Lisa and Lilith Dietrich

We have now eliminated the first rat from the old household. But that will not be the end of the old hag. She has to suffer a lot and have a painful death, just like her daughter and granddaughter will.

Elizabeth, only discovered that her father was still alive when she turned 26 years old, that day her grandfather died from a heart attack, because certain vitamins that the doctor had prescribed him, were changed by a potent poison, giving him an instant death, but that did not happen before being drugged to sign a transfer of shares in the name of the old hag.

After his death, her father returned home, taking control of everything, but he was just a puppet and the puppeteer was the daughter of the old hag, Lisa Dietrich, a family that is almost at the level of a Cooper Family, but does not have the privileges to be part of the Royals.

Because of that, Elizabeth knows her father is alive, but that he is suffering from amnesia, and thinks that the wife is Lisa and that Lisa's daughter, Lilith, is his daughter as well.

Hence, Elizabeth had just started her operation to rescue her unconscious father before he wakes up with amnesia, and eliminate the root of many misfortunes in her family, since those three witches are only pawns in someone else.

***A/N: Her father was in an induced coma, and because of that there was a reaction, leaving a blood clot in his brain, he woke up a year before his father's death (Elizabeth's Grandfather), but as a result of it, he got amnesia ***


After the old hag heard that she was being thrown out of the Old Household, she panicked. She still needed to get rid of the Old Man. Gritted her teeth. The old hag was going to criticize Elizabeth's behavior, and nag the Old Master to discipline that damn woman.

"You…" but she was interrupted before she could continue.

"She has the rights to do it, so, don't get to cocky old hag, know your place." The Old Master seeing that the servants were in a daze, and it shocked others could only nag them "You all, what are you waiting? Do you need your Young Lady to repeat herself? MOVE!" In the end he roared at them with dissatisfaction on his face. Thinking that it is time to change the staff.

The staff were in disbelief when the Old Master picks on them, but they returned to their senses, the butler went with a group of maids to pick up the things from the old hag's bedroom, another group with a butler woman that came out of nowhere, walking towards the old hag step by step.

Then two maids took one arm each and stood beside her dragging her towards the front door, trying not to be abrupt, but in the end the old hag struggled, and it was more difficult for the servants to be nicer, so, they chose to put pressure on her, and ended up throwing her away with no sympathy.

Some servants were grateful and relieved to get rid of the trash bag that had been in the Old Household for so long.

The old hag was so shameless and thick-skinned that she could not understand that she no longer had any place, nor ever had any authority to wield in the Old Household, as the real authority just threw her out.

There were two or three servants who filmed the entire process, and the favorite title is, 'Don't be greedy and try to get what was never yours in the first place', and the servants understood that very well.

Although the ones who were in favor of the old hag, just avoid any kind of eye contact with the old hag, they were lowering their heads looking at the floor saying nothing, they were completely nervous, because they knew that they had come in to work through the old woman.

But all of this didn't go unnoticed by the sharp and witty Elizabeth, since they were part of the rats that Elizabeth had to get rid of. A ruthless look flashed in her eyes, which quickly disappeared.

After they had led the old hag out of the Old Household, the guards at the entrance of the neighborhood "escorted" her in a taxi, carried her luggage, paid the fine, and gave her the military farewell salute.

How can the weak old hag struggle against retired men who served in the army?


>>>>Inside the taxi.

The old witch was furious. She only gave the address of her daughter's house. As someone had thrown her cell phone to the ground and broke, she could not call her daughter or her granddaughter.

When she got there, both women were in the living room.

Ignorant of what had happened to the Old Household, both were drinking a new imported tea brought from U Country.

When they see the old woman coming from the front door all indignant, about to cry all her grievances, it stunned them for a few seconds. After regaining their composure, they coaxed her.

After a couple of minutes, they give the old woman water to calm down.

"Mom, what's wrong? Were not you supposed to be in that Household?"

"Yes, Grandma, what are you doing here?"

Rolling her eyes, the old woman was slightly annoyed by their questions "… She just had calmed down, and they wanted her to remember her mistreatment?" Later, she pointed her index finger to the door entrance "That damn woman threw me out, look, I could only have time to bring these…"

Not understanding at first, they only paid attention to what she said that she brought something. When Lisa and Lilith saw what the old woman pointed out, they were outraged.

"Mother! / Grandma! Only that, do you bring back?!!"

"What do you want me to do if they kick me out?! Don't you understand???"


It was at that moment that they understood what was happening.

The only thing that came to their minds at that moment, was that the plan they had worked out had thrown into the gutter.

After having put everything in order, the clothes, shoes, purses, the scoundrels, Lisa and Lilith agreed to distribute some things for themselves, leaving the 'poor' old woman with some things that they did not like.

They spent a few hours until they went to the study of the house, the neighborhood, where they live, is a safe area, they have all that because of Lisa's late husband, Mr. Dietrich, he died four years ago, but his death was unknown.

His cousins ​​claim that the one who caused his death was the same wife, Lisa, because she was a greedy woman for money, and that she killed him because she has hidden an unconscious man, in that house and the husband discovered her, refusing to be part of the scheming planned by his wife Lisa and his daughter Lilith.

It is said, but no one has to discover any evidence for such an accusation. And for that reason, no family member of the husband's side visits her. The hatred is too big; they know in their hearts who are the culprit.

Yet nobody knows that all this is true, it is just that the evidence is concealed professionally.

Elizabeth in her past life who had not paid attention to this family, because she did not care what happened to them, however once the trap started and her Grandfather died, she investigated everything, and although it was too late at that time, at the moment it is not. She now has the power to overcome the same scheme, and all thanks to the information she got in her past life.

In the study room, the three women, one old, the other middle-aged, and the last one a young woman in her mid-twenties.

In the study room, the three women, one old, the other middle-aged, and the last one a young woman in her mid-twenties.

It engrossed the three of them into the discussing what to do to make the old woman returns to the old house; they did not realize that someone cracked the study's door; the hallway was dark, but when opened the door something fully illuminated it from the room's light, then it appeared a delicate white hand, nails with dark purple polish. A hand that could win a hand beauty contest.

The hand lets in what appeared to be a flying insect.

This started roaming around the place, to position itself on the highest shelf with the best view of the entire study room.

After seeing that the insect was in position, the same hand threw a little cardboard box to the ground, when the little box touched the ground, it did not make any sound, but what happened was something really strange, the hand retracted and closed the door and when it was closed; the box was opened and a gray gas came out of it. In a matter of seconds the small box had taken out an extensive amount of gas that covered the entire study, surprising the women inside, and within two more seconds they fainted.

Two minutes... Five minutes later, the door opened gently. A woman with an oxygen mask come inside. You could not see the physiognomy or the features of her face. The only thing that was seen behind were those golden eyes, with a beautiful and vibrant shine, but they held a look of indifference at the same time.

The woman with the mask approached 'the three bodies of the victims' and touched their necks to check the pulse.


"They're still alive." she said as she touched her left ear in which had a silver communicator.

Responding from the other side with a cold and sensual female voice, "Well, I need them alive. Advance the mission, leave them there."