First Month: Caren Talks to the Manager

[A.N: Forgot to give Caren's stats that will be given here.

[Caren C Hortensia, God Caren, {Amour} (Stage 1)

Level- 250


Rank- Primordial God

Alignment- Lawful Good

HP- 225,000 [45,000 per min]

MP- 100,000 [20,000 per 30 sec]

SP- 225,000 [45,000 per 30sec]

STR-100 (10,000)

END-225 (22,500)

DEX-150 (15,000)

INT-100 (10,000)

WIS-100 (10,000)

CHA- 250 (25,000)

LUK- 200 (20,000)

MP Regen= WIS X 2

MP = INT X 10

HP/SP Regen= END X 2


Thoughts about you: Greatfulness]

The reason why her highest stat is CHA is that she is the vessel of the God of Love

Discord Link:]


Luke's House, First Month 2 weeks after the last chapter

The day was particularly boring, with nothing to do everyone in the house was just lying in bed, lying on the couch, or sitting on a chair. Luke bored out of his mind asked 'Game' a question.

'Are there other gamers/ gamer system users besides me and Skye?' Luke asked questioning the existence of others in the multiverse.

[Of course, there are an infinite amount of possibilities, and with those possibilities come the possibility of others like you.]

'If so, then what happened to the others? And will I ever meet another one?' Luke again questioned.

[Well, first there's the 'Council of Gamers' a hub for people like you! Problem is that most people there are socio/psychopaths that will use you and anyone you love to their advantage. Basically, they will backstab the shit out of you if you get too comfortable.]

[As for the people that run the council, well they're at a level where even Lovecraftian Gods fear them.]

[But, you don't have to worry that much as they won't do anything to you until you reach that level.]

'Huh, at least I have an idea of where I'm going to be in the future.' Luke said as he continued the conversation with 'Game' by asking if Skye ever found other gamers.

[Yup, but those who he found are now dead. Due to his [Repulsive Fear] Passive that he has, they, upon contact with him, tried to kill him as fast as possible. Taking offense to this he just squashed them like flies.]

'How many did he kill exactly?'

[That would be around… 1,000,000. You see, the Council caught wind of this and tried to kill him, mostly out of amusement because of him being a cockroach.]

[They tried and failed to kill him. Truly this the first time a [Cockroach] has defeated a GOD of that proportion. It's honestly kinda sad and hilarious to think about.]

'What kind of overpowered bullshit is that! Sigh* If that's the level of power that he's at then it's only right that I, as his twin, gain that amount of power.' Luke got up and went up to Salter and asked to see her swords.

"Sure, I don't mind master" Salter complied with the request.

Grabbing [Excalibur Morgan] from Salter, a poof of smoke appeared as she transformed in her regular form.

"What is it master" Salter now Artoria said in a tone that exuded nobility.

Taking back [Excalibur] he grabbed her ahoge and pulled it off. With another puff of smoke, Artoria transformed back into Salter this time her personality was way colder than before.

"What do you think you're doing!" Salter said in a cold venomous voice

Luke panicking, as he didn't want his house to explode into smithereens, gave Salter [Excalibur] back transforming back into her base form. He then also gave [Excalibur Morgan] back and transformed her into the semi-cold 100% wholesome Salter that we all know.

Saying sorry to Salter if he hurt her in any way, he then went to the center of the living room. With everyone relocating their gaze towards him as he began to speak. "Do you guys want to go to the mall?" As the words left his mouth, everyone in the room shouted "YES!"

They all got up to get ready and Luke just sat there thinking about how his life has been since he got the system. Getting out of those thoughts as the door swung open as Caren walked out with an outfit that emphasized her thighs.

Salter a bit behind walked out in her Shinjuku outfit just that the jacket was bigger. Looking closer, Luke realized that it was his jacket. When questioned why she wore it Salter just deflected the question like how she deflected Mordred.

The kids then walked with Luke saying nothing about their outfits as describing it would probably land him in jail.

With them being ready, they all walked out to the mall to buy more clothes and other things and get some food.

At a clothing store in the more expensive part of the mall, a robbery was taking place. The robbery was being run by a guy with a gun quirk, a guy with a strength quirk going through a safe, a woman with a speed quirk going back and forth delivering the expensive clothes and jewelry, and finally a guy in a car at the back.

While this was happening, our main cast was walking towards said store as Caren, and Salter wanted to get some expensive clothing with the help of Luke's [Infinite Money]. Luke already knowing the situation that was happening there, just wanted to see their reaction to the store getting robbed. Getting closer, he told them what was happening at the store. They were obviously mad about it and Caren, about to call the manager, just nuked the robbers. And they asked little Eri to practice her [Time Magic] on the store to restore it.

Complying with the request, Eri reversed time on the store, restoring it to before the robbers destroyed the place. Thanking her for doing that, they all gave her candy as thanks. Being showered with candy, Eri was happy and would share it with Jack once they got home.

Salter and Caren bought their clothes, after one whole eternity of waiting. And they finally left the mall to go back home.


[A.N: Got super bored in class so I made this. I know these chapters will be trash because trying to do time skips is actually harder than I thought. But either way, have fun and see you next time. Bye!