Ch 15 Enthroned

July 12, 1887, this is a memorable day, Ferdinand Maximilian Karl Leopold Maria was crowned in Vrana Palace and became the Grand Duke of Bulgaria.

  Thanks to Ferdinand's painstaking efforts, the ceremony is more beautiful than in history, and at least the guests attending have more weight.

   The British Crown Prince Edward, the Austro-Hungarian Crown Prince Rudolph, the King of Greece, etc. all came to attend the ceremony personally, showing the supportive attitude of the great powers.

  Ferdinand's goal was achieved. With the help of external forces, he took time to frighten the various factions in Bulgaria and laid the foundation for subsequent reforms.

   Bulgaria has superior natural conditions, with mountains, hills, plains and other topography, lakes, rivers, the main rivers are the Danube and Maritsa.

   is also poor in natural resources. The main mineral deposits are coal, lead, zinc, copper, iron, uranium, manganese, chromium, mineral salt and a small amount of petroleum.

"In general, it is suitable for the novice period. He has been ruled by the Ottomans for a long time and has just gained independence. There are no big nobles and big capitalists in the country. The initial development is very good, but the potential is not big!" Although Ferdinand was prepared for a long time, he still Can't help commenting.

   "Stamboloff, do you have any good suggestions for the appointment and removal of personnel?" Ferdinand asked calmly

   Stambolov, Bulgarian politician and powerful prime minister (1887-1894), is regarded as the Bismarck of Bulgaria.

   1870-1872 studied at the seminary in Odessa, and participated in the underground revolution in Bulgaria against Turkish rule in his early years.

   led small-scale anti-Turkish uprisings in 1875 and 1876. Bulgaria gained autonomy in 1878, he was elected to the newly established parliament, and in 1884 served as speaker.

   After Alexander I abdicated in 1886, he shattered Russian interference and supported Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha as the Grand Duke of Bulgaria.

   After the new Grand Duke came to the throne, he organized the cabinet. During his administration, he continued to oppose Russia, maintained diplomatic relations with Turkey, and expanded Bulgaria's sphere of influence in Macedonia.

   He used terror to deal with the successive anti-court conspiracies and mutinies. Grand Duke Ferdinand I regained his sovereignty, and he was forced to resign from the post of Prime Minister (May 31, 1894).

   Ferdinand has no plans to change players. He has just ascended to the throne. The most important thing now is to stabilize the situation, and there is no suitable candidate.

   "Grand Duke, after careful consideration, this is the list of cabinet members and major government officials. Please check it out." Stamborov said as he handed over the documents.

   "Well, well, that's it! Let them take office as soon as possible! A cabinet meeting will be held next week, and you have to come up with the policy agenda. Now you can leave, I need to rest." Ferdinand was dissatisfied and issued an eviction order.

   "The co-author now wants to be a minister of authority, and I'm too impatient! At least you have to live up to the face, and provide a few more candidates! All are set, I will use Lao Tzu as a rubber stamp!" Ferdinand thought to himself.


"Bulgaria still has advantages in development. First: there are no strong industrial competitors, the industrial base is relatively poor, and it can be monopolized, and the government has almost no trouble. Second: I am rich and there is no technological blockade. Say, you can get the technology you want!"

"The government should let them develop agriculture vigorously! What kind of industry are they playing, and now they are waiting for loans to pay wages! By the way, education is needed, but now it is better to use literacy classes to encourage patriotic youth to spread cultural knowledge and develop Just a little reward, you can save a fortune..." Ferdinand is busy planning

   "Grand Duke, the cabinet ministers have already arrived, and are waiting in the main hall. Has the meeting started?" the attendant reminded

   "Okay, I'll be there soon."


   "Excuse me, Mr. Stambolov" Ferdinand said

   "Okay, please speak up, Grand Duke!" Stambolov said with some dissatisfaction

"Mr. Stambolov, how did this plan come about? How many people does Bulgaria have now? How many agricultural and industrial populations are there? What is the education situation? What is the distribution of domestic resources?" Nan unceremoniously exposed the problem, gave Stam a disarm, and rejected the empty plan.

"This~~ Dear Grand Duke, Bulgaria now has a population of 3,104,500, most of them are agricultural population, education status, domestic resource distribution, these have not been counted. Well, I admit that this plan has been done in a hurry." Stambolov paused and said

   "It seems that there are not a few simple historical figures, so they reacted so quickly" Ferdinand thought. He did say: "Mr. Prime Minister, we are responsible to the Bulgarian people. We must understand the actual situation and formulate our policy agenda!"

   "Regarding personnel salaries, I approved! Others go back and redo, the big industrial plan, damn, I have never heard of any industry in Bulgaria, that understand the specifics!"

"From the perspective of population structure, I suggest that you focus on developing agriculture first. We must consider the interests of the majority of people! There is also education reform. We must focus on science, and we can also establish literacy classes first. Industrial development, first find out. The distribution of resources, the development of plans based on local conditions, there is no major industrial plan like this, I don't want to see it again!"

   "Sorry, Honorable Grand Duke, we will go back and do it right away!" Stamborov lowered his head and said

   Stambolov, who was beaten by Ferdinand dizzy, the carefully prepared plan was said to be worthless, and there was no way to refute it.

  In the eyes of Ferdinand, the current Bulgarian government is similar to the League in the Xinghai period. A group of idealists can boast about it. The specific policy is completely in the noob stage.

   "Go, gentlemen, for the future of Bulgaria, you have worked hard!" Seeing that the cabinet headed by Stam bowed their heads, of course Ferdinand would accept it when he knew it.

   "For Bulgaria!" The few people who were downcast just now immediately became energetic.

   "Fight for Bulgaria!"


   "Well, yes, patriotic youths are so foolish!" Seeing this group of cabinet members with an average age of no more than 35 years old, Ferdinand was upset.

   The Stambolov government was evaluated by later generations as a police terrorist regime. They have won the support of a part of the emerging bourgeoisie, completely sided with the bourgeoisie, and vigorously promoted factories and trade.

  The majority of peasants and workers are excluded, and the ruling foundation is extremely weak.

   Most missionaries and some intellectuals, including a part of the petty bourgeoisie, opposed the government's radical anti-Russian policy.