Kicking Out The Old Hag

The reason why Elizabeth started a crying rampage in the maid's arms last night, was walking in front of her, taking her to the dining room for breakfast.

When the former saw the latter again, she was controlling her urges to cry again. In her past life this little maid died taking a bullet that was supposedly aimed to Elizabeth. And that happens five years from now on.

"I'll take care more of her" She is a maid that came in a batch as maids and a butler, from Brother Vince as a gift for her twentieth birthday six months ago. They were personally trained by him.

With her unyielding character she decides to take care more of her people, and her family. Elizabeth at that moment made another decision, one in which her future will totally change wherever it is positively or negatively, only time will tell.

Elizabeth was lost in thought as she walked to the dining room. The moment she reached the doors, she woke up, and with a raised brow she walked gracefully toward- oh, not to her seat, but towards her grandfather, who was sitting in the main chair of the dining room.

She stopped in front of her grandfather, bowing at ninety degrees, a woman full of pride was bowing her head towards someone, if others saw this scene they would be shocked beyond words by the current situation, but they would think twice because of the person receiving such respect from her was no one else but, her Grandfather, the Old Master of the family, Gabriel Lockhart. One of the most influential figures in the business world.

When the old master saw what she was doing, he felt a pressure in his chest, his eyes contracted, after a few seconds they turned red, fighting a battle with his tears to keep them from falling.

"Rise, my child" and with a sour voice he was reproaching her for all these years.

"It took you long to come to your Grandpa…"


"Don't you think that a simple word is enough"

Even if he was reproaching her at the moment if someone saw his face right now, their only though will be "Are you out of your mind? Pick one emotion not three"

His eyes were smiling, his voice was sour, and his lips were pouting.

He was eager to take her hands into his own and hug her, but he tried his best to hold that urge.

Elizabeth raised her head, she knew that her grandfather just needed her to stand in front of him and say that one word, she knew her grandfather very well, a bit stubborn, childish but good-hearted, but only with the closest family and friends.

When she saw him pouting, she knew what she had to do, and as she was about to hug her grandfather-


The door adjacent to the main door of the dining room open in an abrupt manner and coming inside a group of people leading by an old woman, who was dressed in brand-new design clothes, not similar to the clothes worn by the servants of the old mansion at all. Heck! Much worse Elizabeth and her Grandfather. The comparison was abysmal. But still the old woman felt like the queen of the house.

Walking with a superfluous elegance that doesn't suit her at all... she can be seen dressed in designer clothes, trying to imitate some socialites, but she, as always looks ridiculous, only she is blind to the looks of scorn that even the servants give her.


With a frown the old Master was displeased at the abrupt interruption.

He was about to receive a hug from his granddaughter, for God's sake!

Wanting to know who had the guts to, first invade the living room in such a rude manner and secondly to interrupt what he had been longing for five years!

Indignantly he looks back to the door, and his frown deepened.

"What is this old hag doing here?" the murmur was heard by Elizabeth, many servants, and the butler who inform him that she told them thirty minutes in advance that she was coming.

Elizabeth has a small smile in her lips and her eyes full of amusement for the oncoming show.

"YOU! Old woman, what is that attitude, how rude, and you didn't have the right to come inside through that door, you come through the servants' door!"


Hearing the Old Master, the old woman tripped over her dress, almost fell, and the servant girl coming behind had to hold her up to avoid any injury.

In the old house, each room has three entrances, the first is the main door, in which the members of the main family go through; the second is the adjacent door in which special guests and branches of the family, the third door is for the servants.

To tell her that way, symbolizes the old hag status in the old household. But because of special circumstances, she receives more money than the other servants.

Elizabeth and the Old Master, decided not to pay much attention to her, and the silence that both of them give her was something that triggered the old hag even more, she likes to command and bulling the servants, she likes to go rampant and look down the surrounding others, she thinks she is the owner of the old household, as if she was the wife of the head of the family.

And at the end of the day, that's what she's been looking for; for the last three years she's lived with the Lockhart family, she has been after the money and status of them.

