Second Month: Salter's Moment, New Waifu

[A/N: Updates- fixed Salter Affection Points

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Luke's House, a week and a half after last Chapter,

Luke didn't expect what he woke up to. Opening his eyes, he was first greeted to Salter clinging onto the right side of his body. Even though they made arrangements for them to sleep in different rooms, she still moved over to his to sleep. It was honestly heartwarming, the sleeping glutton mumbling about meat and her favorite type.

Using 'Gravity Manipulation' to lift her. And using a pillow as a sacrifice, he put it in her arms as to not disturb her.

He then went off to do his daily chores, making food for everyone, checking what he got in the previous day, other things. The things he got during this time skip were 8 levels, which he got fighting a demonic dragon. 1 skill, 1 dagger for Eri,5 perks, 2 Gacha Tokens, 4 CHA Crystals, 2 LUK Crystals, and 1 more fucking Pen.

Needing his daily dose of gacha he started rolling.

[Pokeball: (Surfer Pikachu)]

You get an electric rodent surfer edition.

[Infinite Chicken Nuggets with Extra Sauce]

Though chicken nuggets on their own are good. Let's be honest sauce makes it better.

[Skills Gained]

[Orbiter] (Passive/Active)

Pick up debris and have them rotate around you. You can also pick up weapons and do the same.

Costs= 50 MP per item.

[Milestone has been reached LUK has reached 500]

[Lucky Crit] (Passive)

You can hit a critical attack every 100 hits guaranteed

[Milestone has been reached STR has reached 4000]

[Weapon Mastery] (Passive) {Apprentice}

You Gain Mastery of any weapon that you touch.

Gives 20% bonus to Weapon Damage

[Milestone has been reached END has reached 4000]


If you're stuck getting hit by a combo, you can break out of it once per fight.

[Milestone has been reached WIS has reached 2000]

[Diverging Paths] (Passive)

Gives you choices on which path to choose, these paths will vastly change the course of the plot depending on which you choose.

[Milestone has been reached INT has reached 2000]

[Apprentice Wizard] (Passive)

Getting better at Magic now

Gives 2.5X Multiplier to Mana, Gives 20% bonus Magic Damage.

Now satisfied, he went to his room to wake up Salter, then went to Jack and Eri's room. When he opened the door to their room, he found Jack on top of Eri, just as quickly as he opened he quickly closed it again. Instead, he just knocked on the door and said that food was ready. With a sigh, he walked over to Caren's room and once again knocked on her door telling her through the door to wake up and that food was ready.

Eventually, they all sat at the table. Even though they were all still sleepy, they started to shovel food into their mouths, gradually waking up the more food that they eat.

Once they were all done eating, Luke said that they were going to take another day off, as they just killed a dragon the previous day.

Luke was just sitting on the couch relaxing when Salter suddenly went up to him. Sitting up straight, he asked Salter what she wanted to talk about. With a light blush on her face and looking at the floor, Salter asked. "Do…you want to …go on a date?" said the last part in a whisper.

Though Luke knew what she said, he couldn't help but say. "Huh? What was that? I couldn't hear the last part."

Repeating herself, Salter began to talk again. "Do you want to go on a date?" Still whispering the last part.

Asking her to repeat it yet again as she still said it in such a soft voice, Salter, in her everlasting brilliance. "Do you want to go on a date or not?!" She shouted, staring him straight in the eyes.

Smiling at her newly found confidence, Luke responded with a simple. "Yes." He went up to the frozen saber and quickly pulled her into a hug.

[+1 Affection with Salter for accepting to go out with her.]

Caren, who was drinking juice in the background. Started clapping, Eri and Jack, who were in their own pillow fort, peeked out and went back in.

"Well, then why don't we go tomorrow," Luke told Salter who agreed.

He then told Caren that they were going to be out the entire day tomorrow. And that she would have to watch the kids while they were out. With a sigh, she agreed and went back to… doing whatever she does.


Omake: Human Survivors?

Log 25,320

While I was walking around the wasteland, I noticed a group of four slashing and hacking at the denizens of this place. I would have helped them if it wasn't for the youngest looking one out of all of them killing a baron on her own! I was about to continue observing, but they suddenly just disappeared *snap* just like that. I need to meet them again soon.


Log 25,335

I've been monitoring them for a while now, there was a fifth person that joined. This fifth person, by her appearance, looks to be a goddess that has landed on earth… er hell. From observation, the monsters seemed to be fearful of her existence, and when one of them got close to her they just melt.

They all seemed to not have noticed me yet, that's a good thing. Though there is the possibility that they think I'm an enemy and is just spying on them slaughter these demons. Still, further observation is needed until I initiate contact with them.


Log 25,351

Watching them has become a daily routine now, seeing them act so happily really makes me jealous of not being with them. To think, the legendary Slayer would be jealous of a couple of people having fun! Hah! *Sigh* Just as I start laughing, a dragon suddenly appeared. With a loud roar, it starts to breathe hell flame from its mouth. The male of the group puts his hand up and the fire seemed to be blocked. He pulled out a spear? sword? out of nowhere… Now that I think about it.

I think it uses the same thing for my weapons. Anyway, The dragon started to rush them at extreme speeds. But, the guy just waves his hand, and the dragon face plants into the ground. And with a slash of his spear/sword, the dragons get decapitated with its body dissolving into ash. He put the weapon on his shoulders and looks me directly in the eye and gives me a thumbs up...

He's known about me this whole time… All those times he's been looking at me… they were on purpose… *Sigh* that just means I have to get better at stealth.


[A/N: And the Doom waifu is introduced… If the chapter was shit please give feedback on how to improve… Still getting used to different POVs.]