Eri's Day of Fun and Timeskip

[A.N: Update: Idiot forgot to give Eri points.

Updated Ddraig quest to give more rep points.

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Luke's House

Hearing the news and finding no one would suspect them, especially with Jack's 'Information Erasure B'. Luke just shrugged and they all went off to go buy the clothes and just have fun with Eri. Eri, wearing one of Jack's spare clothes, was happy to get her own clothes because it made her feel special.

[+ 20 Affection with Eri for letting her get her own clothes.]

[+ 20 Obedience with Eri for letting her get her own clothes.]


Going to the shopping district, they went to a store that sold kid's clothes. Once there, Luke told Eri to "Get whatever you want you don't have to worry about the price of it.". With that being said, Eri looked at anything that interested her, and like a kid that got told Christmas was coming early, she got it all.

Jack looking at Eri was smiling seeing their sister smile. Going up to the ecstatic ball of energy they both went on a journey to find the best clothes for themselves.

Luke and Salter smiled, seeing the kids enjoying life, and patiently waited for them to come back with their clothes.

After about an hour of waiting, the two kids came back with all the clothes that they wanted. Of course, Jack was carrying most of it since Eri still has the strength of a regular 5-year-old. Telling Luke they were done, they all went to the counter to pay for the items that they all got. The cashier looked at the two, smiling with the biggest grins on their face after their adventure, and looked at Luke and Salter who she thought were their older siblings, with Luke being Salters boyfriend, and wryly smiled at his expression of surprise as the number on the counter continued to rise with every item that was added.

"That will be 152,234.43 yen, sir." The cashier said with their usual smile.

"Here, and keep the change," Luke said as he passed the money and grabbed the bags.

Walking out of the store Luke told them he was going to put the bags somewhere else. Eri wondered where he was going to put it, as it could be stolen by someone else. He responded by telling Eri it was another type of magic and she could come with him to see how it works.

Out of curiosity, she said yes and followed Luke over to the corner. People around them thought that he was a pedo for making a kid do that. When in an area where not a lot of people were, he put the bags into his inventory. Eri seeing this was amazed, to the point where stars appeared in her eyes like in most anime.

[+ 15 Affection with Eri for showing her a 'magic trick'.]

[Perk Gained (Eri:50)]

[Sad Beginings]

Affection, Reputation, Obedience Gain is faster with people with tragic pasts

Going back to everyone else they all enjoyed the rest of the day buying food, going to the arcade, and eating more food because Salter wanted more.

Luke, looking back at the day wished the day could be longer so that Eri and Jack could have more fun. But, all good things have to come to an end. And they all left to go back to the house.


Now back at the house, Luke got the clothes out so they could be washed tomorrow, Jack and Eri went to the bed to relax for a bit, and Salter helped Luke.

After a bit, Luke and Salter were done, and Luke called the kids. They both walked in confused, and Luke explained. "Eri we will be going into a place to train you guys since people might try to hurt you in the future. We don't want that to happen so we will make you stronger." Luke told Eri, who just nodded not wanting to go back to a place like where she used to be ever again.

Seeing this, Luke held his hand up and used 'I.D: Create: Demons'. The world once again shatters around them, Jack and Salter are indifferent to this, though, Eri gets a bit scared by this, runs to Jack for protection. Luke going back to Eri explained that this was a place where they could train but had to fight and kill their enemies.

Eri, hearing that she had to kill just got even more scared but a hand that had put itself in her back made her relax a bit. Looking over her shoulder she once again saw Jack who told her everything would be ok and that they would protect her.

With a renewed determination, Eri stood ready to do anything to get stronger. Luke, happy with the development, told Jack and Salter to just wail on all the enemies and let Eri take the kill.

Forgetting Eri didn't have a weapon, Luke created a [Soul Crystal Dagger] which could capture the souls of the enemies that it killed and the souls could be used as a catalyst for making the dagger an artifact.

Telling Eri this, the little girl made it her goal to get as many kills as possible to become stronger and to make her new family proud.

Looking around they found a horde of Demons gathering around waiting for the perfect time to strike them. The demons, being found out, immediately attacked them. Jack also going on the offense struck the first few demons that got in their way. Salter was with Eri, weakening them enough for Eri to kill them with the dagger and absorb their soul.

