Ch 4 Trivial 2

Some people think that a Chinese name in a bunch of foreign names is very abrupt. I'm sorry I didn't find it before, but now it has all been revised. Thank you for your valuable comments! If you find an error, please bring it up and I will correct it immediately!

  Ferdinand has always done what he said. Now that he plans to build a grain processing plant, he should start preparing now.

  'S own territory, mainly grows wheat, barley, sugar beet, potato, flax, etc.; animal husbandry is mainly based on raising pigs and cattle.

Then the benefits of supporting processing can be maximized. The flour mill is naturally the first choice; the second is the sugar mill; oh, potatoes, which are also good for making French fries, can also be retained; flax, do we need to open a weaving factory or Garment factory, take time and put it aside; slaughterhouse can have this, it does not require much investment; do you want to...

   The more I think about it, if all is realized, Ferdinand can proudly say: All self-sufficiency in food, clothing, housing and transportation, the ultimate pursuit of the feudal landlords has been achieved.

  It's not that simple to open a factory. Who told his father to die early? Basically, his own industry is conservative investment. The proper aristocracy has not had time to transition to capitalists.

   Then start with yourself, a combination of great nobles and big capitalists, the mainstream of today's society.

   Right now, it is a bit of trouble for Ferdinand. Although he owns shares in some factories, they are not dominated by his own. The talent pool must have fallen behind.

   "Steward Carl, you send someone to investigate the situation of the flour processing factory near Vienna!" Ferdinand finally decided to start with the flour processing factory.

   "Okay, your lord, I'll do it right away!" Karl Chekov answered politely.

   Ferdinand is more and more adapted to his noble status, unlike when he first came, he loves everything by himself. For example, letting the maid help dress, stretch out his hand when clothes, and open his mouth when he eats, is his current life.

   Ferdinand intends to report to the city guard. Except for the few days he has just crossed, and commuting to get off work on time every day, he has been a miner until now.

   Although no one has ever asked, he still thinks it shouldn't be too much, so he can find such a good job.

   You must know that the nobles in Germany have a tradition of joining the army. If you don't join the army, you will be looked down upon. You will be considered a coward. It will be very difficult to find a right wife!

  The Ferdinand family are also aristocrats in Germany, and naturally they have retained this tradition.

   However, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is decayed, and there are not a few officers who want to die like Ferdinand.

   The old emperor was also powerless. In order to maintain the combat effectiveness of the army and prevent them from harming others, he simply threw them into the city guard.

   Of course, if you are willing to endure hardship, you can also fall over. The original Ferdinand had always been uncomfortable with these stubborn boys, and did not intend to go with them, and there were not many friends in it.

   entered the City Guard Building, and a decayed smell rushed over his face. Just like the memory, a dilapidated office building looked shaky.

   "This is too broken! No wonder no one comes to work, just in this environment, the ghost is willing to come, and I don't know how the original owner persisted!" Ferdinand whispered secretly

   Along the way, except for a few lazy guards on duty, Ferdinand never found anyone else.

   found his own office, a small room less than 20 square meters, in which was placed a small wooden table, a chair, a tea cup, and a stack of expired newspapers. This is all the belongings in the original main office.

   There is already a thick layer of dust in the room, and it seems that no one has been here for a long time. Ferdinand looked around, and finally gave up the idea of ​​cleaning it by himself.

   went straight back the same way. There was not even an officer, and he reported a fart. The line of the city guards made him very disappointed. It is no wonder that such a troop, relying on it to fight, will be beaten by a bear to make the distinction between the south, east and the north.

  Ferdinand also knew that this was just a part of it, specially prepared for them, without training, and no mission. Other armies may have some combat effectiveness, and in other words they are also the top five powers in Europe.

   But thinking about the troubled nations of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ferdinand shook his head. The old emperor needs to know eight languages, and it feels terrifying to think about it.

"Then how should the army be commanded? If the army is formed separately according to the ethnic groups, then the country will easily split; if the mixed groups are broken up and their combat effectiveness is guaranteed, then the commander must first learn the languages ​​of other ethnic groups and where to go. Find a group of tyrants."

   "This is also the root cause of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire! Unless we slash the mess now and unify the language and culture, or even if there is no war, this country will not exist for long!" Ferdinand thought to himself.

   I have already decided to pay attention to it, and take a warning. The ethnic problem in the Balkans is not much better than that of Austria-Hungary. The only advantage may be that there are fewer people! When did the small population become an advantage, it would be fun to think about Ferdinand.

  Walking on the streets of Vienna, Ferdinand is still a little unaccustomed. Compared to later generations, Vienna is as prosperous as it is now, but unfortunately it is not clean and tidy. Many places are stinky!

   can't change the world, so just adapt to the world! Now Ferdinand is a good example.

   Unknowingly, he was about to walk to the door of Volvo, Ferdinand stopped to watch. Looking at the disturbing crowd coming in and out, with big bags and small bags, people talked and laughed, and returned full of loads.

   Ferdinand was very satisfied, strode towards Volvo, and slapped the security guard at the door to signal them not to move.

   Then he entered the supermarket. The waiter was busy at work. Seeing Ferdinand coming in and preparing to come over, he quickly motioned them to continue.

   There is a bit of chaos inside. Many goods are in a mess. The service staff is busy recovering. There is still a lot of garbage on the ground. Ferdinand frowned and stretched out again.

   On the whole, he is still satisfied. Everyone is doing their job, working hard, and business is booming.

   It may be the limitation of the times. They did not consider the importance of hygiene and the comfort of shopping for customers.

  Of course, in the 19th century, the people may have been used to it. Vienna was stinking and the streets were littered with rubbish. There was no such high demand for hygiene.

   Ferdinand still found Ferrands, which expressed his affirmation of his work and also put forward environmental sanitation requirements.

  Ferdinand would rather increase the cost now, but also to retain customers, after all, it is clean and tidy on the one hand, and messy on the other, it is easy for people to make a choice.

   This era is the most comfortable era for capitalists. Workers can be allowed to work overtime at will. There is no trade union for later generations, and there is no threat from the Soviets.

   The labor cost that Ferdinand thought about did not increase, but the service staff had another job of cleaning at any time.

   Protests, demonstrations, strikes, demands for wage increases, etc., the nouns in Ferdinand's memory did not appear.