Ch 14 Bulgarian Coup

The trip to London was much smoother than Ferdinand had expected. It not only developed a gold mine, but also deepened the relationship with the British royal family, which helped a lot in the future.

   Edward, who was in financial crisis, was more interested in gold mining than Ferdinand, and the two formed a mining company as quickly as possible.

  Excited Edward also planned to go to Australia himself, but Ferdinand was frightened to stop him. Australia was not a good place in the 19th century. It was poor and remote, and it could be said that it was a wild land. Ferdinand cherished his life.

   It was not until June of the following year that the first batch of gold from Australia arrived in London, and Ferdinand let go of his hanging heart.

  The first batch of gold was not many, only 800 kilograms, worth less than 100,000 pounds, but Ferdinand and Edward were very excited.

   The shock of a pile of gold is much stronger than a check. Even Victoria participated in the celebration banquet for the two of them. In the 19th century when the gold standard was based, the importance of gold surpassed that of later generations.

   The mining company is on the right track, Ferdinand set off to return to Vienna, no accident, can generate hundreds of thousands of pounds for him every year.

   is different from when I first arrived. After Ferdinand landed in France on his return trip, he changed to land, and went all the way up the river to explore the historical sites.

   In France: Paris's Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral, and Pantheon all left his footprints.

  In Germany: The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the White Swan Castle, Lake Constance, the Cologne Cathedral, and the source of the Danube have all appeared in Ferdinand.

   It was not until the end of 1885 that Ferdinand returned to Vienna. Along the way, Ferdinand has benefited a lot, seeing Britain, France, and Germany, the three most powerful contemporary countries, and has a clear understanding of everything from human geography to industrial development.

   Although the three countries are now booming, Ferdinand clearly feels that France is falling behind, a large amount of capital is concentrated in the financial market, and investment in industry has been greatly reduced.

   The opposite is true in Germany. It may be influenced by the traditions of the German region. The capitalists have little interest in virtual finance and focus on industry. Industrial investment is much greater.

   After visiting the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ferdinand discovered that this decaying empire is still in good health, and there is no sign of collapse at all.

  The economy is developing rapidly. Although it is not as good as Britain, France, and Germany, its development potential is not bad. Domestic conflicts have now been suppressed at the lowest point. Hungary, the most noisy, is now only fighting for rights and has no tendency to become independent.

  Looking at the current British Empire, no one would have imagined that in just a few decades, it would decline and become a second-rate country.

  Of course, it doesn't matter what Ferdinand is, now he is concerned about the coup in Bulgaria. The Russian government has become increasingly dissatisfied: Alexander Battenberg's anti-Russian inclinations and the coup d'état are taking shape.

   Battenberg has always been an extremely reactionary and hatred of Russia. In the early days, in order not to cause dissatisfaction with Russia, he cleverly hid his hatred of Russia.

   However, reactionary thought never concealed it. From the very beginning, he publicly sided with the Conservative Party. Knowing that the Liberal Party had a dominant position in Congress, he organized a Conservative Party government.

   The Conservative Party blatantly trampled on the Constitution when it came to power. The Liberal Party organized demonstrations through public opinion, and the struggle between the two parties was fierce.

   Then in the next few years, the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party were fighting each other. With the participation of the Russians, the country was messed up.

   The political crisis intensified in 1886, and the Russians planned to oust Battenberg and replace it with pro-Russians. However, in order to weaken Russia's influence in the Balkans, Western powers such as Britain and Austria-Hungary chose to support Battenberg.

   Bulgaria's nascent bourgeoisie is also divided into pro-Russian and anti-Russian factions, and the two sides are in dispute.

   The pro-Russian faction asked Russia for help. On August 21, 1886, a part of Bulgarian officers who depended on Russian support deposed Grand Duke Alexander.

   This move caused dissatisfaction across Bulgaria. Some military and politicians launched an anti-coup d'etat and urged Grand Duke Alexander to reset.

   The tsarist government opposed it and threatened to occupy Bulgaria. On September 7, Grand Duke Alexander was forced to abandon his seat and leave.

   A sharp political crisis broke out. For Bulgaria's candidate for the Grand Duke, the great powers started a fight again.

  Russia's position is that as long as the power is in the hands of the pro-Russian faction, the National Assembly will be convened to elect the Grand Duke of Bulgaria. However, because the Russian methods were too rude, the Bulgarians were dissatisfied.

   Stambolov disregarded the opposition of the Russians and forcibly convened the National Assembly and elected Prince Wadmar of Denmark as the Grand Duke of Bulgaria. However, due to the pressure of the tsar, Prince Wadmar refused to take the throne.

  Contradictions continued to intensify, and Russia once severed diplomatic relations with Bulgaria. As the two factions in the country could not reach a compromise, the pro-Russian faction launched an uprising in February 1887, but it was quickly suppressed, and the leader was sentenced to death.

  In order to end this crisis, the Bulgarian government, with the support of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and without the consent of Russia, convened the National Assembly to elect the Bulgarian Grand Duke.

   In order to gain more support, the Austro-Hungarian Empire nominated Ferdinand. On June 25, 1887, the Bulgarian National Assembly elected Ferdinand as his successor.

   The Russian government protested this, demanding that the Turkish government reject Ferdinand's appointment in accordance with the Berlin Treaty. However, under pressure from the Western powers, Turkey rejected Russia's request and supported Ferdinand's succession.

   At the moment, the Bulgarian coup is still in pregnancy, Ferdinand did not interfere, he was afraid that it would cause the butterfly effect.

   After all, in history, Bulgaria was looking for the Grand Duke, but it traveled all over Europe and there were many candidates.

   Although I chose myself in the end, it was nothing more than to win the support of Western powers. It does not mean that no one else can replace it.

   Ferdinand waited anxiously while strengthening the construction of intelligence work. From a historical point of view, I didn't have a very good life when I first arrived in Bulgaria. The rights are in the hands of the Liberal Party.

   Time passed day by day. In the summer of 1886, the coup began as scheduled, and Battenberg was forced to abdicate and then deported.

   The ensuing battle around Bulgaria left Ferdinand stunned. Russia, which originally had the advantage, gradually lost its advantage in a series of wrong actions.

  In 1887, the Bulgarian crisis intensified. After obtaining Ferdinand's consent, in February, Stambolov forcibly convened the National Assembly and formally elected Ferdinand the Prince of Bulgaria.