Arc 0 My first Mission: Thank you

The branch slipped out of her grasp and fell. Vierre didn't attempt to get it as all of her attention went to the python hissing and slowly making its way on her.

Ren Yu smirked on his mind watching the fear on the rabbit's face. If it was smarter it should have been hopping the other direction instead of returning to the spot and bringing a piece of wood. Wait, does this rabbit wanted to harm me! Ren Yu's made his movements faster and covered the distance and finally reaching the rabbit's side for just a couple of seconds.

Vierre didn't even have time to retreat for another step when the long powerful tail of the python tackled her ankle on the ground causing her to fall face first. For the second time after getting transported into this world she tasted earth.

Ren Yu hissed once more. His tail coiled on the rabbit's ankle and lifted it up without much effort.

Vierre felt the world had turned upside down. She blinked before her situation once again dawned on her. The cold sickening feeling wrapping her feet travelled to her whole body. It was the first time came in contact with the beast of her nightmares.


The python brought her face her eye to eye and touched it with his slimy tongue.

Vierre felt the electric shock from his doing. Every cells of her body protested and were screaming its aversion towards the predator.

Hiss- 'Why did you run off? I fed you and you're repaying me like this!"

Vierre gulped but shook her head. "I didn't! I've only wanted to find a long stick to reach the fruit on the tree."

Hiss- 'I'm not falling for your trick again. You're trying to injure me right? So that you can be running unfettered out of the mountain!'

"No, I'm not. You're misunderstanding!"

Hiss-'Why am I talking to a prey! I should have devoured you long ago!'

Ren Yu opened his jaw so wide.

"No! You jerk! You never listened! You only wanted to see me get hurt! Is it fun huh? Is it fun! I've only wanted to find some stick because I knew you wouldn't bother to help me get the fruit!" Vierre shouted disregarding the looming threat in front of her. A dog would bite when its cornered why can't a rabbit thrash if its threatened!

Hiss- 'Huh? Is that the case?

"If I plan to run off I wouldn't have come back. "

Hiss- 'Aren't you trying to stab me with that piece of wood?'

"You're an idiot…how can a piece of wood not even sharpened at the end pierced that thick skin of yours!"

With that statement, Vierre was again dropped on the ground falling face flat. Ah! My nose would be flattened at this point!

Ren Yu transformed back to his human form and smilingly strode to the rabbit's side and picking it by the collar. "What you said was right, the skin of a python king couldn't even be scratched by the mightiest bear claws and even those talons of that red chick would fall short. You're a knowledgeable prey."

Vierre nodded at him letting him be basked in shamelessness.

Ren Yu patted her silky head and started walking to the tree they were before. His lower body transformed.

"What are you doing?" Vierre asked after his snake form was again revealed.

"I'm helping a useless rabbit get its food." He dropped her again and slithered his way up. With his two free hands he was able to pick so many.

Vierre endured cursing at him and waited down the tree. She was quite hungry so let bygones be bygones. This snake's brain is damaged anyway. She will not fight with him because it will be beneath her. Absolutely not because she couldn't beat him!

Very soon, Ren Yu jumped down and transferred the fruits from his arms to hers. Note the words with rudeness.

This jerk! He was born to piss her off!

But nonetheless she only glared at him before started devouring the fruits. She took a big bite and savoured the juices with delight. Having a meal on the verge of dying is the most delicious of all.

Ren Yu stood at one side watching her eating the fruits without minding her image. Its two cheeks puffed out and chewed the fruit with a happy expression. He didn't what came over him but he actually just stood there watching the rabbit until it finished.

"Thank you." Vierre said after finishing the last of her meal. She had forgotten this snake's sudden generosity.

Ren Yu regained his sense and looked at her. "What?"

"Tcch…" This jerk only wanted to make her repeat it. "Anyway, thank you." Nevertheless, she was saved from her sickness so this snake despite purposely dropping her on the ground numerous times still did her a favour.

"Thank you?" Ren Yu heard another unfamiliar word from it again.

"Thank you is like saying that I'm happy for what you did." Vierre explained not expecting him to be clueless.

Ren Yu blinked his eyes. He was silent for a while before replying, "Did you get chased out by your clan for being useless?" Ah! Ren Yu will always be Ren Yu, the type of guy that will use every chance to poke at someone's wounds.

The little bit of goodwill Vierre had for him was suddenly dissipated. Never mind, I'll just treat it as being blind for a moment. She turned around after glaring at him but her mind was suddenly bothered after hearing the system's notification.

[Ren Yu's affection points at 25]

She turned around again to observe his expression.

"Hungry again? Don't look at me, I won't help you a second time." Ren Yu said and flicked a pebble on the tree.

The tree shook and suddenly dropped some fruit on his hand. "Hmmmphhh…Treat it as I'm fattening you up before eating." He said and shoved the fruit on her hand.

Vierre gave the fruit a glance before a smile tugged on her lips.