Eventually, Jack was surrounded by a horde. They used 'The Mist' to block the demon's sight. Using the opportunity, Eri and Jack killed all the Demons stuck in the mist, going behind them first stabbing them in the leg, then going for the head.


After a couple more hours of training with Eri and everyone else, he used 'Observe' on Eri.


Level- 32


Rank- Mortal

Alignment- Lawful Good

HP- 530 [106 per min]

MP- [Locked]

SP- 530 [106 per 30sec]

STR- 60







MP Regen= WIS X 2

MP = INT X 10

HP/SP Regen= END X 2

HP/SP= END X 10]

Going up to the little girl he told her he was going to grab her head and give her magic. Eri, surprised by this, just nodded. Seeing this Luke grabbed her head and sent a pulse of mana quickly unlocking it and a burst of power was felt by Eri.

Eri feeling the strange form of energy, tried to contain it in herself. Salter, being better at controlling her mana than Luke, instructed her on how to contain her mana instead of letting it flow freely.

After containing the energy, Salter taught Eri how to circulate the mana through her body to boost her physical capabilities. Eri picking everything up like a sponge quickly learned how to do this quickly. Luke then asked for the dagger back so that he could make it better. Getting the dagger back, Luke used his class, which leveled up 7 times getting the passive 20% of the EXP that Salter, Jack, and Eri got fighting, gave the dagger give sharper, more durable, made Eri faster the more souls she gathered.

Happy with this development, Eri cheered with all the things that happened today. Killing the rest of the demons waiting for the boss to spawn Luke looked at the skill that he got.

[Skill Gained]

[Psychic Shield] (Active)

Due to skills [Vector Manipulation] (Shield) [Quirk: Barrier]. Skills will be fused.

[All-Manipulation Shield] (Active/Passive)

You can manipulate the shield to do whatever you want, burn, freeze, redirect, block, slice, or anything. You can also give allies a shield but sacrifice HP on your shield. Shield has 30k HP, Getting Vector Manipulation Secondary Class will give the shield more HP.

Cost: More Shield Heal- 10k Mana per 1k HP, Shield Passively Heals 100 HP every 1 hour.

Getting an idea he used a shield on the blade of the dagger that made it vibrate fast. He went up to a nearby mountain and sliced it in half. Taking a moment to admire his work, he looked back at Eri with a smile and gave the dagger back to her.

Eri, still amazed by the feat of just casually cutting the mountain in half, almost started to praise the dagger. Telling the group that the boss was almost there, they got mentally prepared for the fight.

A magic circle lit up in the middle of the stage? and a bright light blinded them all. As soon as the light disappeared they saw 2 demons that had looked like anthropomorphic goats, and a large demon with large pieces of machinery attached to it. Luke used 'Observe' on the three to see if Eri could take on any of them.


HP- 100% (0% per min)

MP- 100% (15% per min)

LVL- 40

Rank: Boss

Skills: Flamethrower, Fireball, Hell wave

STR- 75

END- 125


INT- 45

WIS- 32



Thoughts about you: Nice Food]

[Baron of Hell

HP- 100% (0% per min)

MP- 100% (5% per min)

LVL- 50

Rank: Boss

Skills: Hell wave Plasma orb, Bulldoze, rip,

STR- 200

END- 150

DEX- 125

INT- 30

WIS- 26

CHA- 0

LUK- 0

Thoughts about you: Invader ]

Looking back at the group, he told Eri to take the Mancubus, while Salter and Jack take a Baron of Hell each. Nodding, they dashed over to their respective targets.


'This is my first boss! I have to kill it quickly so that Jack will like me more.' Going up to the fat demon, I used my knife to cut off his hands. The being released a loud screech, as it flailed its non-existent hands trying to grab me.

Using the 'Mana Burst' move that mommy Salter taught me, I moved over behind the beast and stabbed it in the spine, using another 'Mana Burst' to get through the metal and snap the spine with a twist.

Another burst of power washed over me just like when I first Unlocked my mana. I went up to papa Luke and waited for the others to finish.

