20 Years Later

In a dark alley in an unknown city, rested a woman on the floor, her breathing calm, her eyes serene, if you watched her from a distance it was as if she was resting with her eyes open, and as if death had nothing to do with her, but if you got closer, you would see a pool of blood, her face disfigured with cuts so deep you could see the cranial bone, her body full of her own blood drying from the cold of the night, her arms and legs dislocated, each limb with its bones broken into three parts.

She knew she would not last long, but at that moment she heard footsteps coming faster from afar, like a person was running in her way, she observed who it was, a man with a dominance aura, plus the dark suit, he gives scary vibes, but his facial features could not be seen from afar, but as he came closer, she recognized him and, in the end, she only breathed a sigh of relief.

In spite of her condition, she could speak very well without deep, shallow breaths or gasps.

Yes, a woman in her thirties, with a peaceful look, but deep inside she felt a bit of resignation and regret.

The man approached and observed her state, he could not bear to see her like that. He just knelt down and carefully lifted her up and put her in his embrace. He could not speak, because of the tears; the pain of seeing her like that and the fact that he did not know what to say the only thing that could come out of his mouth was a simple sentence, but the sentence contained all his feelings, love, longing, despair, pain, inability.

"I'm sorry my love, I love you, please don't leave me"

Knowing that what he was asking was a bit selfish, because, if the woman could survive, she would end up being a quadriplegic, able to only move her head, because he noticed that her back and neck was full of knife marks, and at first glance it was obvious that the marks were from a rustic, rusty knife. As a result of spinal cord injury.

She only looked into his eyes, those beautiful eyes that she could not help following anywhere and with a painful smile in her eyes reflected everything she wanted to tell him, but she wanted to express it in words.

"Being able to die in your embrace is the most wonderful feeling I had in my entire life.

Being able to tell you how much I love you until my deathbed is my worst regret.

Be with you, love you, form a family and live the rest of my days with you until we grow old together will be my wish.

So, live on. Live on for you, and for me.

I'm sorry for that misunderstanding. I should have believed in you, as you should have believed in me.

We were lost in our pain for the past 9 years.

We should have become a happily married couple with children by this time.

Goodbye my love!

If there is a next life, I'll give up on revenge and be with you, love you, pamper you, seduce you, and give you children. That will be my dream!"

With that the woman in the pool of her blood, her eyes turned bloodshot, and in the end she closed her eyes to the eternal slumber with a smile on her face, happy to die in the arms of her beloved man.

The man in the black suit who has her in his embrace was crying like there was no tomorrow. He took her body tightly; he was afraid to lose her body, like she'll have not a place to return.

20 years passed since she graduated from the third rank level 1. A day like today 20 years ago, she was the little beauty that was the first girl in her tens to advance to the second rank, level 3, NOVA. It was the day that he gives her that ring, that damn ring that she returned nine years ago, after that incident.

But now, 20 years later she was just a pool of flesh and broken bones.

With pain in his bloodshot eyes "This grudge will be in my heart, until I got rid of your enemy my love, then I would follow you to the afterlife"

When he was going to get up and take her body away, a group of men came and surrounded him, without his notice because he was so engrossed in the body of the woman and in his pain.

With rage the man in black suit glare to the incoming man "So, these are your true colors, traitor"

The incoming man, wearing a white suit and a red mask that covers his upper side of the face only let out a deathly chuckle.

"You think that I wanted her death?...


"I wanted her for myself!!" He, too, was pained; sadness, hate, love, ruthlessness were the emotions that painted his face.

"But she chose you!! You caused her doom, it's all your fault, and because of that I won't kill you, you'll live with regrets"

With that, he turns around to leave that place. After a few steps he stopped and without turning "I'll avenge her, you don't have the right to do it"

And with that, he left completely. Leaven the man in a black suit with the body of the woman in his embrace.

He just saw the man in white until his back disappears from sight.

Looking to the sky murmured, "Maybe it's true, I don't have the right to seek revenge for you, my love."

Despair, fear, pain, hate were written all the emotions he felt, and a gloomy aura coming out of his body.

"I have lost you. There is nothing for me to continue living here. Maybe, maybe, that way I can come to you sooner."

In the middle of the night, when only the wind can be heard. At this moment, there were sounds of footsteps coming in his way. He was resigned to death, without meaning to live, so for that reason, he didn't care.

"Is she dead?" Asked the owner of the footsteps.

"Yes, we came too late, but they... also came late..."

The silence represents their sadness for their lost; they lost the most important woman for them.

Trying to control his tears to fall from his eyes, the second man. "Did she tell you something?"

"No, but I know... I know the culprit, the traitor, and the mastermind.

"I see, let's go. We need to give her an appropriate burial"

The man that has the woman in his embrace took her more carefully and carry her in a princess style. And they went mending in the darkness, after they left started to rain.

It washed the pool of blood leaving behind by the woman.

That place was the most dangerous and dark of the country. After her death, all people knew about that nameless city. So, they started to call it, 'Sin City'. Where life was the last thing you have to be worried about.




"AGH… My head, what's going on?...

Was I not dead?



My hands are...." dumbfounded for what she was seeing...

Her hands were like white porcelain, her nails painted in a light pink, a very girly color, when she saw that, in panic touches her face, is fair, tender and soft! She let out a sigh of relief. Then, seeing her surroundings, she knew where she was. She recognizes her own room at the old house...

"And what's going on?

Did I... Perhaps, did I get something like rebirth?… It's this even this possible?"

"NOTING IS IMPOSSIBLE WHEN YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WANTS SOMETHING, believe me my dear disciple you will understand in due time, patience my little one, miracles are always in their way, it's just that they take their time to come"

She was in a daze, remembering her master words when the door was going to open and an excited and pleasant voice came to her ear.

"Oh, you are awake My Lady"

"That voice... My Lady? It's been two decades since someone calls me that way..." murmured the woman softly.

After that, she put all her thoughts aside to focus on the intruder...

It was a girl in her sixteens or seventeens; she was wearing a maid's uniform, with a white apron tied at her waist. With a cute smile on her face, she came closer to the woman on the bed.

Touching her forehead with worries on her face and voice "My Lady, you fainted after the training"

"You have to take care of you. If you don't, how I'm going to answer to the Young Master when he asks me for a report, he'll skin me alive!!!"

Not getting anything from the woman on the bed, the intruder in a maid's uniform lowers her face and saw her with shock in her eyes, because the woman was crying, and apparently she was in a daze.


With panic all over her face, "My Lady, why are you crying?"

The Little lady only got up off the bed with difficulty and throw herself to the girl in maid uniform, and sobbed in her arms like there was no tomorrow, after that she fell asleep.