The Little Sleeping Beauty

'What's going on? I feel like flying,' that's the first thought that came to her mind. When her father Mr. Alphonse took her in his arms sleeping.

"She is still in pajamas, my love, you're sure that we'll take her like this?"

"Listening to the man's voice I know that is daddy, and he is talking with mommy, well I can continue to sleep even when we're going outside to play," still in her mind the little Mandy

Humph, "It has to be your daughter, only wants to sleep."


'Oh, that's mommy, yeah, she had to be,' Mandy, complained in her mind.

"Well, but she's not only my daughter, but she's also your daughter too, and who was the one who only passed by sleeping in class when we were at school."

He whispered so softly that only Mandy could hear him.

"Honey, did you say something?" says the lady with a killing glare.

"N… no, I… I have said nothing darling," shivering told the poor man


Little Mandy was listening to the supposed "conversation" between her parents. But she got more bored and felt more sleepy, and it didn't take long before she went to dreamland again.

When she rose from her sleep, she heard cutting and in the distance an angelic voice, "Sweetie come here baby… introduce you…" ... "Vincent..."

"That voice, I've heard it before... oh it's the beautiful aunt, Lizzie's mommy, yes, we're with them, but I don't want to open my eyes yet, I'll sleep another while, I'll let Lizzie play with my older brother."

Yes, Mandy knew Lizzie and her family, you wonder why, well Lizzie and Mandy go to the same Academy together, with it's a special kindergarten only for the Golden Royals.

A special academy for the heirs and their brothers of the Golden Royals specialized in combat, politics, business, psychology, technologies, and they're joined since they turn 3 years of age, to develop the full potential of the brain of each one of them.

Because of this, they are adults in the skin of children, since they learn many things that a child should not learn until it's grown up or when life shows the black reality, they receive the harsh treatment of society, how can a human heart be gentle and be dangerous at the same time.

But not everything's painted in color black, because the family love they receive is double that a normal child can receive, because development at an early age is very hard for them, we can say that the genes of each family are strong enough and allow them to endure that hellish physical and mental training, emotional, psychological.

While it is true, it specialized them in all of this, each family takes a position in a specific area.

Each family enjoys the benefits of the other.

*... But the rest of this will be a story for later. XD...*

When Mandy was fully awake, everyone was ready in their bathing suits, she moved her little head down to see herself, and realized that she was also wearing a children's swimsuit.

But let's not forget the drool in his mouth.

Paying no more attention, she wiped off the drool and moved from the comfortable stretcher under an umbrella which doesn't allow the possibility of getting burned in the sun, and then she addressed her parents.

"Daddy, mommy, Beauty Hannah, handsome Aaron, morning!!!" with a big smile.

The four adults were speechless…

No one would believe that she is the girl who was sleeping only two minutes ago and with drool on her mouth.

And yes, she calls Aunt Hannah beautiful and Uncle Aaron handsome. Which the latter ignites the vinegar pot called Daddy.

"Humph, because he always calls the uncle handsome and not the father." Daddy Alphonse, with his voice indignant.

"It's because I see Daddy all the time." Mandy with her cute, angelic, and adorable smile.

That smile that is contagious, adorable, that makes Daddy Alphonse forget what he was complaining about. And the meaning behind the slightly hurtful words of his answer easily went with the waves of the ocean, far and far away. And didn't care what they were going to talk about.

"Yes, he didn't understand as always, she sees her father every single day, it is so much that she is even tired of seeing him, and she no longer finds him handsome, she's bored so see his face. Well, it had to be my daughter." Mama Nathalie, commented.

Yes, Madam, she is your daughter, and she resembles you in every imaginable way.

All this gained a soft giggle from the other couple.

And then turning into a deaf ear for the murmuring of her parents put her attention to the uncle and aunty Lockhart.

"Hi sweetie pie!" the Lockhart couple.

"You look ready for having fun with your brother and the rest," Mama Hannah.

"Of course, look at that bright smile on her face." Daddy Aaron.

"Yes!!" Mandy

Giving a light glance to her mother.

"Mommy, sun cream please, I don't want to go through peeled skin." Mandy.

"Right baby, let me put some on you," a delighted Mommy Nathalie.

After getting her sun cream on her body she went running towards Lizzie to have fun and have sometimes fun, until Lizzie went running to her parents for the camera.

Mandy thought it was time for another nap.

You can't blame her, her brain works faster than any kid at her age, her body needs a balance, you are talking about the best lawyer in the entire country, whose name is notable, respected, and an influential figure internationally.

***But we'll leave that for a later date, shall we? XD***

Mandy knew that her best friend is too noisy, but she can sleep with the noise.

Meanwhile, they were taking pictures and getting off each other nerves; she was sleeping.

But what she didn't know was that she was the focus of another photo and when it was taken, she was drooling again, i the future when they show it to her, she will get so embarrassed, that will not have face to save, some colleges even got a hold of it to tease her.

The photo did not give grace to how adorable she is, but to how silly her face looks filled with drool.