Nina Norland I

After Beth ended her conversation with Delta Phillip, turned off the ear device, and continue to watch the video recordings of the rest of the members.

Two hours went by, and she found the one that she wanted to see more, number 10, after finish watching them, she opens her file.

Name Nina Norland.

Age: 10.

Daughter of a mistress from the Scott family, the last in ranking of the Cooper Families. She used her connections to take part in the admission exam this year and bribed the supervisor for a pass, but because is the last rank in the Cooper families the supervisor could only give her an 'F' mark.

The files also stated the background of her mother, Ana Norland, she became a mistress when she was pregnant with Nina, and the eldest son of the Scott family was 10 years old, she drugs the second son, Daniel Scott into sleep with her and makes Mr. Daniel believes that Nina was his daughter, but can't acknowledge her because the Family's Head Liam Scott doesn't accept her.

The only one who knows the truth is the latter because he did a DNA test on secret using the Academy resources. But didn't inform the rest of the family, because he isn't the heir of the family, and Nina with her mother doesn't have the right to have status inside or outside the family.

"Quite a story." Beth murmur.

Character: arrogant, selfish, narcissist.

"Damn, so spot on! At least the supervisor gave a correct assessment in some aspects but is corruption either way. Well, I need to know what did they use for that."

The bribe was two things the mother Ana Norland, used a flirting way, the supervisor played hard to get and, in the end, he lost himself in lust. The second was the proof that they slept together and used against him.

Mr. Daniel Scott didn't know this, but he used his contacts for her to be part of the admission exam when she didn't have the status nor the qualifications to join in.

Her mother has been using the same tactic for her to advance and be part of today's mission.



It detailed the files with everything, even what she ate, what she said before, audio recordings of calls, she is one of the 'Black Members'.

This 'Black Member' just like its name tells, are members but are on a blacklist, they used underhanded means to get admitted to the Academy. The Golden Royals closely monitored them, they let them be, but when it is time that they are pushing more their bottom line, the 'Black Member' is disregarded and tossed aside. Either killed or used for 'organ donation' that they only function, but only the Family's Head and the Heir or heiress has the authority to know. 

"She is a 'Black Member' but, she can't be tossed aside just yet, she almost makes me fail the mission."

"Let's see what are you doing number 10…"

After reading her entire file, Beth closed it and then went to search for the surveillance camera in the rooms, when she found it, putting the laptop headphones, and was shocked at what she could hear number 10 say over the phone.

"Mother, that bi***, she messed with me, ugh… I hate her! I want to get rid of her."

On the other side of the phone…

"It's okay honey, we can get rid of her, don't need to do the written report, I'll call Daniel and tell him about her, what's her name again?"


"Only that? Last name?"

"None, I don't know, she introduced herself only as Beth, and she is the Team Leader of today's mission."

"Hmm… Maybe she is one of those orphans, better at least Daniel will deal with her faster."

"Mother, are you sure he can help? Because the hearsay is that the Academy doesn't let seconds sons meddle with their business."

"TSK, yeah I know, because of that I keep seducing the Eldest Son, but he is cold, what can I expect from a wooden and cold person."

"That's why I told you to do it before I came here!! Mother, you need to try more!"

"Don't talk to me like that young lady, if it wasn't because you were in my womb I would have gone for the heir and not for the foolish second plate"

"Make Mr. Daniel agree, and you can go to sleep with the supervisor of the mission, you can do that!!!"

"Don't call him Mr. call him Dad!"

"You know pretty well that he is not my father!"

"Yeah, your father is that man… but he doesn't know your existence, be careful, he might kill you."

Nina got a little scared and her angry red face turned pale.

"Yes, I know… What I don't know is why you have to hook him and get pregnant with that terrified man."

"Well, I fell for his red eyes, and silver hair, a pity you didn't get any of his facial features, if you did, we could have been with him, and…"


Meanwhile, Beth who was listening to every word very clearly, even the other side of the phone, because the device is high gamma, was astonished…

"Master is the father of number 10… No! It's impossible, Master never, ever makes this kind of mistake, unless… I have to dig more information… apparently they are hidden from him…"

"Damn! I can think anymore."

"Breath Beth breath."

Inhale and exhale

Taking her phone from her back pocket, she dialed the number 3 of speed dial, and two seconds later the other side answered the call.

"My, my, my, little disciple, to what do I own the pleasure, aren't you in the middle of a mission," said a cheerful male voice, but at the same time with worry.

"Master, I already finish my mission, I just need to give my report in two days."

"Oh! Good, good, good, you can visit me soon then."

"In five days, I'll come to you Master, but before that, I need to ask you something…" Beth with a hesitant voice.

When the male on the other side could identify her tone of voice, he knew it was something important. And worry more apparent in his voice to tell her with a firm voice "Ask my little one, you can ask anything"

Determined to ask and get answers in order to proceed with a soft voice… "Master."…

The male waited for her to continue… A couple of seconds later…

"Master, is there another person, aside for you with red eyes and silver hair?"

Silence came from both sides.