[+5 Affection with Eri for helping her get stronger]

Salter and Jack

Salter ran spamming 'Mana Burst' and Jack was just running really fast. They both reached their targets with a swift Slice they both took out the horn on one side of the baron. They both provoked it by shouting loudly and waving their arms in the air. Barons being the same as in the games ran towards them but were quickly killed with a slice to the head. With the mission accomplished they both went back to Luke who was standing there with Eri on his lap.

Luke leveled up once but just ignored it and used 'I.D: Escape' and they left the literal hellscape and went back to the living room. Taking another bath they went back to the living room to relax for a bit.

Luke going to the kitchen started making food. He remembered the ramen that he had in his inventory and wanting to see what was in it tasted it. He couldn't believe the taste of it, the reaction he got was almost like a foodgasm like in those food anime. He wanted to take another bite but, taking a step back and recomposing himself he stopped because he wanted to know how to recreate it. And the best way to do so is, by taking samples of it and getting the [Chef] crafter class. Because who do you think you are? A master chef genius? Instead, he put the food back in his inventory and continued to make food for the rest.

Eventually, the food was done and Luke called everyone over to the table to eat their food. Salter and the kids were overjoyed that they finally were able to eat food after a long day of training.

Seeing the happy atmosphere, Luke and Salter both smile especially Salter who was not able to take care of her own kid…

[+ 5 Affection with Salter for helping her in making the happy scene that she's seeing now.]

Luke grabbed the [Plunder Upgrade Token] that was in his inventory and used it.

[More Points]

You can get more points when you use plunder. ¼ -> 1/2 .

[Racial Steal]

Take someone's race. *Insert racist joke here*

[Origin Steal]

You steal someone's Origin. You basically just steal their identity.

Thinking a bit, he chose [More Points] finding it the most useful for the situation.

Now finished eating the food they left to the bedroom to finally sleep.

It was like this that 8 months passed. During these 8 months, Luke finally asked Salter out on a date and she accepted… we all know what happened next. [A.N: I'll do some chapter that will be during the 8 month time skip after this]

[+ 10 Affection with Salter for fully accepting her, loving her, doing the deed, and taking her first time]

[Perk Gained (Salter:100)]

[Dragonic Magic Core] (Passive)

You gain dragon essence and a dragon magic core. Your mana increased with this. You also make mana faster and gain [Fire Magic] as a secondary class.

Gain a +5X multiplier to Mana.

Gain +1X to Mana Regen.

Gain [Fire Magic] Secondary Class.

Eri was able to accept them as a family fully. This happened during her birthday, the first time she had celebrated it since her quirk awakening.

[+40 Affection with Eri for helping her get stronger, giving her a good birthday, giving her the family that she once lost but now found again.]

[Perk Gained (Eri:100)]

[Quirk: Rewind]

Rewind or fast forward someone's abilities.

Cost: 1000 SP per cast

One day, while walking through the streets Luke encountered a villain. The villain was extremely fast so Luke wrapped his shield around his enemy the other way around and activated it. The man was burned and sliced to death.

[Stats Gained]

STR- 32

END- 30


INT- 22

WIS- 21


LUK- 34

[Abilities Gained]

[Quirk: Self- Detonation]

Due to Skills [Quirk: Explosion] Skills will be fused.

[Quirk: C4] (Active)

You can now select where you want to put the explosions. Damage can be boosted by putting it on a rune by 100%.

Damage= ({MP used +INT+WIS}X 5)

Costs= Depends on the user

[Quirk: Overclock] (Active)

Boost users DEX by 400%

Costs= 5000 SP per sec

Eventually, however, it was time for the UA Entrance Exams. Luke was over-prepared for this and he knew. In the eight months, Eri was able to learn a portion of Time Magic which was impressive and they celebrated it. If a kid like Eri was able to do that much progress then what about Luke? You always wonder why people in those other Gamer fanfics that in the eight months that they had to train to wait for the canon to start, they still would be weaker than All Might. Now that's a mystery we will never know.


[A.N: After this chapter like I said there will be several chapters after this telling you guys what happened in those 8 months. A new Waifu will be introduced of course, and for the first time, it won't be a fate waifu yay. It will be an OC fem Doom Slayer so stay tuned for that. And lastly, I can already hear some people saying that he's too OP and will steamroll through the second world. Then the only thing I can say is that Lovecraft is involved in world 2.]