Second Month: Day at the Beach

Luke's House, a few days after last chapter,

Waking up and making breakfast for everyone was becoming natural for Luke as he walked to the kitchen and started to make food. Giving Jack cereal, Salter a mountain of meat, Eri a pop tart, and Caren whatever he's also having on that day.

Having infinite money was really saving him from going into debt especially after making food for Salter.

Going over what he got in the previous days, he got 3 [Gacha Tokens], 3[Heart Crystal], 6[Charisma Crystal], and 2 levels. He the tokens and the [Charisma Crystal]

[Milestone has been reached CHA has reached 500]

[Ikemen go explode] (Passive)

The genetic gacha has given you a superior physique compared to everyone else.

Bodily features (i.e, face, body, etc) have been enhanced to the best they can be. A.K.A you look like your standard Shoujou husbando character.

Affection/Obedience Gain is easier for females/ people attracted to men.

Note:This works both ways.


You can buy this at your regular bookstore for 100 yen.

[1 Credit]

Gives 1 credit for your next jump.

[Supreme Cookie]

Gives a permanent 5% boost to all stats.

Note: Only works on lolis

Finally done sorting through his inventory, he went to wake up everyone else.

While eating their food, Luke heard his phone ring again. *ring*




"Hello?" a voice sounded through.

"Ya, Hello? Where do you want to meet All Might?" Luke asked.

"Oh, on the beach. By the way, I will introduce you to an old friend of mine." All Might replied.

"Ok, meet you there in an hour"

"Alright, see you there." All Might said as he hung up.

"Anyone want to go to the beach with me?" he asked everyone.

""Yes!!"" The kids said in tandem not letting the opportunity of having more fun flee.

"Alright, but you have to get ready in 30 minutes," Luke replied with a smile.

Caren and Salter finally fully awake, both notice that Luke's body changed. Though the change was subtle, they still noticed that a change happened to him at some point.

Not sure of it though, they both left it at that and help the kids pack. Luke having everything in this inventory, didn't need to do this so he just made some more food since they were going to be there the entire day.

Getting closer to the beach, they all see two figures in the distance. One slim well-dressed man, while the other was built like a truck. These two were of course All Might and, to everyone else but Luke, an unknown person.

Everyone else setup, while Luke went over to All Might and the figure. "What's up All Might? And who's this guy?" Luke said with a cheery tone.

"Well young Luke, this man is my former partner, Nighteye. He said that he wanted to meet you." All Might replied.

Nodding to this new information, Luke went up to Nighteye to introduce himself.

"Well Sir Nighteye, my name is Luke I don't have a last name so you can just call me Luke." He said extending his hand to Nighteye.

"Nice to meet you, Luke… my reason for being here is to test you on if your worthy to really wield that quirk," Nighteye said as reached out for Luke's hand shook it, and told him his reason for being there.

[Quest Added]

[Test of Worth]

Objective- Beat Nighteye

Secret Objective-?

Reward- Massive Increase to Nighteye Reputation, Massive Increase to Nighteye Obedience, 1 Gacha Token, 20k EXP

Secret Reward-?

Failure- Give OFA to Mirio Togata

Tuning off Plunder, as to not steal his quirk… and his stats on accident. He used 'Eyes of the Observer' on him to gauge his stats.

[Mirai Sasaki, Nighteye,

HP- 100% (0% per min)

MP- {Locked} (0% per min)

LVL- 65

Rank: Normal

Quirk: Foresight

Skills: Strong Throw


END- 125






Thoughts about you: Not worthy of OFA]

'Not worthy. Not fucking WORTHY of OFA! Then again I did just appear out of nowhere and stole the spot that his student was going to fill.' Luke mused to himself as he looked at Nighteye, who was in a defensive position.

'Probably already saw the future… just have to put him off balance or take away his movement to win.' Luke continued as he charged up 'OFA' at 5%.

Sparks of lightning started to dance across his body, with Nighteye dodging to the right. Then proceeding to duck, as was barraged by attacks that even All Might couldn't see. Nighteye was dodging at least 1 second before the attack even started because he knew that if he got hit by one, it would be all over for him.

Luke got dangerously close, and Nighteye had to take a hit and had to block it. The moment it hit him, he started to fly towards the direction of the sea. Even though he blocked the attack he still sustained massive damage to his body, with one arm being broken along with one leg.

He even lost consciousness when he hit the water because of it.

All Might's jaw dropped to the floor. One, out of awe in Luke for achieving such a level of power in such a short amount of time. And two, because he was worried for his former partner's safety. He knew his partner could take a beating but, a hit like that and he was definitely gone.

[Quest Accomplished]

[Test of Worth]

Objective- Beat Nighteye

Secret Objective- Beat Nighteye in under a minute

Reward- Massive Increase to Nighteye Reputation, Massive Increase to Nighteye Obedience, 1 Gacha Token, 20k EXP

Secret Reward- -100 SP OFA consumption

Failure- Give OFA to Mirio Togata

[+50 Reputation with Nighteye for being worthy of inheriting the quirk.]

[+70 Obedience with Nighteye for beating his ass.]

[Perk Gained (Nighteye:50)]


Affection, Reputation, and Obedience Gain is faster with smart people

[You have Gained a Level]

And like the gacha addict that Luke was, he rolled the gacha excited about what he was going to get.

[Fancy Pen]

Write like a sophisticated person.

'huh neat.'

Everyone else walked towards them wondering what was happening. With All Might being surprised that he forgot to ask who they were, as he only knew Salter.

"Young Luke, who are they and why are they here?" All Might questioned.

Thinking of something quick, Luke responded with. "Oh! They're Salters siblings." As he sent a quick message to his servants to go with the story.

"They heard that I was going to the beach with Salter. And asked if they could join. And how could you say no to a face like that." Pointing at Jack who looked like they were about to cry, pretending that they thought they did something wrong.

All Might's already hollow eyes darkened as he didn't want a kid who could be a fan of his to cry because of his decision. He let them have their fun after discussing the updates on Luke's training.

Satisfied with knowing that it was going well, All Might picked up Nighteye, who was floating on the surface of the water and left going to the UA clinic.

While Luke and the rest were having fun, Nighteye was lying down on a bed with tubes feeding things into his body. It had been 4 hours since he got knocked out. Waking up was not a fun experience for Nighteye, as he quickly got assaulted by pain as soon as he tried to move his body.

Recovery Girl, who was monitoring his condition, noticed this and quickly told him. "Don't move Mirai. Your body is extremely tired, and it's also very broken. And from what Toshinori told me, that boy really did a number on you." Hearing this, Nighteye could only accept the consequences of his actions. And acknowledge Luke as the TRUE inheritor of One For All.

'*Sigh* how am I going to face my agency like this.' The now broken man thought as he went back to sleep to help his body recover.

Returning back to the beach, as the hours passed, in all the fun that they were having, nobody noticed that it had tuned late and it was time to go back home. With Jack and Eri too tired, they both fell asleep and had to be carried on Luke and Salters back. Packing up their things into the inventory, they all left the beach exhausted after the whole day of playing in the sun.

As they were walking on the street, Salter looked at Luke was a soft smile as she once again was happy at the events going on before her and what would have happened if he wasn't ever there.

[+2 Affection with Salter for giving the scene of having fun with everyone.]

That was quickly stopped as Caren tripped on a rock and fell down with a loud thud. Helping her up, they all resumed the walk back home.

[A/N: Hey I'm back my brain has been dead for a while… That's it.]