To Rescue My Father

>>>> A couple of hours before...

Elizabeth was watching the guards say goodbye to the old hag. Seeing the taxi disappeared from her sight.

She turned around and saw that her Grandfather had a serious look and had a slight frown.

When Elizabeth saw this, she realized that her Grandfather knew what was happening. But she pretended not to understand. With a slight giggle trying to be playful

"Grandpa, why that face? Did you want the old hag to stay?"

The Old Master seeing her like this only sighed slightly, surrendering to his granddaughter's expressions.

"Are you sure about this?"

With resolution looked her eyes to his "Yes, completely"

A stern Grandfather ask her "Now will you go get him?"

"Yes, is his duty to be here"

"Okay, you can use the Command Token, you should have it the oncoming year, but you will need it from now on" To prevent what will happen then, your happiness is in strike. The last sentence could only be said in his heart, because he didn't want his granddaughter to blame herself knowing that I have the knowledge about…

The command token, is able to mobilize the army of the Golden Royals, she also has the authority to petition or give orders to the other five members of the Golden Royals.

She has access to ancient secrets. Which in her past life Elizabeth could not access because her father died a year after taking possession of the head of Golden Royal. And with his death the token disappeared, it is not known if the enemy got their hands on it, or if any ally had it in his possession. But one thing is certain, is that Elizabeth will know all the secrets, and will be scared to see what she will find, because not even her grandfather has been able to decipher the most important secret of the ancestors.

***But this story is for another time***

Elizabeth surprised that her Grandfather was willing to give her the token before she was 21 years old, which has been a tradition that has passed from generation to generation.

In her past life Elizabeth did not take possession of said token, because of what happened the day before her birthday, which led to the misunderstanding between her and Vincent.


"Don't say anything my girl, I know ..."



The silence was a bit overwhelming.

Grandpa wanted to break the ice with a contagious laugh. "Ha-ha"

Elizabeth joined him with a giggle.

When they finished laughing, they both sighed at the same time, looking at the ground, both lost in their memories, after a few minutes the Old Master abruptly raised his gaze and addressed his granddaughter in a serious and profound way. "Elizabeth Lockhart, the 123rd Head of the Lockhart Family, second in rank to the Golden Royals..."

When Elizabeth heard this, she raised her back and with a serious and solemn face, give a salute "HERE", just when she thought she had some instruction as an Old Head, she heard him sigh in defeat and only said a something that made her stunned and her body stiff. "This time do it right, there won't be another chance, appreciate it" and with that he left to his room.


Elizabeth was muttering as she watched his back walking away "He knows, could it be that ... But since when?"

Not continue thinking


The Old Master stopped but didn't even turn his head, just waited for her to continue what she wanted to say.


"This time I won't be late for any of my loved ones, so ... Don't you dare leave early and worse like that way"

He knew what she was talking about. The only thing that Old Master do was to nod his head, agreeing to what she asked. After that he continued walking elegantly and like always, with a firm step towards his room.

She was left behind with her eyes closed, trying not to cry. When the Old Master went inside his bedroom, he walked to the annex door that led to his study, walking to his chair, sitting with a calm and peaceful face, but after a moment he burst in tears, silent tears expressing his silent feelings, hurt, pain, sorrow, heartache; he was feeling down when he woke up in the morning, cause of a 'dream' he was having last night. And he knew everything in that 'dream' was true. He couldn't be aware what could have happened if he changed her fate just relying on himself, but now is different, she is back, she went through the torment of her past life.

Yes, he saw her entire life, since his death until the last breath she took in her beloved arms.

When he saw her in the dining room, he knew it was that woman who died in the pool of her blood. And what kind of woman she will become. A strong and unyielding woman.

The reason why Grandfather knows all this is unknown, and will remain so, for a long time.


Elizabeth, not wanting to suppress her emotions, but having an important mission to do, took her cellphone out of her back pocket and sent a message.

E.L. [Mission level A]


RE. X. [Issue]

E.L. [Infiltration and Extraction, Dietrich House].


RE. X. [Purpose].

E.L. [Rescue my Father].


RE. X. [!!!]


RE. X. [Roger, thirty minutes]

The person on the other side, was amazed at the reason for the infiltration. X, one of the members of her personal squad, known to many as Shadow, was the first to be recruited when she was 5 years old, and he was 15 years old, a rebellious boy in his fifties, taking orders from a 5-year-old girl was unthinkable, but the twists and turns of life and evil led him to turn to her as his last resort, At the beginning he felt unsatisfied and disgruntled, but he had to do it to save his family, but later he realized that despite being a 5-year-old girl she was too mature, there were very few occasions in which she behaved like a child, but most of the time she was an adult with a child's skin. What is commonly known as the wolf in sheep's clothing.


Elizabeth knew the mission would be a bit of a shock to the rest of the squad.

*** A mission too shocking, don't underestimate it***.

When she finished giving the mission's order to Shadow X, she walked through the first floor of the Old Household, until she reached a small door, when open there are stairs heading down to the basement after going down there was a hallway, moving forward, she found herself at the end of it, and there was a completely black door, it had no handle to open, she didn't need a key either, the only thing she needed was a retina scan.