Ch 16 Planned economy

After dismissing the cabinet, Ferdinand shouted at the door: "Steward Carl, tell our people to come over for the meeting."

   "Good lord!" Old butler Karl replied in a loud voice

   Half an hour later, Ferdinand called everyone together and said, "Sirs, please sit down. Everyone came to Bulgaria with me from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Everyone is basically clear about the situation now."

   "Bulgaria is just a small country, it seems that it is not easy to develop and grow, and now I need everyone's help." Ferdinand said and looked down

   "Dear Lord, it is our honor to serve you!" Ferrantz and others said in unison

   Ferdinand was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense. Let's expand our industry first. Although Bulgaria's market is still small, the competition is also small!"

   "But your Excellency, Bulgaria's poor traffic conditions make it difficult for our products to be competitive internationally!" Wei Li'an said depressed.

"Oh, Mr. Wei Li'an, I know this is very difficult, isn't there you guys! You can consider focusing on the Balkan market. Domestic, Greece, Serbia, and Turkey are all good choices!" Knowing Wei Li'an's concern, Ferdinand proposed Say.

   "Well, your Excellency, then I understand. If this is the case, it shouldn't be a big problem, but they are all poor ghosts and their profits will not be too high!" Wei Li'an reminded

   "Of course, I know that, in the international market, don't there still be factories in Austria-Hungary! Your focus is still there. The main competitors of the flour mills here are family workshops and transportation!" Ferdinand said with some depression.

   After finishing speaking, Ferdinand glanced at the others and said, "You will never have any problems!"

   Looking at the silent people, Ferdinand said depressed: "It seems that we still need to build the road first! I will find the cabinet to formulate a railway plan and issue public debt as soon as possible."


   Even though he had already made preparations, Ferdinand was still very depressed. He still had a headache as to how Bulgaria should go in the future.

   I thought about it: "The high-end route, how to go the high-end route? Internal combustion engines, cars, airplanes, tanks, etc. are still far away. These things are not something Bulgaria can do."

   "Even if it comes out, it can still be sold internally, but when you go out, you will be beaten up by other companies in other places. The industrial heritage is too bad!"

   "Now let's grow the fields slowly. The industrial base is really no way. It needs to be supplemented slowly and the state supports it."

"Let's persuade the cabinet of the second group first. Forget it, just use big data. Young people don't have much patience. They can start a five-year plan and adopt a planned economy, which suits their appetite. Now there are no capitalists in Bulgaria. Oppose."

   In 1887, the spring breeze blew across the Sofia Palace,

   The grass, which had been sleeping for a winter, had already regained consciousness. He stubbornly stuck his head out of the ground. Although only a little green was seen, it was full of life.

   After five months of investigation, the cabinet concluded that Bulgaria is poor in natural resources. The industrial plan submitted earlier has long been thrown into the Mediterranean.

   "Well, you guys are more energetic! The lack of natural resources is not impossible to make up." Ferdinand comforted.

   "Your Excellency, are you planning to start a war?" Stamborov said with bright eyes

   Ferdinand thought to himself: "The Bulgarians are worthy of being the Prussia of the Balkans. They are really warlike. Just look at this group of cabinets. No wonder the population of more than 4 million in history has mobilized more than 1.2 million troops!"

He rolled his eyes and said, "No, we don't have the strength to start a war now! Although Bulgaria lacks mineral resources, its geographical conditions are still very superior, and the people support the government. I intend to implement a planned economy to reduce unnecessary resource consumption. "

   "Planned economy" everyone was busy and cast their eyes on.

   "It's a planned economy. Maybe you don't understand it very well. I'll just say it simple."

   "For example, the railway, for example, plans to build a thousand kilometers of railway within five years to improve Bulgaria's traffic. If private capital is not enough, the government will issue public bonds to build it."

   "One thousand kilometers of railway, built in Bulgaria in five years?" Secretary of Transportation Clinton asked not daring to believe it.

   "Yes," the Grand Duke said with a smile.

   "Then I support" Clinton directly stated his position.

   "This is just one of them, Bulgaria's main industries are involved." Ferdinand said confidently, seeing everyone's performance, he knew the result.

   "Okay, be quiet, I will discuss it when I'm finished!" Ferdinand waved his hand.

   "This is my preliminary idea, you can take a look." Ferdinand gave a copy of "Bulgarian Five-Year Plan" to everyone.

  Article 1, focus on the development of agriculture, invite agricultural experts, vigorously promote advanced agricultural production technology, achieve a 30% increase in the total output of agricultural products within five years, and increase farmers' income;

   The second railway plan is to build a thousand kilometers of railways across the country in five years to improve traffic conditions. The required funds will be solved by the government issuing railway bonds;

   Article 3. Military, 1. Establish a primary arsenal and basically realize localization of light weapons and equipment within five years. 2. Complete the reorganization of the national army within five years and implement the reserve service system and compulsory military service system; 3. Establish the National Defense University;

  Article 4, Industry, encourage the development of heavy and heavy industries, taking into account the lack of resources in Bulgaria, support key industries such as steel plants, machinery factories, ordnance industries, exempt taxation, and give priority to domestic production under the same conditions;

Article 5. Education. 1. Establish literacy classes in factories and rural areas to encourage young students to teach the people during holidays. The content is based on the popularization of the law, and the illiteracy rate shall be controlled within 15% within five years; 2. Establish a school Public comprehensive universities, in view of the special period now, only open science and engineering courses in Occupy Shi; 3. Newly build 3 normal colleges to train teachers to lay the foundation for future compulsory education.

   "The above five items are the core of this five-year plan, which can also be called the Five-Year Plan. If you have any suggestions you can add, you can also raise any comments Ferdinand said confidently

   "His Excellency Grand Duke, can I complete it? This obviously violates the laws of the market!" Economic Minister Michael asked unconfidently

"Of course you can. Don't worry about the market rules. It is nothing more than the remarks made after collecting capitalists' money. They are all used to fool people! Be confident, you are all Bulgarian elites, and you can do it. Uncertainty will be over-completed!" The Grand Duke encouraged

  "Dear Grand Duke, how can the funds be settled? With Bulgaria's fiscal revenue, I am afraid it will be difficult to complete?"

"In this, the main expenditure is the railway plan. The issuance of railway bonds can set a higher interest rate and absorb private capital. If it is not enough, you can go abroad to sell it. The debt will be repaid with the income from the railway operation. At most the government is making up a little."

   "Like an arsenal, I can invest, so that the government saves a lot of money."

   "The funding gap in the back is no longer big. With Bulgaria's fiscal revenue, it should be able to barely complete, and at most some education bonds are issued. What's the problem?" Ferdinand said readily.

   "Dear Grand Duke, why are there no targets for steel and coal? This is a powerful and indispensable thing for a country!" Michael asked in confusion.

"It's very simple. Bulgaria's coal reserves are too small, and we cannot change it against the laws of nature! Iron ore is located in the Balkan Mountains. Before the railway is built, all raw materials for steel plants must be imported. It is better to directly import steel. !" Ferdinand explained

   "If you don't have any questions, we'll just make the decision. We will leave the specific details to you to complete, and then submit the resolution to the National Assembly!" Seeing that everyone did not speak any more, Ferdinand announced the decision.