Mysterious Royal Heir

The leader of the second team member that are with Beth's. Send a message to his members.

[Have an hour to finish personal reports.]

All of them give a silly look to each other after reading the message, then someone cried out.

"I need to finish it!!"


All of them were running away from the cafeteria towards their rooms. Either to finish the personal report, or to go play games.

The relaxed member of Beth' team, didn't notice or rather try to ignore the glare that was burning their necks. Until one of them broke in a cold sweat surrounding to his fear because he remembers that killing intent, he didn't want to try his luck either.

"I… I… I have to return to my room; I forgot my phone in there."

Said before running away from the pressure. And the rest; well, they said another kind of excuse to save themselves too.

When there were only 6 individuals left. Jordan, Edmund, number 8, number 9, Lilith and Beth.

"Big sis, did you send your report earlier too?" five pair of curious eyes were looking at Lilith.

"No, I didn't" a flat answer.

"Writing the personal reports include you little cousin" said a casual male voice. Yes, the Leader that send the message was him. As to the reason why he sent it, was because he saw them being idle.


Five people were surprised by the sudden entry of an unknown human, but can it be called human to the appealing specimen in front of them, the boys were feeling inferior to his manly look, the aura that comes from his body, is not lesser than the one Team leader Beth released when spoke with Nina.

Beth was not surprised, and Lilith was in a trance when she heard him said that…

"Damn, she has too?" was her only though.

Wearing a casual wear, white and yellow t-shirt, black jeans, and in his upper right side of the t-shirt there was an embroidery of a 'YELLOW CLEMATIS'. The crest of his Golden Royal.

The most mysterious Golden Royal of the six, Gustaf.

As the meaning and representation of the flower is a mental beauty, because they used to say that the true beauty is on the mind.

They use the flower due to the prodigies that they give birth. An IT prodigy. Everyone on the Golden Royal Gustaf is born with a high IQ and EQ.

They use more of their brain, even the lowest in this Royal knows one thing or two about programming, computers and so on.

Why they were born with both high IQ and EQ?

Well, the reason for that is that we have to clap our hands to their mentality.

When they are searching for a partner, they are searching not for an IQ genius, but a high EQ genius instead. Since ancient times they have enough genes to give one of them, but lack the other one.

So, the predecessors search for a solution for their bloodline. Being a woman or men in their family have to search for an opposite sex with a high EQ, it doesn't matter if the partner lacks IQ; they have plenty to spare.

There are some jokes about them. But only go around in circles that no one knows. Like 'their gray eyes are the window of the computer'. And some other cold jokes.

Don't let anyone close the Royals or them themselves heard it; it warrants a death sentence.

The Prodigy IT, genius acclaimed since he was five years old, the common people only know him as the Mysterious Royal heir, why? Because there is no information about him. No name, no age, no photos, nothing. If there is some data or photo, all of that is fake.


Because as a matter of fact he is the one whose life is in more danger.

Since he was six years old, his life is the third most expensive in the black market.

There are several reasons for that, either because he is a dangerous and well-known hacker, or because is a Golden Royal, or he has offended some dangerous existence, even if it were one of them or all of them, it doesn't matter; he has the power to protect himself, nevertheless he remains unknown to the world.

But here he is in front of his cousin Lilith, and his best friend and little sister Beth, yes, best friend she is eight years younger, but he treats her as an equal, that's because she can break his firewall, decode his virus, send him her own creations that are a far cry of his own, let's say that she had a higher IQ than him.

"Cousin, go to do it, one hour, the clock is running."

Lilith woke up of her stupor.

She looks to her cousin direct to his eyes. If you take a closer look you notice, the difference in their tones of gray is quite apparent.

Lilith's gray eyes are lighter, and the cousin eyes are darker. The darker, the more potential the royal members are.

Lilith was indignant, with a pout she asks her cousin.

"Cousin, why, I haven't given my personal report, only the recording is enough right?"

She knew about the rule of the recordings, because she was a Master, the fourth rank, first level.

"Not this time, the mission today has some mistakes, and they (the higher ups) want the personal report from each one of you." Said with a casual smile.

Lilith paled when she heard that. And without thinking more she went running to her room.

All the eyes were on her running figure, a funny scene to draw smiles on them, but the anxious Lilith forgot about them. And that's because she, a descendant of the Gustaf, doesn't like to use a computer. A weird member.

The Gustaf heir turn his attention to Beth.

"So, my little one, it's been almost a month since I saw you." Say with a loving tone in his voice, trying to tease the little girl.

"Humph, nothing good comes from your mouth's ´S.E.N.I.O.R.'"

An irritated Beth glare at her friend.

"Ha-ha." A manly and tender chuckle was the response that Beth receive from the Golden Royal Heir.

"You look beautiful my little sister, it's a blessing seeing you in a dress, and a white one on top of that."

"AH!" Someone yells.

Startling the rest, the gazes of the others were drawn to the owner of the shout.

Number 9, whose name doesn't matter, two days and like two chapters are enough for him to make his pop-up here and then…

He was ashamed for being stared at. He was just thinking that no one notices her beauty today, and he didn't know why…

As a matter of fact, they might be able to see her, but she didn't want, so she has the ability to make her presence, aura and her existence itself to hide, mingle amid people without being noticed by others. An ability that was trained for a whole year. We should emphasize that they do not learn this in just one year, but over years of experience.

>.Back to their conversation…

"Tomorrow is my graduation and Grandpa wants me to use more dress from now on, it suits my position." It was a flat answer from Beth.

"Ah, I see, and then… why I'm only hearing this now?" A dangerous smile that was sinking in the abyss to the people present. Could not breathe properly.

"Well, that because my mission come to an abrupt and forced end." With a sullen face who didn't care about the dangerous smile.

"Oh, that's right, your mission was in that gang, for your look it wasn't a pleasant ending. Tell me, who was the one who make you fail a mission?" The dangerous smile changed to a wicked one in just an instant.

A cold air went through making them shiver. Rising their heads to make direct contact with his deep eyes, only to see something terrified, that look wouldn't let them sleep for days.

"Was this man, smiling, casual first, then that smile gives a dangerous feeling, and now this!?

This is the legendary meaning of want to cry but not tears coming out?" They could only though in their heart, for fear of angering this devil.

"No, it will deal with her according to the rules, and besides, I didn't fail brother Lu, it was accomplished, but ahead of time, and I couldn't get some details about another mission target that was there, that's all."

"So, the wound in your shoulder?"

"Oh, a forced escape, blame the rookie, but no worries, I will be dealt with her."

"Okay, if you need something let me know"

"Sure Brother Lu."

"Baby, you have to grow up fast, maybe I'll be able to steal you away from 'him'"

"Hump, you won't get a chance." Said meanwhile she turns around to leave. In the middle, she stops turns to face the heir and spoke.

"Lucius Gustaf, mark my words, I'll get a wife for you eventually, I want a sister-in-law."

After a pause, she continues with a pained expression.

"I need at least one of my brothers to get married, even if they are not brother by blood."

Having enough time to tease her, with a doleful face said.

"Sigh, you can search for my genius EQ then, I'll leave to you and my sister."

"Sure, Brother Lu." say with a pleased tone.

A cheerful face now shining like stars was glaring at the rest.

"Go and make the other finish the reports earlier, I'll give you elite points for that."

The dreamy look of the other men was giving at her with hearts in their eyes from that smile, was shattered by the first sentence, but when the second came, they were wide-eyed and then excited.

Lucius saw all that. And couldn't help but shake his head with a sigh of hopeless.