Nina's End

"Here you don't come to play, here you come to fight to live, to become strong, to protect, to kill or be killed, it's not a park where you can play hide-and-seek or catch me if you can, neither is it your home where you can be daddy and mommy's little boy or little girl."

Not that Beth is extreme or anything, but every human has a dark side in their hearts, deep down inside. Some may manifest it, some may not. But being part of a society where the stronger, with more money and more status can rule and have more rights.

What Beth wants then to understand by telling all this is, to make them realize that everything in this world, more in this society is not only pink, in this society they are in it is not convenient for parents to intervene, more rivalries are created at a higher level, instead of being a grudge between children, and young people, a grudge is created between adults, involving innocent lives.

And that's where you see rivalry 'If I can't win, I'm dragging you down with me' or 'Only one of us can live'.

Society is so dirty, that employers of the law are slowly getting involved.

That is why children and young people must have some awareness of what they do and say, and Beth, being a team leader (as well as the rest of them) have the responsibility to bring them to their senses. This being one of the Academy's missions, they may be hard lessons, but they are those hard lessons that are never forgotten.

When Beth remembered the mission she had before this one, she felt needles prick her heart, the terror and despair in the eyes of those children, so small, and they had to see the dirty side of society; the greed, the arrogance, the gluttony of their parents, made that group of children between 3 and 8 years old, suffer to such an extent that the vivacity that children should have at their ages has been lost and their eyes are like death people, just remembering it is heartbreaking, that is why Beth wants to make them come to their senses, and also that it does not impact negatively in their lives.

"You know, life always has ups and downs, could you put up with the meanness of society having the mentality so poor... 'My parents will solve everything' or 'Look who I am, don't you dare offend me because my last name is stronger' what is that? That shows what a weak mentality you have, that you can only do things because you have a certain power, which doesn't even belong to you, but to your parents."

After a pause, to make them digest what she was telling them. She couldn't help but notice Nina's face.

Only arrogance expressed in her face, Beth could not believe how dirty was not only her mind, but also her heart, of course not being able to expect much about a person who talks and plans how to destroy the future of another.

Beth just shook her head in disappointment. And then continued "Yes, that power will one day be yours, but for the moment, you have earned nothing, it is more satisfying to get things on our own merit, than to use borrowed influence from our parents or some elder in our family."

"Think about it, this society will show you no mercy if you continue like this."

There is another reason why he specified and emphasized all this, and that is because some members have stable families, they are below the Cooper families, but if they have high status, they have used their status to make those who are not at their 'level' work and have used it to annoy, and to make them risk their lives for them in the midst of the mission.

"I am disappointed in several of you, using your status to make the other member to offer his life to save your own.

The mission has group and individual rewards, but the punishments are only individual.

I will give you the final results, if you did not turn in your report you will get nothing."

When she said the last sentence, her gaze went straight to Nina, they looked directly into each other's eyes, and Nina couldn't hold the pressure of Beth's gaze, she averted her gaze to look in another direction in panic, but after a few seconds she regained her composure and returned her gaze to Beth, with a smug smile.

Beth knew why she did it. But she just sighed and went back to her computer to open the encrypted file and show it to the rest of the group.

Some member had individual rewards. Like having a day training session, exchange and give pointers with a second rank that are the Army of the Royals.

Others a week's vacation, but the reward that stood out the most was that of Number 5 and Number 6, who could be part of an S or SS rated mission with team leader Beth.

Some thought it was unfair, and wanted to complain, but when they saw Beth's face, furrowing her eyebrows on the verge of anger, when they remembered what happened in the cafeteria, all colors left their faces and shut up.

"The individual rewards were given by me, commensurate with your contributions to the mission, and were approved by the higher ups, if you have complaints, go and complain to them."

Nina, Nina didn't see his name and got angry. She aggressively and exasperatedly jumped out of the chair "And my rewards? Where are they? I demand mines!!!"

All Beth did was massage the space between her eyebrows. She was already finding it irritating just looking at Nina's face.

"Make a call to the higher ups and ask them to give them to you, I'm not giving you anything but punishments, besides I said from the beginning that if they didn't turn in the report they would get nothing, you don't have the power to make me give you anything."


Everyone was shocked, she didn't submit the report and still wants rewards.

Not forgotten that because of her they had to withdraw spontaneously, running danger and resulting in the death of a teammate, and the wounding of the team leader. She contributed nothing, and almost caused us to fail the mission. In the end they saw her with sneer.

Beth didn't want to listen to Nina anymore, and sis something which scared the others. She knocked her out! Yes, she knocked her out, they couldn't believe it, and the most amazing thing is what she said after she knocked her out.

"Nina Norland, aka number 10, you are hereby expelled from the Academy for intent to harm the integrity of the Academy and for having a desire to make an attempt on the life of your team leader...."

And she continued with listen to her faults and denunciations, when she finished mentioning them, with a snapping sound of fingers, 3 men dressed completely in white and golden masks that covered only the part of the eyes appeared.

At first glance it was noticed that they were not ordinary men, and not even the members of the army, being second rank can emit such an aura coming from their bodies alone.

Yes, they were not ordinary men, they were part of Beth's squad, the one that has been training outside her family's bodyguards.

After sending Nina away. The rest didn't want to make eye contact with team leader Beth.

Ending the rewards part, the punishments were light.

Number 8 was sweating from head to toe, he tough that he'll receive punishment for the death of number 7.

But he was wrong, instead what he receives, was an airplane ticket, with destination to the country where his mother was currently on a mission.

Apart from that there was a card, it was a pass for a renewed psychologist, for a month of consultation. The shock he received from the death of number 7 is by not means light. It could leave a scar in his heart.

The psychologist is a graduate of the Academy, and is part of Beth's family specialist team. But he was in an important mission. His mother is the same, Beth could have approached him, but he is too naïve, too young, he's not ready for responsibility, he'll come back later, after undergoing with a special training from his mother.

Everyone left. Beth went to a corner of the hall, touching a specific part of the wall with her hand, and another finger scan come into view. Getting access at the door and going forward in the darkness, there was a no so pleasant smell around there, Beth continues moving further in the darkness, until she came to a stop in front of what it seems to be a cell, there was a lamp with low light. Inside there is a little girl tied to the wall with chains, socked wet with her own blood, pee and sweat.

"Nina, oh, Nina, you could have been a good seedling…"


"Just kidding, I know you can hear me, you are hereby expelled of the Academy, you can continue to live, taking into account the Scott family's name, and advice for the future to try to not mess up with the wrong people"


"If I see you doing something evil in front of me, you are death"

A scary laugh came from Beth mouth. Yes, at this moment she was scary.

Then Beth turns to leave, walking to the same path she came from.

***A/N: Yes, it was dark, so don't ask how she could do it. That is for later***