Graduation I

Early the next morning, Beth was preparing herself for this day to come.

She was wearing a golden maxi with white stripes and a fluted hem, white high heels, and with the silver jewelry set, that her Grandpa gave her the day before.

Taking the last look in a mirror, satisfaction, it was what she feels right now.

She prepared herself, going outside the building, she notices a car and an old man besides it.

The driver was an uncle who has served in the family since Beth's father was very young; he has been in charge of driving for Beth when she has no missions.

The driver uncle, seeing her looking so gorgeous, he realized how the years were passing by; the girl he had seen grow up, was about to enter another point in her life, with her brain, being a genius is every way possible, was more than enough to support herself.

Thinking of her parents, the driver uncle could not hold back his tears. Beth seeing him like that, knew at once why he was feeling so melancholy.

"Uncle Fred, wherever they are, they will watch me from afar, I don't want tears, this day I leave many things and people behind, but it is for the future."

"Yes, little lady, they would be proud of you."

"Come on, I don't want to be late."

Heading towards the car, the driver uncle Fred opened the back door for the little lady, as they got in, they drove to their destination.

The academy is not just one building; the size is two entire cities within the country, capable of housing a total of one billion people, there are several houses, businesses, but the graduates and the higher ups ran each one of them. The economy is quite stable. There are quite few buildings for specific ranks.

4 Building of 10 Stories are for common employees, who are in charge of the daily routine, housekeeping

6 Building of 30 Stories are for family members of graduates with high value.

4 Building of 50 Stories, for Ranks 2, 3, 4 and 5.

1 Building of 60 Stories, for Rank 2 level 1.

1 Building of 70 Stories, for Rank 1 level 2 and 3.

1 Building of 100 Stories, for Rank 1 level 1.

1 Building of 160 Stories, Main building, Academy Headquarters.

As Beth, as she passed each building, she felt lonely; she didn't spend much time in each building, she only took the top floor missions, she didn't even pay attention to the other missions on the other floors.

But all she had done was with sweat, tears and blood to get where she is.

When they arrived at the main building, Beth got out of the car and headed for the main door, the guards recognized her and escorted her respectfully to the main hall on the top floor of the building, when she entered, everyone was already in there. Only the people with authority to be on the top floor were present.

Heads of families with their heirs, but only Golden Royals were present. The Silver and Cooper families did not have access to the ceremony.

The director, president of the Elite's Academy was present, all the higher ups knew the solemnity of the ceremony, the respect deserved by the girl that despite being only 10 years old; she came to earn it, of each one of them with her achievements.

Helping to proceed with the ceremony were her grandfather in a white and gold suit and her Master, wearing a solemn white suit and a golden mask which stressed his crimson red eyes.

Few knew that the man in the white suit with crimson eyes was Beth's Master, they only knew him as, either 'Director' or 'President'.

The main hall was beautiful, the crest of her Royal Family was in every corner o the hall, in every table, chair, glasses, forks, spoons, knifes, every part has her white Chrysanthemum, with golden details, a beautiful view I you ask.

Beth's best friends and family were congratulating her on this special day, but there was something missing....

"My knight with blue eyes is missing" she muttered to herself. She thought that no one had heard her, but a sarcastic voice entered her ears....

"Oh, you think you can get young master Vincent to come to this ceremony, as a girl you've got a lot of guts, a girl who is wet behind the ears, she's pumping milk, she thinks too loud."

A girl, smiled sarcastically.

She knew that the only one with blue eyes was Young Master Vincent.


"Oh, an ignorant one."

"Who let her in."

"This is a ceremony of someone important, and she dares to talk like that?"

The girl who spoke, thought they were referring to Beth. If she is someone's date, with enough authority to let her in, but ignorant at the same time for bringing in a girl who doesn't know at least basic etiquette and who to offend and who not to offend.

Beth just raised her left eyebrow and decided to ignore her. But once she turned to walk away from her, the girl got so angry that she had the intention of throwing the glass of wine she was holding in her hand at Beth.

Who would be the ignorant one, who has the guts to get mad and get back at the main person of the ceremony?

Yes, the girl doesn't know, because when Beth coming inside the hall, she was in the powder room.

When the wine was about to fall on her dress, Beth nimbly dodged the liquid, and it fell to the floor splashing on the girl's clothes, who was wearing a soft yellow dress, but the wine was a dark red color, it was too discernible.

The girl became angrier and was about to approach to slap Beth, but she was stopped by a hand with a handkerchief.

