Chapter 28 - Special Material

Chapter 28 – Special Material

Adrian looked at the rabbits and sparrows and he remembered about his newly learned skill, Tame. It might sound good but the skill was limited to animals only. So, he could only tame Grade E creatures which were the animals.

Adrian also wondered if there were the beasts and the monster's special stats? Without these two stats, there would be no tamers in the game.

'I wonder how the skill works?' Adrian thought of his tame skill. He got the skill but did not know how to use it. He also had no intention of using the skill because Adrian did not plan on raising any livestock on his farm inside the game. After all, he wanted to focus on a plantation.

Adrian's family farm did not raise any livestock too. They focused on vegetables. It was not easy growing vegetables and growing livestock were harder too. So, most farmers focused on only one thing.

'I should try using this skill… let see, on that sparrow,' Adrian saw a sparrow perched on a tree branch. Since they were quite far away, it did not escape when it saw Adrian and Valiant.

Adrian raised his palm at the sparrow and used tame. His energy depleted by five points but, nothing happened. The sparrow sat there without much reaction and Adrian did not get any indicator from the system that he had tamed the sparrow.

"What are you doing?" Valiant asked as he saw Adrian's awkward pose.

"…Erm… I got a tame skill for animals and I want to test it. However, it failed," Adrian blushed and he lowered his arm.

"Oh~ You have a tame skill?" Valiant was surprised.

"I have an animal stat," Adrian replied.

"Oh~ then, you can become a tamer!" Valiant was excited.

"Erm… I can only tame animals and they are the weakest of all creatures," Adrian replied. He stated the truth because the animals were the lowest on the food chain. The most he could do was tame animals and opened a ranch.

However, Adrian understood from Valiant's tone that he meant tamer for combat. Those common tamers in many fantasy games where the players tame monsters and asked them to fight. Even so, with Adrian's taming skill, he could only tame normal animals.

"Hahaha, what is wrong with that? All tamers started with animals and they slowly and steadily rose to become a real combat tamer," Valiant spoke excitedly.

Not like tamer was the best profession in the world but with the settlement's condition, a tamer was most welcome because they could command lots of creatures to help with the settlement.

"You may not remember this but if you can find the method to evolve the animals, you can become a beast tamer and monster tamer too," Valiant grinned. Since Adrian was a Lost Human, Valiant thought that Adrian had forgotten about the creature's evolution.

It was common knowledge in Progress's world that animals, beasts, and monsters could evolve. As for the method of evolution, it varied depending on the type of creature.

"Evolution?!" Adrian was surprised but then, he frowned. He knew that evolution was possible in fantasy games but considering the special stat, would his evolved animal listen to him? His special stat was an animal and once the animal evolved, it would become a beast.

"I know what you are worried about but once a creature is tamed, they will be loyal to the tamer until they die," Valiant explained, "Even if you don't have the beast and monster stat, they will obey you when they become a beast or monster."

Adrian was shocked and if that was the case, he could focus on farming and become a tamer when he needed to hunt to increase his level.

"Then, how can I make the animal evolve?" Adrian asked. If he knew of the method of evolution, it would be easy to have lots of strong tamed creatures.

"You need to find a special material where it contains a high amount of certain types of energy. With the material, you can give it to your tamed creature and if they are lucky, they will evolve," Valiant spoke.

"As for the special material… you need to search for it. From my knowledge, no one in this world has found a way to produce the special material and these special materials can only be found in the wild," Valiant added.

"Is it easy to find the special material?" Adrian asked. He knew it would be hard but he decided to ask.

"It is hard but because of the latest Land Expansion, it will be easy… not that easy but easier than before. There are a lot of unexplored areas at the moment and we will have a high chance of finding the special materials," Valiant was positive about this.

Adrian nodded. His focus on playing Progress was to become a farmer, so he was not that excited to become a tamer. However, with fewer players in Green Orchid Settlement, his chance of finding these ' special materials' would be high. He did not want to lose this chance.

'Since I don't want to tame animals for livestock, will it be okay for me to tame them and ask them to search for the special material?' Adrian's eyes beamed with expectation.

"Ah, I also forgot to mention that the higher the level of the area, the higher the chance we can find the special material," Valiant added.

"Are they other uses for the special material?" Adrian asked.

"Of course! Most of the time, they are used to forge better equipment and they become ingredients for powerful potions and medicine! Not only that but the special material can also be used to strengthen our skill. It is useful to creatures but also useful for humans. So, the competition for them is pretty high," Valiant explained.

"You don't need to worry about it for now. No one in this settlement is capable of using the special material. You can grab this chance and search for as many as you can and evolve the animals. They will help keep this settlement safe," Valiant smiled.

"But I cannot guarantee about the competition a month later. At that time, many people in the settlement will get back most of their strengths and they will need the special materials a lot," Valiant added, "Including me. All of us normal humans are aware of this."

"I want to search for a few special materials but the settlement's situation made it hard for me to leave," Valiant sighed.

The duo talked a bit more about the special material and according to Valiant, the material could increase the effect of skill but not all special material was capable of that. Only the one with the right stats could increase the effect of skill and there was a limit to how much it could increase too.

Most of the time, the special material was used to create stronger equipment and powerful potions and medicines.