The Forgotten History is still Taboo

Today is the last day for Beth to be part of Rank Three, Right-hand Man/Woman, Left-hand Man/Woman of the Royals, level one, STORM.

The long-awaited graduation, but not only for her but also for many, the people who hold her dear as her loyal friends and family.

It is a private graduation, as her identity must still be hidden.

The top executives of the academy are people who are within the 6 families, but there is also the power behind the Academy itself, and from that power comes the Master of Beth, the special characteristic is the 'Red Eyes', only that person is able to take the reins of power of the academy, one reason why it was founded is because the clan behind it, has strong ties with the six Golden Royals, since it is because of the latter that it was founded, to give them weapons and train their members and subordinates for the protection of these same.

It is said that the ancestors of each Royal, had an enemy in common, he was called 'SILVER CLAW', or also known as 'Silver Eyes', as he is called by this name, he is a man who has not aged since he was 20 years old, some say he is still alive, others say he raped a woman and had offspring, and each of these inherited the same ability and the same eye color.

For that reason, this said man was also the enemy of the crimson red-eyed clan, because the woman he raped was part of the clan, the woman was the daughter of the main family, the princess of the clan, a talented woman, a prodigy, but she could do nothing against the silver-eyed man.

It is said that, he kidnapped her and held her in captivity until she gave birth to his child, and then killed her, after so much hardship, pain and suffering she was subjected to, first to get pregnant, then to survive and have the baby, because her clan had being threatened if she did not give birth, and the pain of giving birth to a child that, by strange circumstances there was a phenomenon at the moment of giving his first cry, the baby absorbed all vital energy of the woman leaving her with her last breath, only for 'Silver Eyes' to give him the final blow.

Yet the story does not end like that, the woman had already been married and her husband was another prodigy from another powerful clan, the clan that possessed heterochromia, a deep sapphire blue in the left eye and a beautiful and amazing emerald color in the right eye.

It is said that this clan and the crimson red-eyed clan, even the Silver-eyed man were part of a clan of cultivators in the ancient times, in which they were the only ones with special abilities. But from this clan they derived various colors such as gray, jade green, sky blue, gold, brown, ocher, turquoise, and others, except for red and silver. They possessed one eye of one color and the other eye of another color, or they possessed both eyes of the same color. Each color symbolized something.

However, that story became taboo after the clan was divided into several families, in fact it was divided between six families.

The patriarch of the clan divided the clan between six and made them stay hidden until one day, a chosen one would arrive, the one who would call the clans to unite again and fight against the threat, but being human, the latent power of the cultivator must be forcibly put in the deepest slumber.

And the descendants must seek a different way to the power of the cultivator's energy, they must be more human, and only when their blood awakens will they have stronger abilities, but still being humans.

The patriarch made this decision because the woman who was kidnapped, raped and held captive was his wife, the Matriarch of the clan.

He and his eldest son with his youngest daughter were the first to disappear.

At the same time, he did not forget making a pact with the crimson red eyes clan, they would be the guardians of the six families and the head of the clan with his brother-cousin would be in charge of choosing a disciple among the six, there will be born the heir of the clan, the new leader who will lead them to a better future.

But all that history has been forgotten, because it has become a taboo. The only ones who can know about the lost long forgotten history are the heir of the crimson-red-eyed clan, and the direct descendants of the patriarch with heterochromia eyes.

Beth's teacher knows the whole story, but it is still unknown if he has taught her the story.

Back to the present with Beth.

Heading back to the office on the fifth floor, after the show at the cafeteria. Taking her time to read a book, taking a cup of coffee that Lina left behind for her. She took a leisure time, to wait for the rest of the reports.

It's been a couple of hours, and she felt the vibration of the phone, it was a message from Lina.

[Four more reports ready, the only one left is Number 10]

After reading the message, she walked to her laptop, opening her e-mail and indeed, there were only four reports, she went through them after an hour; she saw that Nina, haven't sent hers, she only could imagine that Nina was throwing a tantrum in her room about what happened, and that the place is ruined.

Curiosity kill's the cat.

Curious she logs in her Academy Account, just to see an e-mail with a link, the sender was Delta Phillip, and he has an authorization from Lucius Gustaf, to hack Nina's laptop in her room.

The curiosity turns now in joy for drama, the expressions of that disgusting girl, opening the link, and indeed, she was still smashing everything inside the room, it was a total chaos.

The mirror in the room was smashed into pieces, the desk has pieces of glasses, the bed, well it was like a wildcat went through the room.

Beth was watching full of amusement, "It seems that Phillip recorded everything that she did and said here."

Taping her fingers on the table "One of the rules in the Academy's Code is that you can't talk bad about the team leader behind his/her back, if you do, you have to receive the punishment according to the level of insult that denigrates its leadership, another one said that if in case that the member risk the physical security of the Team Leader or any other member. The aggravation level will be in his highest. So, according to this she can be expelled… Good I got you."

Being taught in a certain sense of property to obey the rules of the Academy, Beth needed to memorize the rules, and so, she knows how, when, to whom and what type of rule apply each rule.

Closing the video window on the laptop, she opens an app, select a name and made a video call. After a few seconds there was a young man with a deadpan face in the other side of the call. "Young Miss. What can I do for you today?"

"Need a Punishment."

"Sure, Young Miss. Tell me his/her name, age, gender division, faults."

"Nina Norland.

Age: 10 years old.

Gender: Female.

Division: Fifth rank, level three.


1- Inappropriate behavior in the middle of a mission.

2- Risking the life not only of her team leader but also the members of the team.

3- Insubordination.

4- Give degenerate insults in private towards her team leader.

5- Destruction of Academy property.

6- Use of background to bully members of other teams."

The third fault took place in two occasions, firstly, when she questioned Beth, when the latter asked for a written report, and she didn't want to do it, secondly, she indeed didn't submit her report.


Behind the scenes:

Beth: Author I have a question…

Author: *looking around* If you have questions about that history, I won't tell you anything…

Beth: *Smirk* Why not? You are the one writing, so you know everything….

Author: Yes, I know everything *Smug face*

Beth: *A light flashed in her eyes* So...

Beth's Master: *Rising his eyebrow* Hmm, what are you talking about?

Author and Beth: N… N… Nothing!!! *Running away for their lives*
