First Month: Yorokobe Shounen Flashbacks

[A.N: Update: Idiot forgot to give tracing

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Luke's House, the morning after the last chapter

Luke woke up to the sound of a ping. He tried to get up, but someone was in his arms curled up into a ball. Looking down, he saw Eri sleeping soundly. Using 'Gravity Manipulation' to lift her and get out of the bed. He put her back on the bed and went to prepare breakfast.

Finished with preparing breakfast, he checked for what was the reason for the ping that woke him up.


[Due to a mistake on the Game's part, you will be compensated for not getting {Trace}]

[You have Gained 1 item]

[Trace] (Passive)

Due to skill [Observe], Skills will be fused.

[Eyes of the Observer] (Active)

When used on people it will check their stats, name, title, and thoughts about you.

When used on Items it will scan the item and you get the full history of the weapon, Skills of the user, full scan of the weapon for UBW, and you can project said items and they won't be downgraded.

Costs= Weapon Projection- 2000 MP, Scan/Observe- none

Checking in his inventory, he found that he got a [Gacha Token] and, being the gacha addict that he is, used it immediately.

[Summon Crystal: Caren C Hortensia {Amour}(Fate)]

Seeing this he got excited but chose to tell everyone else first before summoning her. Going back to the bedroom, he told everyone to wake up and eat breakfast.

Getting up they all went to the table and ate their food. Now, fully awake after eating their food, Luke told them that he was going to summon another servant and to be ready. Eri, not knowing what a servant is, asked Luke who or what they were. "You see Eri, Servants are people from the past or the future that can be summoned to help us," Luke answered as Eri brought up another question.

"Are they strong?" She asked and Luke responded with. "Yes they are strong, just look at your mommy Salter and Jack, they're both servants. Salter being a girl version of King Arthur and Jack being Jack the Ripper."

Eri was once again in awe at the two of them for being legendary figures from history. Eri made a plan to look them up with Jack and Salter.

Everyone then went to the living room to start the summon. Luke grabbed the crystal and used it. As a bright light once again engulfed them, a figure appeared in the light. The light eventually disappeared and the figure was revealed to be a woman.

The woman then started kneeling and said. " Servant Class: Ruler. Servan Name: Amor, Caren C Hortensia. I ask of you, are you my master?"

"Yes, I was the one that summoned you," Luke spoke up as he got another Ping


[+30 Affection with Caren for Summoning her and killing her father.]

[+80 obedience with Caren for Summoning her and killing her father.]

Luke not being surprised that he killed her father in the future since Kirie needed to die especially after what happened in FGO.

"fufu~fu~, this is going to be interesting. Very well, thank you for summoning me master~" Caren said dragging the last word on for a bit. [A.N: Caren will be the main personality of the character. Instead of it being the person possessing having control, the person in control of the body will be Caren.]

"Well then, welcome Caren as this will be your home and your family for the foreseeable future," Luke said as Caren Whispered. "Wouldn't want it any other way master."

Going up to Salter, Luke asked if he could see her swords. Salter complying with the request showed her swords [A.N: Not that sword you perverts.] to Luke.

'Eyes of the Observer' He used the skill and was instantly bombarded with memories of the sword being forged, the user's experience, and the sword's history.


[Skill Gained]

[Sword Mastery] (Passive) {Master}

Give 50% Bonus to Sword Damage

Boosts DEX and STR by 50% when using a sword.

Thanking her for showing her sword to him, they then spent the rest of the day buying clothes for Caren and having fun with the kids.

Getting back to the house they went training for a bit and Luke gain 1 level from all of it.


[Psychic Prison] (Active)

Traps a person inside for as long as you can keep him.

Costs= 1000MP per 30 sec

Now with Luke preparing dinner, Caren asked if she could help him in making food. Luke, not one to deny help, accepted the offer and asked what they were going to make.

"I think we should make Mapo Tofu" As the words left her lips, the world around Luke slowed down to a halt. A moment later, the air became hard to breathe. As Luke, was releasing mana from his body at an alarming speed.

Both Jack and Salter went to investigate the sudden mana outburst. Seeing Luke in this state, they both looked at Caren what exactly happened to Luke for that to happen. She responded with just wanting to make Mapo Tofu. Salter also started to release pressure, as both Caren and Jack tried to now calm both of them down.

After a bit, the two were now calm. When questioned why they were both releasing their man, they both responded with it being Kirie's fault. Nodding, Caren was asked to choose something else, with her picking risotto. Breathing a relaxed sigh, the two finally fully calmed down and tried their best to not remember about the bastard.


[A.N: Short Chapter today, because I just wasn't feeling it honestly. Well, besides that have a good day!]