Graduation II

***A/N: This is the last chapter of the volume, enjoy***

When everyone saw the color of the invitation, they were in a state of amazement.

It's amazing how Young Master Vincent was able to get a purple invitation. That card is nothing more than the invitation to the special guest dinner for one of the hidden families, one family that possess the power of the underworld, one of the two 'Emperors of the night'. The MORNING GLORY, an organization is the second most powerful family in the dark side of society.

The card was not supposed to be given in public but to Secretary Lance coming to get to know a rival for his Young Master decided to do it in public; it is also to show them who is the one who gives it and who is the one who receives it.

It is very important because each card has a configuration device for the fingerprint, if a person who is not registered in the database of the envelope come and touches it, it automatically executes poison to the person. Made from the seeds of the poisonous Morning Glory flower.

It may cause diarrhea, vomiting and even hallucinations. And if the poison is strong, it can even cause death. The poison in this flower is only taken from the seeds because that is the only part of the flower that is poisonous.

Having said all this, those present are very well-informed about it, and upon witnessing the delivery of said purple card they were astonished and their eyes showed a little fear, even the 'rival' in question turned pale.

Beth didn't care about that; she was just excited to receive gifts from her blue-eyed knight. Even if she only received a feather, rock, coin or something insignificant, as long as it was something he gave her, it was more than enough.

Seeing that little face full of smiles and longing that Beth has in her eyes, the 'rival' just smiled self-deprecatingly, self-mockery, because he can't bring that same smile Vincent makes her have just by hearing his name.

Beth with surprise that she soon removed from her face took the card and kept it in the middle of a secret pocket in her dress. Seeing this Secretary Lance looked sideways at the 'rival' and as if he was going to challenge someone, he gave him a smug smile.

But the 'rival' didn't notice, so Lance, you're being smug only to yourself.

As Beth put the card away, she returned her attention to the box, with anticipation she removed the beautiful ribbon and opened it, it was a beautiful ring; the band was silver with a golden design, but these designs were identical to the flower that adorned the entire room, on the band was a ruby, a beautiful ruby, crimson red with a design of a flower, the RED AMARYLLIS which is the crest of the Golden Royal Greenwood, rank 1 among the six families.

This ring has only one meaning, he is fully accepting the union of two families, two crests, the commitment between Beth and Vincent has been recognized by him, and as the guests could see is the detail of the ring must have taken a long time to design.

Beth felt on cloud nine, although they are engaged, they have not seen each other in several years, so she was often unsure of her future with him, but the ring calmed her anxieties and insecurities.

Disappointment, despair were the emotions the 'rival' felt. When he wanted to distract her attention from the ring, out of the corner of his eye he saw the girl who wanted to humiliate Beth, and his fury found a scapegoat, in whom to vent his anger, and at the same time distract Beth's attention from the ring.

"Oh, you plan to escape after insulting the maid of honor." Sneered.

The rest of the guests regained their senses and turned to look at the 'rival'. Following the line of their gaze, they found the girl wanting to slip out of the room.


"Someone could tell who brought her in."

It could be heard many murmurs.

Beth remembered where she was and the little lady having a pride to protect, she could only hide her embarrassment.

Cough, cough

Before she could speak the young waiter, who had let the girl take part in the ceremony, dropped on his knees in front of Beth.

With pain on his face reluctantly for humiliating himself in front of the elite. With the little pride he has left today "Little lady, I beg your pardon, it was I who brought her inside."

Beth was a little taken aback by the humbleness of the young man "What is she to you?"

With much sorrow the young man answered "My fiancée."


The fiancée of a young waiter, dared to put her arrogance on the Elite. Everyone present looked at him with pity, and just shook their heads, at this point he dares to say that she is his fiancée.

Actually, the young waiter is in his twenties, and the girl is two years his junior. Her parents were students at the Academy, but died almost five years ago in the middle of a mission.

"Angel Loan, are you willing to take punishment on behalf of that girl?" was Beth's question, to which everyone was astonished because she knew the name of a waiter. Beth knew his story and his resume, due to the fact that she carried the scrutiny of the staff that would attend the ceremony.

The young waiter Angel with much pain and regret "Yes" without a second though.

The girl saw that everything would be resolved and a sigh of relief came out of her mouth and because everyone was on silence hearing the young waiter, everyone in the room heard her sigh, and Angel as well, at that moment he wanted to cry but man's pride wouldn't let him, and he held back the tears.

"Sigh." Beth was a little disappointed in how the exchange developed.

Turning her attention to the girl. "And you? Don't you plan to be responsible for your actions? You're going to let him pay for something you did? You didn't want to help serve as a waitress, or a sous-chef, you just wanted to be part of the event and mingle with the elite? Did you want to find some patron or something?"

The girl turned pale, seeing that her motives were discovered.


Astonished by the drama unfolding those present had no idea of the girl's identity, not that they actually look down on others, they look down on people like her, but they have respect for the waiters or people who serve them. Because they do not know who can poison or kill them at any time, the most vulnerable moment can be seen by the servants.

The young waiter, Angel, didn't want to believe what he heard.

"No, little lady, she is not like that, we are engaged since we are children, she wouldn't look for someone else!!!"

