Arc 0 My first mission: Daring to fool me! What a cunning rabbit!

Vierre grumbled her complains under her breath while Ren Yu was occupied on making the sting go away. It is quite odd for him to be feeling any pain just by listening to this rabbit's voice. It was clearly weak and incapable of doing any serious damage but why did he felt suddenly uncomfortable when it started to murmur those words?

He was in deep thought until rabbit's stomach issued its complain.

Groo- Groo-

Vierre held her stomach and pouted.

"Don't expect me to feed you." Ren Yu said and looked at her lazily before laying on the grass.

Vierre stayed quiet and continued to curse him but her hand hadn't stopped pacifying her hungry stomach. It growled again and Vierre bit her lips. Soon, her body was in cold sweats while her body was trembling visibly. During her career as a talent scout, her schedule was so busy that sometimes she had no time to eat and eventually she was admitted in the hospital for overworking and was diagnosed with ulcer and she was advised no to skip her meals ever since and to keep her stomach filled. Coming to this world she though that her sickness was gone but she was surprised that it had followed her here.

Groo- Groo-

Vierre brought her kneecaps under her chin and hugged her stomach. Her back was already damped with sweat and she could feel the coldness taking over. She was too familiar with this feeling.

"Food.." She uttered and laid her face on her knees. The hairless forehead was filled with glistening perspiration.

She could feel her strength leaving her and the snake wasn't even paying her attention. Tcch- he was really an unfeeling jerk.

"Why aren't you eating the grasses around?" Ren Yu asked while gazing at the horizon. He picked no sounds of munching.

'Grass? I'm not a rabbit!' Vierre wanted to reply but her vision was already faint, dark spots was accumulating at a faster rate gradually occupying the whole world.


"Hey?" Ren Yu asked again and waited for the rabbit's response.

"Hey?" Ren Yu asked twice and sat up but he was shocked to see the rabbit fall asleep. Didn't it say that it was hungry? Why is it sleeping?

He extended her foot and nudged it on the thigh. However, it didn't react so Ren Yu nudged it again and it still didn't respond.

"What's wrong with you?" He wanted to grab it by the ear but the expression on its face was already miserable enough, so he patted its face instead exerting a little bit force.

Vierre groaned from his hammering slap and the side of her face became red.

Vierre felt her brain was almost knocked out of her head. This dude really like seeing her in pain!

Ren Yu forgot to adjust his strength and was a little bit guilty.

"Hungry….food." Vierre mumbled to no one in particular.

With his keen sense in hearing, he heard her whisper and grabbed a handful of grass and without even separating the dirt and pebbles, he pried opened her mouth and shoved it in.

Vierre choked at his deed. Her mouth tasted some bitter brass, dirt and hard stones. She wanted to shout at him but her mouth was so full from his doing. Even her throat was invaded by dirt.

With the little bit of strength she has, she sat up and vomited what he gave her. She spat out the residue and wiped her tongue of some lingering dirt. She could some of the dirty earth stuck in between the gaps of her mouth and felt herself explode. "Are you trying to kill me?" She finally couldn't take it anymore.

"You…" Ren Yu pointed his finger at her sudden shout. "I was trying to feed you but you're actually taken my momentary kindness as farce." He showed his snake tongue in front of her.

Vierre's face was instantly struck with fear. "I don't eat grasses…fruits…." She hadn't finished her sentence before collapsing again.

Ren Yu wanted to refute but the rabbit was knocked out cold again. He touched its skin and detected its abnormal temperature. He was a cold-blooded animal but rabbits aren't supposed to be this cold.

"Weak creatures…Pui.." He spat before putting the rabbit on his shoulder. He sniffed in the air and went towards a direction after picking up the scent of fruits.

After slithering for a couple of minutes he reached a tree that had red fruits hanging on its branches.

His lower body in beast form coiled around the robust trunk and while his one hand was securing the rabbit in place his other hand picked up a fruit.

Getting down from the tree, He brought the fruit on its lips. "The fruit is here." He was in disbelief after realizing that he actually went to get his prey's food. He coughed and thought that he should consider fattening it first.

Vierre's nose smelled something citrusy and gulped. She extended her tongue trying to have a taste of it but was unaware that it touched Ren Yu's hand instead.

Ren Yu's hand jolted and the fruit fell on the ground.

[Ren Yu's affection points at 20]

What did he feel just a second ago? It was almost as it something went through his finger then travelled to his spine making him startle.

Vierre's tongue continued to lick the air and was disappointed that the fragrant fruit was gone.

Ren Yu clenched his fist and went to coil around the tree again to pick a fruit. Doing it for the second time, he put the fruit inside in front of her tongue with such gentleness that even himself was oblivious of.

Vierre never retrieved her tongue so when the fruit was brought near her mouth, she opened her mouth and took a bite. A burst of juicy and delicious spread inside her mouth like a fireworks. She groaned from the satisfying feeling and chewed fast. She took a bite again and munched. Both of cheeks bulged as a result.

Ren Yu watched her regained her healthy colour and dropped her on the ground.


Vierre was stunned for a second and afterwards rubbed her aching butt from the fall. She didn't mind his sudden rudeness because none was more important than the fruit on her mouth for the moment.


The fruit she was chomping on was similar to the texture of an apple of the modern world but there was an added tangy and citrusy flavour making her crave for a second piece. Soon, after finishing the seedless fruit on her hand, she stood up and gazed at fruits hanging on the branches of the tall tree.

Just judging from the height, she knew her non-existent skills in climbing would not let her reach even the nearest fruit. Ah! Why didn't I join that reality show's survival skills class? She regretted her decision of rejecting her colleague's invitation.

The wind blew and the fruits on the branches swayed further tempting her. She licked her lips and enjoyed the lingering tang on it. One fruit was not enough!

She approached the foot of the tree and hugged it and started stretching her arms to reach the branch a meter away.

Ren Yu watched her getting busy and started to sit on the ground. The rabbit hopped and its hand was aiming for the branch. Ren Yu thought it wanted to take another fruit and leave it be.

He scanned the area of any other creature before turning his head again on the rabbit's direction.

But he was surprised when he saw it actually gone.

He stood up immediately. "Daring to fool me! What a cunning rabbit!"


Meanwhile, Vierre was dragging a branch several times longer than her when she felt an ominous air behind her.

Her nerves tensed and slowly spun her sight only to scream on the top of her lungs. Just a few meters away, a massive black python was eyeing her with anger.