Nina Norland II

"Well, there is someone, but not red eyes and silver hair, he has red eyes and red hair, my cousin, the only living family I have from my Ancient Moon, but why did you ask about it little one?"

Without waiting for her answer, he continues with a faint angry voice… "Did someone tell something bad about me?!"

Beth with a slight panic in her voice…

"No! No, it's not like that Master, don't misunderstand, it just, let me tell you something before I continue to ask you, it depends on this call how can I continue with my report…"

The male was a little confused about it, but this male enjoys doting on his little disciple, so, he answers with a smile in his mouth ready to listen to her. "Sure!"

"Today mission was to listen to certain gang with a guest conversation and stop the trade between them, but apparently the guest is a big shot, but we don't know who is or from where he came from, so we were going to know his identity, a rookie, got discovered laughing at their conversation, and being Team Leader, I need to protect my members and ensure the mission, I got to came out of my hidden spot and kill the leader of the gang, but in the end they came after me and my team members, the latter is inexperienced with fights and her stamina is the worst so, in order for her to escape I got to distract the gang, in the end I got shoot by my carelessness"

An angry voice shouts out "WHAT?!! SHOOT?? WHERE?? Are you okay my little one!?" the last question the voice was anxious and full of worries.

"Yes, Master, I'm okay now. I meet bother Vince, and he took aid and bandage my shoulder, but Master, let me finish."

She could hear a sigh of relief from the other side of the phone.

"Okay, sorry, continue."

"Well, in the end, this member almost messed the mission up, now I'll continue with the questions."

"By any chance, do you know someone whose name is Ana Norland?"

"Ah! That name sounds familiar, I don't know where are you going from all this but…"

"Just think carefully Master 10 years ago!"

"Wow, you have even the year… hmm… AH! Oh, that woman, she tried to sleep with me, but she ended sleeping with a beggar that I took for her, I wanted to find her and settle accounts for that, but she left, before I could do anything, she disappears for not reason, and I got tired and give up on her searching… but why little one? Do you know her? Have you seen her?"

Sigh of relief comes from Beth side "Master this scare the hell out of me!"

"Language little one!"

"Sorry… but yes Master, I found her, and when I hear her say talking about someone with red eyes and silver hair… it was… well, all my plans needed to be put on hold, now a heavy pressure on my shoulders is gone."

"Oh, I already can gasp what's going on already, 10 years ago, team member, that woman, well if I connect the dots, so she thinks that she slept with me and says that the child is mine, and this child has 10 years and is in the Academy, but how? And why?"

"Master she is a mistress from Daniel Scott the second master of the Cooper family, and she has a daughter, she makes the Scott family think that her child Nina Norland is the daughter of Mr. Daniel."

"Ugh, disgusting woman, well I already know where she is, will be easy to take care of her."


"What is it Master?"

"Wait, the daughter of that woman was the one who almost makes you fail the mission and the worst you have being shot?" a dangerous air could pass from the other side of the phone to Beth's and makes her feel a shiver on her spine.

The almighty overprotective, possessive Master's mode is ON!

'Damn!' was the thought of Beth.



"Well, originally, if she was your daughter, I was going to take her off the 'Black Members' list, and only teaching her a lesson, but she's not, so, she'll be facing my wrath!"


Pouting her checks "I want to deal with her mother too, but not right now, Master, leave them to me, they dare to try to use you!"

Sighing in defeat because he heard her indignant voice Beth's Master "Okay, but I want to know your plans"

"Roger that Master!!!!"

Then Beth, with a now never seen, malicious smile on her face, proceed to make a detail plan for getting rid of the mother and daughter duo.

And the ones being plotted against are fuming and trying to get ideas of what to do with the 'Orphan' Team Leader Beth, no notice that, it'll a matter of time until their good days ends, and they'll wish their own death to escape of the suffering.

Beth ended the call with her Master, the mysterious man, who can evoke a sexy charm, and an evil aura at the same time. With unique features, desire and fear is what every woman who has seen him from afar or close would feel.

But for our Beth he is and will always be, the dotting Master, who is a spoiler and love her! He is the third most important person for her, you can tell just by remembering that he is the contact number 3 in her speed dial. (the last chapter XD).

Beth was super excited just to play with the disgusting duo, she won't touch the Scott family, but that doesn't mean that she'll let it pass just like that, the Family's Head is good, and the Eldest son with the heir to.

Feeling good in the end of the day, Beth takes a shower and goes to sleep, it's only 12 o'clock, but she is growing, don't want to be left behind, and be short when she stands side by side to her brother Vince.

Taking a quick shower because of the wound, oh, she forgot the wound on her left shoulder; she was so engrossed on the reports and video recordings that she forgot the wound, even the pain of it.

She went to find the aid kit under the bed, and returning to the bathroom with the kit, she began taking the old bandages, cleaning the wound with alcohol, and then it dressed in a new bandage.

It's the first time that a bullet gets through her, it hurts, but she bears the pain with no chances on her expression, why? Because…

"Even if this is my first-time ending wounded, it doesn't hurt like the pain I went through two years ago…"

There was a depressive aura in the room.

[Phone vibration] RING, RING, RING.

Beth check who is calling at this hour…

A pleasant surprise on her eyes could be seen, and immediately she answers…


