Welcome Back, My Precious Daughter!

As she leaned in, she remembered that her eyes were a little different, and she would make a mistake when opening that door, and that will be dangerous. Without blinking she cut her index finger, waited for a drop of blood to form on it and then touched a space on the left side of the door, there was a fingerprint scan that could not be distinguished at first glance.

As she did so, there was a mechanical voice echoed throughout the hallway 'Access granted, Heiress Elizabeth Lockhart, access by blood and fingerprint' opening the door slowly, the room was completely dark. As she took the first step, the room was completely illuminated, the light was so abrupt that Elizabeth closed her eyes for two seconds.

While she is inside the room, the door automatically closed behind her. The room was a bit strange, there was only a desk, which was made of an unknown silver wood, on it were two laptops, two cell phones and a silver switch on the right side. The chair was a silver velvet chair, the walls completely black, the floor with black velvet carpet. Both pieces of furniture stood out in contrast to the walls and the floor.

A playful smile shown on Elizabeth's face. Heading towards the chair, she settled into it. Pressing the silver switch, the walls of the room immediately stopped being black and instead were several screens some had unknown codes, others had surveillance videos, and the rest were still off. Opening both laptops, Elizabeth entered a site which had no information at all, there was only one sentence on the website.

[Welcome back, my precious daughter!]

That sentence brought Elizabeth her emotions in a turmoil and through her mind went many memories of her mother, the renowned hacker, who shook the systems of many countries, infiltrating to read secrets out of boredom, leaving a message of thanks in several files in which she found entertaining.

Elizabeth just smiled when she remembered each time her mother did it, always letting her see it. For her mother, Dereck would inherit the family business and the responsibilities that come from it, but she wanted her (Elizabeth) to inherit her skills, her mother might be an Ashembert, but her maternal family was a Gustaf. Because of this she has a good relationship with Lucius Gustaf, as they are cousins. But that is a secret and a story for later.


Returning to the present, leaving those memories aside, Elizabeth let her fingers dance on both laptops, one for each hand. Being ambidextrous, her flexibility in both hands was amazing, it was as if she's playing the piano and the sound, a beautiful melody, the fact that each key could produce a certain sound was inconceivable, if the geniuses in IT saw her right now, they would realize how absurd it looks, and easy it seems when she does it. But they took their hats off in front of her presence. And they would discover several aspects with the hacker that has shaken companies, countries, and organizations fifteen years ago... but the name she was given, will remain a mystery until it is solved.

Elizabeth was able to access the security cameras from four years ago, projecting them on the screens in front of her; when Mr. Dietrich died, when her father was taken inside the house, when a construction staff arrived, when those same staff were brutally murdered. And when they met with an unknown man, dressed in a black hood, sunglasses, and mouth mask. There is no sound on the video but reading Lisa's lips... 'I induced him into a coma, did you give him the drug to get the blood clot in his brain?'

The evidence found was plentiful. Most of all the video of Mr. Dietrich's murder, not only did she drugged him to sign the complete transfer of his assets and shares of the company, but also how she made him swallow poison of his own free will.

"Hmm, that drug..."

The drug that can numb the nervous system and make people become a puppet. But for it to take effect the one being fed the drug must look into the eyes of the other person for it to take effect, making the latter the puppeteer.

Elizabeth's grandfather was also a victim of this drug in her previous life. Not wanting to see any more of it, she sent the video to Mr. Dietrich's younger brother, who would not hesitate to denounce the woman who killed the brother he adored so much.

She then proceeded to send the video of her father, and the murder of the staff to Vincent.

Yes, to Vincent, the reasons are simple, first Vincent has military authority; secondly it is because he is the leader of the Golden Royals, being so, he has the duty to ensure the safety and order of these. Besides, if something happens, Elizabeth can plead innocence for saving her father who has been in the clutches of three unscrupulous and greedy women.

But in the e-mail, she included a sentence that would strike a cupid arrow in Vincent's heart making it ticklish, so much so that he couldn't wait to sneak out of the camp again.

[Your father-in-law is in trouble; I'll get him out, and you clean up my mess Hubby <3].

After sending the relevant e-mails, Elizabeth closed the website and after that both computers, as she did so all the screens went black again. Leaving the room, of course not forgetting to modify her retina scan.

Going towards the principal door where the Butler woman, was standing in front of it, awaiting instructions with a warm smile on her face when she saw Elizabeth.

"Young Lady Elizabeth, everything is ready in the car."

"Thank you, Aunt Nola, you may leave for today, by the way, from now on, call me Eliza" the initial smile Elizabeth had when she started to speak disappeared with her last sentence.


Surprised for a moment the Butler woman Nola, quickly changed her expression back to her warm smile "As you command Young Lady Eliza" and ending with a bow of ninety degrees.

Nola has been in the family since Eliza was 3 years old, she has been in charge of attending her, despite being 10 years older than her father, she looks quite young, sometimes she is treated as a sister, but in the Old Household, she is treated as an aunt, earning the respect of everyone. There is not much information about her, only that she is married to the butler who serves the Old Master. And that she had a son, but this son, is as if he does not exist, because he never visits them.


Nola knew why the young lady wanted to change her name, though it was not change at all.

"I hope the young lady won't do anything dangerous" she murmured as she looked at the back of the beautiful lady, who has to bear a whole burden on her shoulders, the responsibility of the second rank of the Golden Royals.

"She will be fine, remember whose daughter she is" replies her husband who instantly appeared at his wife's side, watching that back disappear with awe, pride. Remembering the same silhouette of another woman.

A woman who could handle anything; strong, willful, stubborn, fierce, protective and possessive woman.