"Greedy Old Hag" Elizabeth whispered in her heart and a ruthless look passed over the old witch's body making the latter shiver with chills, but because she is such a fool, she didn't pay much attention and identified it as the air conditioner being too low.

"Turn it up to air conditioning, it's a little cold here" the old hag had a temper as she dared to ignore the Old Master, and went to the table as if everyone was waiting for her to start eating.

Seeing this, Elizabeth and her Grandfather just raised their eyebrows at the same time, an action inherent to both of them.

***A/N: Of course, they are Grandfather and granddaughter***.


"I have living in vain, because it is until today that I see someone who can treat the Master of the household in such a manner, disregarding his supreme status, and she's an old woman without principles, education or a drop of respect, thinking she's the mistress!"

Fired up the old hag could not contain herself and pointing her right index finger at Elizabeth "What?! You're talking to me, how spoiled you are, don't you remember who was the one who saved the old man risking her own life in the process? Who do you think you are?"

The old master furrowed his brow more deeply, the old hag not only ignored him when he reprimanded her, but she started talking so badly to his granddaughter, and he had never spoken to her like that before.

This was the first time that the Old Master saw with his own eyes how irrational the old hag is, and she still dares to raise her voice in my presence, and the worst is that she dares to reprimand his granddaughter, something that even her parents were not allowed to do.


Filled with anger, the old master abruptly rose from his chair, sending it flying backwards.


"How dare you, old hag to talk to my granddaughter like that?!"

Elizabeth, who was enjoying the show, did not continue with it "Grandfather, blood pressure, be careful, don't get angry" smoothing the Old Master, because she is afraid he might have a heart attack.

After being yelled at the old hag couldn't get over it, it was the first time that someone treat her like that.

Not giving her time to speak, Elizabeth looked at the old hag with scorn and disdain evident in her eyes "Old hag, what you say today is the last drop to overflow the glass"

Not getting what was going on, or what is she talking about, the old hag wanted to make a comeback but was interrupted.

"You may have saved my Grandfather, but don't forget, a Golden Royal cannot have a commoner like you register in the family's book of life"

The Family's book of life, is a list of each family members of the family. There is recorded, the best achievements of each generation, including their wedding and the register of the outsider that marries the Lockhart member and investigation of their background. It is not like they have anything against commoners. One of the principles of choosing a woman or man outsider to enter their family is being educated at least in etiquette, and a righteous person, with a good character and great principles.

Nothing else matters. That's the reason why Elizabeth says those words, the old hag lacked all that.

The old hag was stunned to hear what Elizabeth says about the Book of life. She knows little about it, and she only understands that she can be part of the family and have half of the family's money, if her name is writing in there.

"It's been three years since you have lived here, giving you money, cloths, shoes, purses, accessories, and more. You have used all that to your advantage, giving to your daughter, granddaughter, and the rest of your family members"

Shocked, with her mouth open so big like the size of a tennis ball, the old hag was going to deny such claims.

Elizabeth gives her a death glare "No need to deny it, Grandfather can be the Old Master of the household, but It's me who has the rights and management of the Empire and household; I have the knowledge of every single detail, or any grain of rice lost in the house"

The old hag turned pale in fright because of the death glare and because she knows what they have been up to.

She knows that her daughter and granddaughter were in cahoots with her to cheat some money from this senile old man and his son. So, she needs to endure it some more, until this senile old man dies.

Yes, the son of the Old Master is Mr. Aaron is alive, but he's been missing, because he has amnesia, he only knows that he has a wife and a daughter, and the daughter of the old hag came to know him from some connections who was he, taking the timing to hook up Master Aaron Lockhart.

And in the end because of Elizabeth distancing herself of her family, this trio succeeds to crumble the family and its fortune. When the Old Master got a heart attack and at that time, she didn't know that the snake was and insider, and when she got to know it, it was too late.

But this time they are plotting something against the amnesiac Master Aaron Lockhart and the old Master Gabriel Lockhart, this time will be different they do not know that the one in the power is no one else but Elizabeth.

"Throw her out, let her leave with some cloths and money"