Behind The Scenes

Author: Here is the shameless author. I've noticed that almost nobody reads my story, and if you have arrived here, I would like to thank you very much for your support, sometimes I know as readers we don't comment in all the chapters but, in many occasions, it is good to do it to motivate the author to put more effort in the story, and if you comment, if you would like something to happen or to eliminate a character, it is also acceptable, all constructive criticism, contribution is exquisitely welcome.

Beth: Yes, that's right, I know my participation hasn't been the best of the best, but I want to tell you I will improve, and more scenes with brother Vince will come out. (She blushes shyly like a ripe cherry tomato). Also, I think I will have new friends and enemies. By the way, my family history is a bit, how to say, depressing and sorrowful, because there are a lot of secrets about my birth and...

Author: STOP!!! Beth no spoilers, you realize what you were going to say to the readers... (turning red in anger giving her a killer look).

Beth: I... I... I, I just wanted to... (cries for being wronged).

Vince: What's wrong? (cold with a frown on his face, about to explode with anger) Beth, who made you cry?

Beth: No... It's not the author's fault, it's because I was going to give spoilers to the readers... buhuhu (still crying).

Vince: (who had a vein bulging in his forehead) Author, what's your excuse? Spoiler? You want me to give them a better spoiler, for making my precious fiancée cry? (throwing a look more murderous than the murderer himself)

Author: N... No, that's unnecessary. (shaking on his legs from fear of that look).

Creepy Chef: Oh, young master Vince, are you bulling my author? Hmm? (Pulling out the kitchen knife)

Vince: (gave him muscle tick on his eyelid, realizing that of the man in front of him was dangerous, flinching at the sight of that kitchen knife) Humph, author, don't make Beth cry again. (he turned around hugged Beth by the shoulders and took her away)

Author: Phew, that was a close call to the afterlife.

Creepy Chef: Oh, my dear author, why changed my name? Hmm? (raising an eyebrow)

Author: No! My dear Chef. My beloved Antonio Barbarossa. Dearest dear! You know, I have to get on with the plot of the second volume, Arrivederci (she ran off with smoke on her feet).

Chef Barbarossa: Oh, my appearance bulling you will no longer be possible, TSK. Well, my dear readers, I hope you enjoyed the first volume, otherwise... (sharpening kitchen knives with a mischievous smile) I hone my kitchen knife for your…. (making a horizontal gesture on his neck with the kitchen knife) See you soon! Look forward to the second volume! Adieu!




Author: Gone? Sigh. That's good, I'm still scared of his smile and even more when he pulls out the kitchen knifes, you do not know what he can do. Just thinking about it gives me the creeps, but if I keep talking about him, he'll figure it out, I don't know how but, he will....

Readers: If you don't know how, it will be worse for us... didn't you create him that way? (Rolling their eyes)

Author: Well, that's all for now, be careful of that 'rival' that appeared in these last chapters. He is dangerous.

Author: I-

(BAM, door opens abruptly, startling the author)

'Rival': Oh, author I think you were talking about me?

Author: (looking around in panic) where's that creepy chef when you need him....

'Rival': Hmm (sadistic, psychopathic look).

Author: Dear readers, I'm scared, so let's end this here okay? I wanted to have more time to chat with you, but it's not possible.

Lucius Gustaf: Hmm, bullying the author? Keep it up, and you won't have any more scenes in the story.

Author (saw the light of hope, almost jumped in and hugged his tight) Yes, that's right. No bullying the author Darling. (nodding her head several times like a chick eating his corn).

Lucius Gustaf: Chuckle

'Rival': Dare you to leave me without scenes, and worse without scenes with Beth! (Pulling out his revolver, demonstrating that he's armed).

Lucius Gustaf: (raising an eyebrow) still not leaving?

Author: Yes, shoo, shoo... (making a hand gesture running him off).

'Rival': because he could not stand that gray eyes anymore, he turned around and left angrily.

Author: Thanks, handsome!

Lucius Gustaf: No problem, I only have a favor to ask… (hesitating)

Author: For you handsome, I can give you the sky! Tell me!! (with star eyes looking at him with expectations)

Lucius Gustaf: Don't leave without a wife! I don't want to eat too much dog food and don't have anyone to see me eat it.

Author: (stared blankly at Lucius) O... Okay, if is that what you want.

Lucius Gustaf: (left with a satisfying smile on his face)

Author: (Speechless)

Well, my darlings, I got to go, and work in the second volume! See you soon, stay tuned for more fun! (leaving.... stops..... return....)

Guys, did, did you... Did you see the way Beth was crying like if I truly bully her? My god! When did she turn in a white lotus or a green tea b***? I have to make some corrections in her character, or was it she saw that Vincent was coming?



Well, she can act spoiled just for him! She deserves it. All what she went through, sigh! I won't tell you much!

Bye Bye!




Beth's Master: So, I didn't have scenes here either?

???? 1: Don't get mad, look at me... My name is still on '???? 1'

Beth's Master: Who are you??

???? 1: You will know it soon!

???? 2: Don't get to cocky here bro!

???? 3: That's right, better go before the author comes back again and see us here, she won't give us time to show ourselves.

Beth's Master: ...

???? 1: ...

???? 2: ...

???? 3: Ups...

(All of them running away!)