Rewards and Punishment

"Roger, Young Miss."

"I receive the last report added with the video recordings of the mission, so I'll submit it to the higher ups, right way, in addition to the request for application of the punishment for the member."

"Thanks Jordyn, I'll wait for the results."

After hanging up the call, Beth closes her laptop, standing up she moves close to the window, the window givers her the view of the garden that she was earlier. She could see both sides of the cage, in a daze she saw a shadow, running so fast that she thought it was an illusion.

Felling a little restless, hopeless she forced to smile "They are here." after that she didn't pay attention to anything and continue with her book.

After a couple of hours, it was dinnertime, but without hunger, she won't eat, without anything to do she receives a message.

[To: Leader Beth.]

[From: ALPHA SSS1]

[Everything is clear, you have green light to bestow the respective punishments and rewards for each member]

That was the permission that was issued by first rank, level one higher ups. And that was enough for her to even kill any member of the team.

She might be a child of 10 years old, but she is far from having a mentality like one. A child in skin, but she can be ruthless, merciless with her enemies, but this Nina…

Well she doesn't deserve her attention, she is a fool, and to get rid of her is a child's play. The issue is that she didn't want to do it right now, she'll just expel her from the Academy. And when she can play more with her, outside the Academy means more freedom.

She opens the encrypted file, and it amazed her.

[Classification Mission: A]

[Team Leader: Beth (Fourth rank, level 1. SSS Agent)]

[Members: 1… 2… 3… (…)]

[-Punishments and Rewards]

Number (N) Rewards (R) Punishments (P) Total Points Academy (TPA)


> N 1, N 2, N 3, N 4:

R. +1,000 AP

P. - 150 AP

TPA. 850 AP


> N 5 and N 6:

R. +1,000 AP + 300 AP


TPA. 1,300 AP


> N 7 DIA


> N 8 and N 9

R. +1,000 AP + 100 AP

P. - 150 AP

TPA. 950 AP


> N 10




[In addition, Number 5 and Number 6 have the extra reward, being able to take part of a Classification: S and SS missions with Team Leader Beth (Agent SSS)]


Murmuring under her breath "So, they approve my request about these two, that's good, thanks Grandpa."

Knowing that she would not be in any more trouble if she were to do anything bad to Nina, with a sigh of relief she sent a message to the rest of the members.

[Regrouping in 1 hour at hall room number 1].

Without further details, the lack of information stunned those who received the message.

Some were in panic, because there was a possibility that the higher ups received the reports, which would lead them to not knowing if any extra punishment of points was possible or if they would be lowered too many points.

But that was not all, although it is true that the Academy respects the physical integrity, sometimes the punishment is so strong that it can leave you in bed for months. An example would be to receive exclusive 'training' by the second rank, level 3, Los Nova.

Another example is when you become a rag doll for some members of the Academy.

The panic, in them could not be extinguished, and the agreed time did not come, the more fearful they became, because the time did not help them at all, second by second, minute by minute.

"Why doesn't the time go faster?"

"You're telling me? Look, I'm on edge with the nerves and chills I'm getting."

"We don't know what awaits us, will they scold us? Will she announce our results?"

"I don't know."

"Got nerves!"

Number 8 was more than nervous because his partner died. It was only a short time, but no one had noticed that he was still in shock over her death.

Some people kept talking because of their nerves, others didn't speak at all and just stared at the door of the room, until...


The door swung open, and Beth walked to the front of the room, took the spot by the chair, put her laptop on a small table, looking for the cable to plug it into the projector.

Then she saw that everyone was present, including Nina, which amazed Beth, but the amazement didn't last long, since she still had a look on her face... if looks could kill, Beth she would have been in the ground long ago.

Passing her gaze on each of them "I must say that this mission, took us a month to accomplish."

Pausing, the rest thought she was praising them and that it was a short time, because A rated mission, would have to last up to 6 months, and they began to smile with satisfaction, proud of their accomplishment.

But that smile didn't last long because Beth continued, "From your faces I assume you thought it was short... Oh, you couldn't be more than wrong, you have been the worst group I have ever had, in terms of duration, it was the longest."



"Your faces, ah! It's fun to see them."

"At the beginning of the mission no leader introduces themselves with his / her actual name or rank, well in my case it was my rank, some say I'm a legend, but that doesn't matter."

Looking at their pale faces he continued "This mission would have been finished in a week, but there were some insubordination, risks, and above all, laziness, you thought it was an easy mission... But you were wrong, it is because who led you was an SSS agent."

Pale, as paper, they could not believe what was happening, the girl in front of them, a 10-year-old SSS class agent, they are the pinnacle of each rank and can only be found from the third rank to the first rank.

"Yes, this mission was my last mission of the third rank, level 1."


Nina, ah, Nina's face was such that Beth almost laughed in satisfaction and amusement. Changing color black, green, pale, green.

Anyway, the faces of the rest were not far behind, but they were not as funny as this one.

Clearing her throat, to keep her from laughing.


"You will know, that every graduate before the graduation ceremony, to move up in rank, you need to take a min mission, this mission must be the lowest ranking you have taken, mine is 'A', because of that we are present here today, but I must say that the outstanding ones were only two, the rest are either mediocre, or had the guts to make deals under the table which I must inform you, it is recorded in your file."


When they hear this, half of them wanted to faint, number 1 fainted, but Beth didn't pay attention to it, all she did was to take a glass of ice water from the nearest oasis and throw it in her face.

"If you can't handle the pressure, and the knowledge that others scrutinize all your bad deeds, you should think twice before continuing at the Academy."

"Here you don't come to play, here you come to fight to live, to become strong to protect, to kill or be killed, it's not a park where you can play hide-and-seek or catch me if you can, neither is it your home where you can be daddy and mommy's little boy or girl."