It Has Been 5 Years.

"Hurry run," gasped a voice trying to get some air.

"You go first, I'll distract them," another voice was gasping but not like the first voice.

"NO! It was my fault that we fail in the missing, you go!" the first voice.

"I'm faster than you, let me lead them to another location, later we can reunite on the safe place number 4," the second voice.

"B… but… no, I can't let you go alone," the first voice hesitated.

"LISTEN TO MY ORDERS FOR ONCE!" impatience and angry aroused in a second voice.

The first voice Nina cowered in fear facing the second voice, Beth.

Yes, Nina made a mistake in their missing, to get certain information from a low company about a new sort of drugs that are being smuggled from Country X to Country G.

===Two hours ago===

She laughed listening to the conversations that she's supposed to listen under-covered, and that leads her to have been spotted by the bodyguards, making a move even when the leader of the mission, Beth told her to not move, but a rookie who wants to be acknowledged by others, make her move to fight the bodyguards.

When the people inside the room saw that it was a child seemingly on her tens, they're stunned.

But a frown from the leaders replaced that face in the room.

"Catch her," ordered the unkempt bearded man that was sitting on the leader's couch.

The bodyguards woke up and tried to take her down, but she was a fighter how can they catch her so easily. But what she did not expect was that all of them carried firearms, all carried Beretta 92FS.

And Nina didn't carry one.

She was the worst at handling guns.

She got scared silly and her body froze in that very second, as the leader can't leave one of her own behinds, Beth approach Nina from behind and took down one bodyguard disarmed him, taking the gun from him, once again the chocked face they made at her appearance, as another girl on her tens.

Then she presses the trigger and fired at the unkempt bearded leader and try to take advantage of the commotion that she created for a way out with the disobedient rookie.

Running out of the place, she tries to contact the rest of the group.

"Alpha 1 to betas and the rest, we got the information, but we got exposed, don't move from your positions, try to leave under the veil of the night, disappear from sight, I repeat, disappear from sight." Beth, give an immediate order.

"We'll see each other on the fourth safe, be careful," continues, Beth with her orders, and then turns off the communicator taking Nina with her, for this and Beth needs to make sure of it.

Now we can return to the present.

"Nina, now… go!" Beth 

Nina went to the north where the safe was. And Beth went back a little to let the bodyguards keep her pace.

"She is this way, come on, catch her!" The leader bodyguard and keep running.

When she saw that they almost reach her, she went to the east.

She went past a black Bugatti 16C Galibier, there was a boy in the backseat, he heard the commotion, and the driver wanted to get away from them, but when they saw the bodyguards running behind a girl on her tens, they were shocked, especially the boy, when he makes eye contact with her beautiful green eyes, like jade, and in an instant, he knew her! His eyes lit up.

"It's her," said the boy in a murmur.

It stunned her for two seconds when she saw the boy's eyes, sapphire, a beautiful blue like the ocean and like the sky.

'It's him!' thought with a little excitement and expectations.

Her eyes lit up, she wanted to cry at this moment because the light on her darkness was in front of her, but she couldn't involve him in her mission, and when he was about to speak a gunshot sound echoed and a groan later, her shoulder got pierced by a bullet, with little thought she went to another way to get rid of the ones who haven't given up on catching her.

Beth keeps running in the other direction without looking at her light again.

The Boy on his middle tens keeps looking at the back of the girl until she disappears completely.

After a few seconds later.

"Investigate what kind of mission did she get, and why is she running away," the boy said with a stern voice.

"Yes, Young Master." the driver

The boy also called Young Master by the driver is wearing a luxurious silk dark gray suit, a white t-shirt with the first 3 buttons open, a long black coat, black shoes.

He has grown up like a handsome teenager, 1,40mts (still short, but he's growing), blue eyes, thick eyebrows, straight back nose, thick reddish lips. Ah, but don't forget his bluish-black hair. The strange thing is that on the day his hair is black, but at night is bluish.

"It has been five years my lady." in murmur says the Young Master Vincent

"But, it still no time yet, we need some more, to grow stronger, no worries, I can wait for you." Vincent.

On the other side with Beth.

"Damn, I couldn't inspect to my light, but from afar is good too."

"Ugh, but this bullet still hurts like hell."

"Humph, you just wait Nina, you make me look like a beggar in front of him, I'll make you have one of the strongest punishments!"

"But thanks to this I could see him, it's not time yet, we need to be stronger! I can wait to see my treasured eyes."

And Beth continues running with all those thoughts.

"We almost got her, quickly," one bodyguard ordered.

"If she runs to the other side of the street and turns to the left, we'll lose her, come on," another bodyguard urged the rest.

"But, hey what's wrong with the last bodyguard that just talked, did he… did he tell me the way to lose them so easily?" Beth, tilted her head.

"Well, it doesn't matter, it was my route, to begin with."

Turning around the left, she was blocked, yes blocked, and what surprise her, is the last person she wanted to keep seeing in the worst look she was in, is… yes it's him.

"Bother Vince." Beth called out his name.

"Get on," Vincent with his hoarse voice undergoing development.

"B… but…" Beth hesitate.

"Don't let me repeat myself," spoke with a calm and overbearing voice.

"O… o… okay," the little shy Beth with red ears, neck, and checks.

She got in the car and lost the remained people that were running after her.

Beth was frigid being so close to her favorite male, she just sits there still like an iron bar, and with her gaze down, trying to steal glances at him from the side view.

"That was dangerous, which safe are you going?" Vince.

"O… oh the fourth." Beth.

Still red, 'The little cutie screamed that she wanted to be teased,' was the thought that flashed on Vince mind, with an amused on his eyes, and his lips rise a little for a couple of seconds, no one will know that he smiled if the driver was not looking at him, and he got the shock of the night, but it was just two seconds, that he thought was a hallucination.

"Roger," answered Vince "But before that, we need to make a quick first aid on your shoulder."

Beth was ashamed of getting hurt, it was the first time she got a bullet on her body, and her cheeks turn pale from that.

Young Master Vince saw her from side view and knew what she was thinking.

"No need to be ashamed, it always came for the first time."

"But, no next time okay? I don't want a scar on your body," with a gentle voice.

"My lady, it pains me seeing you in pain or bleeding, so take care more of yourself," with a frown Vince turns to her with pain visible in his eyes, and a stern voice, to make sure that she was listening.

"Y… yes, sorry, no next time. I'll take good care of myself, you too please," the more the shy Beth talked the softer and lower her voice was until the last word was like a whisper, an enchanted whisper.