Ch 5 Preparing the flour mill

The Volvo Department Store is open for ten hours a day. With preparation work, the employees actually work 12 hours a day. No one has any objections, and no one asks Ferdinand for overtime.

   One is: Ferdinand's salary is slightly higher than the market price, which pleases everyone;

   The second is: At that time, the factories in Vienna basically had 12-hour shifts every day, and some factories had 16-hour shifts;

The third is: working in a supermarket is easier than working in a factory. On the one hand, it is a department store and supermarket with a comfortable environment. On the other hand, it is in a dull factory building, and danger may occur at any time. Anyway, working in a department store is still a decent job. jobs.

   Ferdinand changed the concept secretly. On the surface, it looked like a department store. It was just a little bit more.

   After all, supermarkets are a new business, and people don't know what they do. For the convenience of Ferdinand, the word department store was added, which is easy to accept.

   Many people chose to apply for the name of the department store. Ferdinand only recruited people in a short time, and it was a mistake.

   Three days passed, but Carl's butler's efficiency was still very high, and he made a clear investigation of the flour mill near Vienna.

"His Royal Highness, there are 13 large and small flour mills in Vienna, of which only two are large-scale and have achieved profitability. Seven have basically maintained their profits, and the other four have entered a state of loss. The competition is fierce!" Carl steward did his duty. Report

   Carl Steward did not approve of Ferdinand's plan to establish a flour processing factory. In his opinion, the flour processing industry market has been saturated and the pressure of competition is too great. Now it is difficult to make money by joining in.

   After listening to Karl's report, Ferdinand hesitated. After all, there are 13 flour mills in a small Vienna, so how many are there in the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire?

   After a moment of silence, Ferdinand still decided to keep the plan unchanged. He still has an advantage. He can produce and sell himself at a much lower cost than them. The big deal is to develop some related by-products. Are you afraid of competition?

   "Well, I see. Thank you Carl!" Ferdinand affirmed the job of the old housekeeper

   "It's my honor to do things for Your Highness!" Carl said happily

   "Carl, do you think I want to buy a flour mill, how much will it cost?" Ferdinand asked carefully

   In 1881, it was not that simple to build a factory. To build a factory, order to purchase machinery, train workers, etc., after all the messy things were done, it would be good if it could be put into operation within a year.

   It is much simpler to acquire a factory, and it does not take much effort to put it into production.

   As long as the price is not too high, Ferdinand is still inclined to buy.

   Butler Carl was silent for a moment, seeming to be appraising the value of the factory, and then said: "His Royal Highness, if it is a small factory that goes bankrupt, it may only cost a few thousand pounds; the two flour mills that are profitable are estimated to cost seven to eight thousand pounds!

   Ferdinand was surprised, this gap is too big! Then I thought that the factory is losing money. There must be problems of this kind. The equipment is old or poorly managed, or the scale is too small and uncompetitive. In this case, someone willing to take over is good. Why? Picky.

   "Well, then first contact those factory owners to see if they plan to sell, and I will make a decision after evaluating it!" Ferdinand

   "Okay, Your Highness is as you wish!" Steward Carl finished speaking, and seeing that Ferdinand didn't intend to stay, he turned and left.

   sent the old housekeeper, Ferdinand read the newspaper at home, today he has an important banquet, must attend in person, his uncle Tragedy Emperor-Franz Joseph I's birthday.

Franz Joseph I (August 18, 1830-November 21, 1916), known to the world for his achievements in establishing the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1879, he formed an alliance with the German Empire led by Prussia and established the Allied State, 1914 An ultimatum was issued to Serbia to draw Austria and Germany into the First World War. He died of pneumonia in Vienna in 1916 at the age of 86.

   Recalling the life of the old emperor, Ferdinand was full of emotions, and the living celebrities were right in front of him!

   "A great diplomat!" This is how the world evaluates him. It may be that God has distorted his talent. Compared with the sharpness of his diplomatic skills, other aspects can be described as mediocre.

  He used diplomacy to establish the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, this decadent empire has problems all the time, and endless ethnic problems have always plagued him, hindering the progress of the empire, and have finally collapsed.

   It's a pity that Franz Joseph I did not do very well in this regard, and his indecision is evident. Although he has taken many measures to ease ethnic conflicts, the results have been minimal.

His later years were even more miserable. His brother was shot in Mexico, his wife was stabbed to death by an Italian anarchist in Geneva, his son committed suicide at a young age, and the chosen heir was stabbed to death by the Serbian mafia. The retaliatory war he launched for this caused tens of millions of people to fall into a sea of ​​blood, and the Austria-Hungary Empire that he had fought for his entire life was precarious.

   "Ferdinand, it's time to go, you won't get any more moths!" Princess Clementina said with some worry

   Recently, she obviously feels that Ferdinand has changed and become even more weird. She likes to mess with some messy things, which makes her very worried.

   "Why, my dear mother, how can you think that way! You have to believe me!" Ferdinand hurriedly walked over and said, seeing that he had a headache for Princess Clementine.

   The original Lord Ferdinand was acting a bit weird, unlike most nobles, had few friends, and liked to make messy things.

   Princess Clementine has no doubt whether he has been transferred. Seeing Ferdinand coming, he directly greeted him on the carriage.

   Vienna-Schönbrunn Palace, its history can be traced back to the Middle Ages. The old emperor Franz Joseph I was born in Schönbrunn Palace. It is also the favorite and longest residence of Franz Joseph I.

   Now this magnificent palace is full of lively voices. The establishment of the "Three Emperors Alliance" and the political and diplomacy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire are in the most relaxed era.

   The nobles and ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, envoys of various countries, and great aristocrats from other parts of Europe all sent people over. The power of the Habsburg family was revealed at this moment.

   The banquet was different from what Ferdinand had thought. There were not so many cut-offs. The old emperor accepted the congratulations from everyone and started straight away.

  Ferdinand is not the protagonist, except for a familiar face with a bunch of big people, the legendary plot did not happen.

   Oh, looks good. Ferdinand also knows a few noble ladies. If he wants to, there is a possibility of further development.