Denial, when you trust someone completely and this someone betrays you, the only thing your mind does is to deny it completely, not to believe it.

Seeing the hope in her distress she came running in front of Beth "Yes, it's true. I wouldn't do such a thing, don't accuse me indiscriminately, Angel wanted me to dress this way to look for someone who would give me a better job and make more money."




The drama was getting excellent, but the popcorn and soda were missing. But some were even shameless to ask another waiter to bring some snacks.

The young waiter, Angel, could not hold back the tears anymore, having been wrongly sold that way, by the one who was supposed to be his future wife. But he knows perfectly, that with her ambition she could be the fiancée of someone with better status, so he decided to say nothing and accept everything she said silently.

"Two punishments should be implemented, this is a ceremony that only elites should attend, it is not for a random girl to come and wreak havoc and worse with the Lady of honor."

The girl turned pale when she heard that; she had not realized until now who was the girl she had offended.

The young waiter Angel had no choice but to accept his fate.

His father warned him many times, not to offend the elite of the Academy, because that could mean death or worse than that.

At that moments, Angel did not understand what his father told him, but at this moment he knew, he knew that there is something worse than death and it was humiliation, betrayal.

Disappointed the young man just closed his eyes and waited for the verdict.

Beth, turned and made contact with her Master, he only nodded his head in response to what Beth was asking with his gaze.

"Angel Loan, from now on, you will no longer be part of the staff for celebrations in the main building of the Academy."

Dumbfounded was the poor young man, knowing that his punishment was not so severe. While the girl saw the light in the tunnel, and when she was about to smile, she heard her punishment from Beth and froze.

"Anna Lauren, for having deceived not only a member of the academy staff but also for lying to a member of the Elite, you will be sent to cell 180 for severe punishment, if after the punishment you are still alive, you may leave, otherwise..."

All present higher-ups, elites, of the academy nodded their heads, it is the best punishment such a shameless girl should have, moreover if it was them, they would kill her on the spot. But the Lady of honor should implement the punishment according to her judgment. And the rest respect her decision.

When the girl was taken away, she cried, kicked, screamed, resisted completely, but the men who escorted her to the cell were not ordinary.

When all the drama with the girl was over, Beth turned to the young waiter, a small black card appeared at her right side, Beth knew it was Lina who had given her the card. Lina knows better than anyone her Young Miss.

Taking the card, she extended her arm towards the young waiter who was on his knees in desperation "Call this number and you will have a better job." The young man was a little confused, but still took the card, on the card was a simple phone number, there was no name just a silver-colored number. If you turned the card, you could see the gold highlight of the numbers.

Beth walked to the platform to begin the speeches, closely followed by Linda her assistant and Secretary Lance. The 'rival' had no reason to do so and remained behind.

Beginning the crimson-eyed Dean "Today is a day like never before, today the record in the history of Elite's Academy was broken, the first student under 15 years old became rank 1 level 3, it is an honor to have such a genius in our academy... " and continued with a face full of pride for his little disciple.

Followed by Beth's Grandfather "As a grandfather I am proud, and as an Elite and part of the Higher-Ups Council, I am astounded, the terrifying power of..." another person full of pride.

And finally, Beth. "Let's welcome to the youngest genius of the Elite's Academy..."

"Today we witnessed a moment of drama, note that some enjoyed it better than others."


Little chuckles were heard throughout the room.

"Thank you for being part of this day... it's an honor..."

When he finished his speech, everyone thought that was where the speeches would end, but they couldn't have been more wrong. Secretary Lance took out a device and plugged it into the nearest laptop with a projector, what appeared was an unfriendly face, those present felt chills when they saw those eyes, sky blue, terrifying look that could kill.

"Young master is already recording, you may begin." Said a male voice from the other side of the screen.

"Hmm..." When he heard it was already recording his expression changed, a little gentler.

"Chuckles" one that could make any woman's fantasy come true. Despite being only 15 years old the young master Vincent was an Adonis, they ended up calling him the Hades little Adonis, because of his ruthlessness, his age and his physique. The ideal boy for any girl.

***A/N: I'm sorry but he is not available ladies! ***

Her crisp voice with no emotion started the speech. "To the guests, Elites and Higher Ups, thank you for being part of my fiancée's ceremony, to give her a new start to a new volume in the book in her life, thank you for being present with her...."

Then with a sweet and gentle voice he addressed to Beth "My precious and sweet fiancée, I am completely proud of you, I am sorry for not being able to be present on such an important day like today, it is important for both of us, because your success is my success too, I hope to see you soon my dear 'Beth'"

He usually calls her 'Liz' to begin with, but being in front of many people, he knows he must hide at least one name.

Regardless of whether they are the higher-ups. Caution is never unnecessary.

When he finished his speech, Beth was as red as a tomato, she felt seduced by the words coming out of his mouth. Her legs were shaking from the nerves she felt at the sight of his beautiful eyes.

The women present were no better off, if possible, they might moan with pleasure at the sound of his male voice.

***A/N: Out perverts, Vince is only for Liz, I once read in one of my favorite novels, an interview to the LF, she just said 'The ML is only for the FL, but the Second ML is for everyone' if you know who said it and in which novel comment below!***