You Got a Second Chance Too

After falling asleep. Her sleep was not pleasant at all. She was having a nightmare.


Stop it!

Kill me!"

It could only discern where the only three words that in her muttering. Sweating with a scowl, the time passed, until the middle of the night when her window opened and an uninvited guest walk inside her bedroom with light footsteps...

It must come to understand that her room is on the fourth floor of the mansion.

Silently the shadow of the intruder kept moving towards the bed where the young lady was suffering from her nightmare, panting.

The shadow approached, and with a warm gaze and loving eyes, watched her. The moonlight was the only light that penetrated and illuminated the room. He could see the suffering she had in her sleep. His facial features could not be distinguished because he was opposite to the moonlight. But it could only come to view the beautiful and colorful eyes that expressed so much love and pain at the same time for the lady in the bed.

The only thing he could do to reduce the pain was to get into bed under her sheets and take her in his arms, his left hand on her head caressing her and his right hand on her waist.

And in a sweet melancholy voice he whispered very close to her ear, something that would smooth her out of her nightmare.

"Everything will be all right, my love"

"Now I'm Here for you"

"This time I won't let anything happen to you, we will finish them off, Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth."

When she finished whispering, the lady on the bed stopped having agitated breathing. And she calmed down, and as if she was glad to hear those words, the corner of her lips lifted slightly, forming a small silly smile.

As if she felt the warmth of the other person, not forgetting the most important thing she unconsciously recognized, his minty body odor, the scent of that special person, and with that she moved closer to him, snuggling into his embrace and in doing so felt satisfied.

But that only left the intruder perplexed, and his body went completely stiff. He couldn't move, even though he really didn't want to. He had to leave before she woke up.

Trying to free himself, reluctantly, he began to feel uncomfortable frowning as she got closer; she was like playing with her hands all over the intruder's body and this one began to feel a warm sensation in the lower part… Well, where is his little friend.

"Ah, a cold shower awaits me." he gives a sigh in his heart.

After several attempts, discovering that he has to surrender to her, "Even asleep, you make me surrender to you my beloved."

But at that moment, an idea occurred to him. He moved his face towards her and his lips touched her forehead, leaving a light kiss on it. The moment she felt the sweet sensation on her forehead, plus the smell of mint closer to her nose, that minty smell that makes her heart melt.

No longer looking for the warmth and the smell, she surrendered to her sleep and rested more peacefully.

Seeing this, he seized the moment before she still wanted to cuddle with him, it would be dangerous to let her do so.

As a 25-year-old, healthy and physically fit man, full of stamina, he could not contain himself before the delicacy served on a silver tray. As much as he would like to, this is not the time for it.

"My love, in this life, everything will be different, I promise. I know you got a second chance too."

As he spoke, he headed for the window, glistening to leave. As he was about to climb out the window and jump, he turned his head and took one last look at his beloved.

"Yes, there are things to be done before we meet again."

And with determination in his eyes, he jumped out the window, very careful blending into the darkness. Having left behind a blue rose and a red Amaryllis.

Yes, he came back in time too, and the reason is still unknown.




Morning came. The lady in bed, opened her eyes slowly, her eyelashes trembling as she opened them. She stretched, getting up a little astonished because she felt her body relax, trying to remember what happened last night...

Confused by the wonderful sensation, she remembered she had a nightmare, but a sweet voice whispered something in her ear, and she doesn't even remember!!

The only thing she remembers is the warmth that embraced her body and the smell, the smell of that person.

"He came last night? Or… Did I dream about him?" She blinked twice, three times, to come to her senses. ....

"Could it be possible?... Taking her cell phone, she saw the date, "He should be at the military camp."

Then she turned her gaze to the window and saw the beautiful green curtain open, but the window closed.

She has always been meticulous with curtains. They must be completely closed during the night, and the fact that it is half open only means that someone came in at night.

Excited, she could only think of one thing, "The only one who knows which is my room and how to get into it is him."

The mansion is no ordinary mansion. It has mechanisms in the walls, doors, windows and balconies. If a person touches any of these, it will set off an alarm in which it sounds in several directions.

The fact that they will not sound only means two things. Firstly, the person is in the database with access to them. Secondly, the only person who has access to them is 'him'.

If he came, and he was supposed to be in the camp, where it's hard to get out, then...."

The lady was still reasoning and looking for an explanation with which she was satisfied, and only one clue was needed.

She approached the window, and there was the clue she needed. Excited, with eyes full of love and longing, she opened the window and stepped out onto the balcony.

These flowers; in her previous life, he began to give her such flowers, when she turned 25, waiting for the young lady to give the okay to the wedding, and it's the arrangement will be implemented immediately.

But because of what is going to happen when she turned 21 years old, she decided to call off the engagement, and although they got separated, he still wanted to woo her, his love for her did not decrease, but that group planned everything well and both fell into the trap of betrayal by some of their friends, creating a misunderstanding between the two, which resulted in the separation between them.

But after 5 years without knowing about each other, began to send her flowers, the same ones in her hands. Wanting to mend their relationship. Because of the love they had for each other, but in the end, they could not be together, because of a third person always intervening in their meetings.

But all that happened in their past lives, the fact that he left these flowers is a sign that he also came back in 10 years.

Yes, she is the woman who died in her pool of blood, and he is the man who held her in his arms.

But their identities have changed a lot today, just as they changed five years ago when she was 15 years old. It's like an unspoken agreement that every five years they see each other or something happens in that same span of time.

When she was five years old, they met for the first time, then when she was 10 years old they saw each other again, she received a beautiful ring in recognition of their engagement to congratulate her on her graduation, but when she was 15, she was already a girl with more responsibilities, and now the girl has grown up and is 20 years old and now there will be nothing and no one to stop the love they share, and they will be together no matter what.

>>>>Back to the young lady and the flowers.

The excited young lady reached for a beautiful silver vase with enhanced with Chrysanthemum details, a beautiful combination of the three flowers.

The red Amaryllis represents his family crest, the pride and honor of the Greenwood's, the blue rose representing their eyes, the beautiful sky blue, is darker from when they were younger. And the white chrysanthemum in the vase represents their family, the Lockhart family.

Beth, or Liz, forgot she was in her pajamas and stood on the balcony outside her window. Good thing the pajamas were not revealed, but cozy, and concealed her curves. Otherwise, even the intruder who came uninvited last night would not have been able to endure the temptation of the delicacy, and would have devoured her whole.

When she felt a chill in her chest, she shivered and looked down at the pajamas she was wearing. Shirt and long pants with a candy pattern all over them. Then she saw at the entrance to her chest, her chest was about to come out to greet the sun.

When she came to her senses, she ran back to her room and headed for the bathroom. As she did so, someone knocked on the door.