Yes, the person who stopped her, used a handkerchief to avoid physical contact.

"Well, it would be nice to know who brought this short woman?"

Looking around everyone looked at each other... No one, no one wanted to offend these heirs, not even the heads of the Golden Royals can win against their heirs. But in this one it was almost not that no one wanted to, but that no one knew who the woman was.

A boy in a waiter's suit serving drinks heard the voices and immediately recognized the girl, he turned pale, panic was evident in his eyes. It turns out that the girl had come with him, but she was supposed to help as a waitress, to make extra money, besides being a confidential and important event, the pay is quite high.

At that moment he realized what regret is, but for that there is no medicine.

The young waiter did not want to get involved in the drama that the girl was making, asking to be humiliated, all by herself.

But then he heard the arrogant, proud and hateful way of humiliating a guest of the ceremony, she is the only one who is wearing white with gold, apart from the director and the master of ceremony who according to him has a charge something.

***A/N: The master of ceremony is Beth's grandfather***.


"Little brat, don't you know how expensive this dress is? You'll have to pay for it."

"Sure, only if you leave the hall and never set foot in the Academy again."

"Y... Y... Y... You! Who do you think you are?"

Everyone stared at her with derision, sarcasm and distaste.

Raising her left eyebrow with a lot of pride "Oh, me, no one else but..."

She hadn't finished speaking when the doors to the main hall opened quickly and loudly.

It was Brother Vince's secretary. Secretary Lance in his mid-twenties, tall, muscular, an exquisite facial complexion, golden eyes, short straight hair that reached his ears, an attractive man, he had always represented the Young Master at every event, so he received almost the same respect as Brother Vince.

With a sad pout "If brother Lance is here it means he's not coming."


The appearance of the new guest mesmerized the girl. But she regained her senses when she saw him heading in her direction with a sweet smile.

Secretary Lance slowly approached Beth, but found that a girl was making eyes at him, flirting with him with a coy smile and her dress was full of wine.

He wouldn't have gotten to his position if it weren't for his intellect and sensitivity in dealing with schemes and worse in the business world.

Besides, he knows perfectly well the character of the Little Lady, who is the fiancée of Young Master Vincent. She is the only one recognized by Vincent himself.

Ignoring the girl, he went straight to Beth.

Seeing this the girl became redder with embarrassment and anger. And when she wanted to protest, she saw something that made her blood run cold, turn pale and panic-stricken at what was happening in front of her eyes.

"Little lady, the Young Master apologizes for not being able to attend your graduation, such an important day for his fiancée is an important day for him as well, but, he is on a mission that got a little complicated and that's why he could not return on time, but he sent me to wish you congratulations, bring you your gift that he has been preparing for some time, as well as a video only for you and another video for the guests."

When everyone heard that, they just nodded their heads to accept the gesture of young master Vincent to his fiancée.

That silenced the smaller voices that were not heard much, which criticized the absence of the graduate's fiancé, because of their jealousy. But they did not express it for fear that the family would retaliate.

With a sweet smile she received the gift, Beth took the device containing the personal video and thanked Secretary Lance.

She didn't know what came in that little silver box with gold details, with a sky-blue ribbon, the same blue that symbolized her eyes. She decided to open the little box, because of the emotion she forgot where she was and who was around her, and the other didn't seem to bother by it, but the person who helped her to stop the slap that the girl was going to give her, only observed the gestures that she had in front of that little box, which he wanted to snatch and destroy, and that blue color that bothered him so much to see.

Jealousy and hatred, were expressed in his eyes, but there was only one person who noticed it, Secretary Lance, and he took note of who it was to report it, he would not let his young master go through difficulties in his love life with the little lady.

With a serious expression, he caught Beth's attention.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem."

"Little lady, can the young master have something else to give you" looking sideways at the person who by the looks of his feelings for the little lady are quite strong, and seeing him taking a breath to control his emotions, returning to a calm smile, the poor Secretary felt more alarmed, "How easy it was to control his emotions, who is he?" was his immediate thought.

Taking further note of him, he decided to investigate him, but he would have to wait for later, and decided to focus his attention on the little lady again.

"Oh, what else did he give you?" Beth didn't notice the person's expressions or aura, even though she is pretty good at body reading, a person's mood is easy seen and felt for her, if this person is around here. But in her state, she could not do it, she is longing for her brother Vince, she is not interested in anything else.

Pulling a purple card out of his case, he hands it to Beth with both hands "An invitation."