earlier changed immediately. Adrian could feel the battle aura emitted by Valiant. He could see that he had been in many battles.

The many battles might not be after the Land Expansion but before that. Adrian was unaware of Valiant's identity before the phenomenon happened but he was sure that Valiant was at least an adventurer.

Since Valiant had focused on the battle, Adrian changed his attitude too.

"Let's start!" Adrian channeled his energy to his legs to increase his speed and dashed towards the nearest slime.

"!" The slime was surprised when something was suddenly coming towards them. It saw Adrian and immediately prepared for battle. The slime took a deep breath and its body expanded a little.

When Adrian saw this, he knew what the slime was trying to do. He was defeated previously because of this skill, Slime Shot.

True enough, a shot of slime was launched from the slime's mouth. The shot was fast but Adrian was not the newbie he was before. Using the enhanced speed, he dodged and dashed forward to the slime.

Adrian got in front of the slime and slapped the slime.

*Pak* As his palm touched the slime, he channeled his energy to the slime. Immediately after that, the slime's body shone and the core appeared inside its body.

Valiant suddenly appeared behind Adrian and he swung his massive greatsword at the core.


[Slime's Health -50]

"!!!" Adrian was shocked. 'That strong?' Valiant did not stop there as he swung the greatsword again on the core.

[Slime's Health -100]

Valiant hit the core one more time.

[Slime's Health -150]

Valiant did not waste any more time and hit the core once more.

[Slime's Health -200]

[Defeated Slime. Total rewards, 20 Experience points, 20 Bronze coins. Two people participate in the battle. The rewards will be distributed among the two]

[Player Adrian gained half of the rewards. Authority Level Grade C, Double rewards. Final rewards, 20 Experience Points, 20 Bronze coins]

[Player Adrian can level up. Do you want to level up now?]

"No," Adrian replied and ignored the rest of the notification because he was shocked by what had happened earlier. Valiant's hit originally produced 50 damage but the damage kept increasing for every of his hits later.

[The experience will accumulate and you can level it up later when you are ready] the system gave a notification.

Adrian wanted to ask what trick Valiant used to increase his damage like that but Valiant shouted, "Adrian, there are six more. Stop daydreaming!"

Adrian snapped back to reality and he dashed towards the next slime. At the same time, more slimes were alerted by the death of one of its comrades and headed towards Adrian and Valiant.

Be that as it may, the slimes were slow. Adrian and Valiant got enough time to deal with the next slime. Adrian slapped the second slime and channeled his energy. The core appeared and Valiant attacked the core.

[Slime's Health -50]

Valiant struck the core one more time.

[Slime's Health -100] and Valiant continued hitting the core and his fourth hit killed the second slime.

[Defeated Slime. Total rewards, 20 Experience points, 20 Bronze coins. Two people participate in the battle. The rewards will be distributed among the two]

[Player Adrian gained half of the rewards. Authority Level Grade C, Double rewards. Final rewards, 20 Experience Points, 20 Bronze coins]

'It happens again. His greatsword did not glow in blue, so, it is not a skill or not an active skill. A passive skill? I wonder what skill is that?' Adrian thought. He wanted to go to the next slime but the five slimes had grouped up together and prepared to use slime shots at Adrian and Valiant.

The scene of being hit by many slime shots reverberated in Adrian's mind. He gritted his teeth as remembering that scene was embarrassing. Adrian wanted to evade or dashed but Valiant shouted.

"Wait!" Valiant pulled his greatsword to his back and using the side of the sword, he slid the sword on the rocky ground and pushed the small rocks towards the group of five slimes.

"!!!" The slimes were shocked and they immediately dispersed. If they were hit by the stones, their core would be exposed and that would be bad. Still, they forgot about the trick Adrian had been using on the two previous slimes.

"Go!" Valiant shouted and Adrian rushed to the nearest slime. He slapped the slime and the core appeared. Valiant slashed the core.

[Slime's Health -50] and Valiant continued with the second, third, and fourth hit when the slime was defeated. The same notification appeared and Adrian got another 20 experience points and 20 bronze coins.

Adrian was used to the drill now and he headed to the next nearest slime. While Adrian was going for the single slime, Valiant did the earlier trick again to disperse the remaining slimes.

Adrian slapped the fourth slime and Valiant appeared and finished it in four hits. Adrian continued to the fifth slime.

While they were fighting the slimes, Adrian noted another piece of information about the slime. Whenever their core was hit, they would pause for a bit and if they were using a skill, the skill was canceled.

This was a piece of good information and Adrian understood why the physical attacker needed to finish the slime as fast as possible when they found the core.

After the fourth slime fell, they went and finished the fifth, sixth, and seven slimes. Adrian was amazed at the skill that Valiant used. He wanted to know what he did or how he learned the skill.

As Adrian and Valiant worked together to defeat the seven slimes, they got a total of 140 Experience points and 140 bronze coins. Divided by two, each of them got 70 experience points and 70 bronze coins.

Even so, since Adrian's Authority Level was high, he got doubled the rewards. Adrian was happy because he got them easily compared to when he was fighting the Sharp Teeth White Rabbit. He held on to level up because he wanted to do it at the settlement.

The seven slimes dropped six slime fluids and one slime skin. However, four of the slime fluids were broken and they dropped to the ground. The membrane that held the fluid broke because of the stony ground. Luckily, the rare slime skin was fine.

"Haish… this is a waste. Slime fluid is useful in brewing potions and four of them broke," Valiant was regretful.

"How about the slime skin?" Adrian asked.

"It can be used to treat a burn wound. Slime skin has a cooling effect and most of the time it is used to treat a burn wound. It is also used in crafting and certain potions too but the problem is keeping it fresh. We may waste this slime skin too because we can't keep it fresh," Valiant shook his head.

"…" Adrian was silent but he also thought, 'Didn't the storage time-proof? Is NPC's storage not time-proof?'

"Let's collect everything and inspect the river. We need to search for suitable stones too and digging… also more digging," Valiant could feel that there would be a lot of work to do. "Let's not waste time or more slimes will appear."

"You can review this area and after you finish, collect the small stones. I will handle the big stones," Valiant ordered.

"Are small stones useful?" Adrian raised his eyebrow.

"I don't know but we better bring as much as possible. That guy will figure it out himself," Valiant was not that verse in this matter and since they were there, it was better to take anything they could find.